Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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Is there a way to use the Water Barrel from Pam's Havestcraft more efficiently than right-clicking with a water bucket and repeat?
(Like, I don't know, pipes, or using a larger container?)
Is there a way to use the Water Barrel from Pam's Havestcraft more efficiently than right-clicking with a water bucket and repeat?
(Like, I don't know, pipes, or using a larger container?)
I have not tried, but in BnB it'll be rather expensive.... likley you'd need to use a aqueous acumulator to feed a fluid transposer. the transposer would fill buckets which would need to be fed to any of the automated assembly devices..... I can't see it being worth the materials.

I'm sure there are other methods, particularly from AE but the above is what first came to mind.
I personally enjoy the pams mechanic.... quit handy for clearing drowning creeper pools or for any other occasions where you need to clear small to medium pools without wasting a resource that can become somewhat limited in BnB. I can't imagine ever needing so many water barrels that the bucket to barrel conversion would be a major issue.
Oh, I believe you misunderstood me.

I was speaking of the "Water Barrel" block, not the "Fresh Water" item.
The water barrel provides you with infinite water, except that the way it works is: you have to get an empty bucket in your hand, right-click the water barrel, which moves the bucket (filled with water) somewhere in your inventory. I was looking for a way to use the water provided by the barrel which would not implies to access your inventory every bucket.

EDIT: alright @Eyamaz, thanks for the clear answer!
Oh, I believe you misunderstood me.

I was speaking of the "Water Barrel" block, not the "Fresh Water" item.
The water barrel provides you with infinite water, except that the way it works is: you have to get an empty bucket in your hand, right-click the water barrel, which moves the bucket (filled with water) somewhere in your inventory. I was looking for a way to use the water provided by the barrel which would not implies to access your inventory every bucket.

Nope. It can not be automated.
Well, I was looking for a preEND way to have easy water. Otherwise I wouldn't use the Water Barrel :p
lol, yeah, as I tend to play BnB in hardcore or "near" hardcore I don't think I'll be messing with the proccess I described above anytime soon.[DOUBLEPOST=1405528762][/DOUBLEPOST]
Oh, I believe you misunderstood me.

I was speaking of the "Water Barrel" block, not the "Fresh Water" item.
The water barrel provides you with infinite water, except that the way it works is: you have to get an empty bucket in your hand, right-click the water barrel, which moves the bucket (filled with water) somewhere in your inventory. I was looking for a way to use the water provided by the barrel which would not implies to access your inventory every bucket.
oops..... *pulls foot from mouth* pardon my diareah of the mouth...... lol
Oh, I believe you misunderstood me.

I was speaking of the "Water Barrel" block, not the "Fresh Water" item.
The water barrel provides you with infinite water, except that the way it works is: you have to get an empty bucket in your hand, right-click the water barrel, which moves the bucket (filled with water) somewhere in your inventory. I was looking for a way to use the water provided by the barrel which would not implies to access your inventory every bucket.

EDIT: alright @Eyamaz, thanks for the clear answer!
You could force the bucket back into your hotbar by filling every other slot with say one block of cobble.
@Eyamaz Pardon my dumb but since the ore Gen table posted a few pages back doesn't have a direct legend how would one interpret it properly? Colors, vein and cluster numbers( of veins per chunk? And number of ore in a vein?), what does the average relate to? I've been referencing it but want to be sure I'm reading it properly.

Also whoever put together the metals spreadsheet (@Batch2 ?) It's a godsend thanks.
@Eyamaz Pardon my dumb but since the ore Gen table posted a few pages back doesn't have a direct legend how would one interpret it properly? Colors, vein and cluster numbers( of veins per chunk? And number of ore in a vein?), what does the average relate to? I've been referencing it but want to be sure I'm reading it properly.

Also whoever put together the metals spreadsheet (@Batch2 ?) It's a godsend thanks.

Cluster is the number of ore blocks it will try to generate in each ore vein,
Vein is the number of veins it will try to generate per chunk.

I believe Minecraft will try and fail to generate ores if there is an air block, or some other block generates over top of your ore block. (Biomes O Plenty and others might do this). So you're not guarenteed to get the cluster size set in the config.

Further, there's a problem with trying to generate small clusters. I think cluster sizes smaller than 4 don't generate properly which is why you see 4 as the smallest cluster size on the 1.2 page.

The red/orange/yellow is primary/secondary/tertiary levels for generation. But with cluster min size of 4 now, diamonds are really the same across the board in particular. Generally though, head for the level indicated in red to find the most of that type of ore.
[Edit: Further thought, without having seen the configs yet... I think that each colored band has it's own line in the config which will attempt to generate ore in that band of Y levels. So that means for example: 1 vein of 4 diamonds in the 4 to 8 range and another vein of 4 diamonds in the 9 to 33 range rather than a single vein between 1 and 33.]

Hope this helps. And yeah, @Batch2's spreadsheet is awesome! :)
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@Anesos thank you again. That was the exact explanation I was looking for and let's me know I was reading it properly as I was assuming it was a per chunk relation and color identities.
So anyone know what purpose of the Deep Dark is as of BnB 1.1.2? I've flown to a few dungeons there and the ores I've found are overworld only. So aside from the darkness killing us, what reason is there to go there?
I'm not sure if its a bug or something but I was having issues upgrading my Bow from Iron rods to Damascus Steel the other day. Another person on the same server had no issues when doing it. I ended up just making a new Bow but wanted to point it out. I did fail to show that there isn't an outcome bow but hopefully it helps in case its a bug. Screenshots in spoiler

Ore world gen is doubled there.

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Ahh, thank you. If that is all, its abit strange since ores are pretty abundant in the dreamworld, and safe. In the deep dark, No way to automate mining it with turtles because the chunk loader won't last long without extended power and mob essence. So you'll have to be there the entire time. Risk is not worth the reward.