Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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Decided to make a cute little amordrine scythe, and it turns out it gives me one and a half hearts of health every single time I hit a mob.... Considering it has damage/durability stats that rival manyullyn, I think it may be a little bit too strong.... I'm not sure what to do about it though. I was able to find the config for it's durability/damage, but nothing for it's healing effect....

Shameless Self Promotion
Powerful Server, Dedication to high difficulty, Public, Anarchy/Raiding/Pvp.
Note: Gas Gen Broken On Our Server.​
Decided to make a cute little amordrine scythe, and it turns out it gives me one and a half hearts of health every single time I hit a mob.... Considering it has damage/durability stats that rival manyullyn, I think it may be a little bit too strong.... I'm not sure what to do about it though. I was able to find the config for it's durability/damage, but nothing for it's healing effect....

Yeah, Amordrine has the "Healing" ability. If you look at all the metallurgy swords in NEI, you can see their abilities. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately in Eyamaz's eyes haha) most of Tinkers versions aren't updated in Iguana Tweaks, so most don't have the abilities they're meant to.
Yeah, Amordrine has the "Healing" ability. If you look at all the metallurgy swords in NEI, you can see their abilities. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately in Eyamaz's eyes haha) most of Tinkers versions aren't updated in Iguana Tweaks, so most don't have the abilities they're meant to.
I have yet to see one which doesn't have the metallurgy abilities, as long as it's made entirely out of that material. Which ones don't work?

Shameless Self Promotion
Powerful Server, Dedication to high difficulty, Public, Anarchy/Raiding/Pvp.
Note: Gas Gen Broken On Our Server.​
Yeah, Amordrine has the "Healing" ability. If you look at all the metallurgy swords in NEI, you can see their abilities. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately in Eyamaz's eyes haha) most of Tinkers versions aren't updated in Iguana Tweaks, so most don't have the abilities they're meant to.

This is a function of extraTiC, not iguana tweeks. All the abilities should now be there.
I have yet to see one which doesn't have the metallurgy abilities, as long as it's made entirely out of that material. Which ones don't work?
A few, for example Adamantine has the Ignite and Fire Resist abilities, which should set mobs on fire and give the player a short fire resist buff. Quicksilver should give a short speed buff when used, etc. You can test them each in creative to see which don't work.

This is a function of extraTiC, not iguana tweeks. All the abilities should now be there.

My bad, I was going by the word of the TiC Tooltips dev in the link there that the bug is caused by Iguana Tweaks overwriting the ExtraTiC metals. Is that not correct? I tested several of the swords in 1.0.7 (Adamantine, Quicksilver for example), and quite a few of them don't have the abilities of their standard Metallurgy counterparts. Do you mean that they are all there in 1.0.8?

edit: Oh duh, you mean the function of adding Metallurgy abilities is from ExtraTiC - I understand that. When I said the "Tinkers versions aren't updated in Iguana Tweaks," I assumed it needed to be updated to fix the missing abilities since squeek said it was the problem.

You're right though, the abilities are missing even without Iguana Tweaks installed. Again, my bad.
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I can also verify that Vyroxeres poisons enemies when hit. Well at least it applies some sort of negative effect on them.
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A few, for example Adamantine has the Ignite and Fire Resist abilities, which should set mobs on fire and give the player a short fire resist buff. Quicksilver should give a short speed buff when used, etc. You can test them each in creative to see which don't work.

My bad, I was going by the word of the TiC Tooltips dev in the link there that the bug is caused by Iguana Tweaks overwriting the ExtraTiC metals. Is that not correct? I tested several of the swords in 1.0.7 (Adamantine, Quicksilver for example), and quite a few of them don't have the abilities of their standard Metallurgy counterparts. Do you mean that they are all there in 1.0.8?

No, I don't believe they are all there. I'll have to check into that.
I can also verify that Vyroxeres poisons enemies when hit. Well at least it applies some sort of negative effect on them.
Yeah, some of them are there. Most of the ones that apply status affects to enemies seem to work I think.
No, I don't believe they are all there. I'll have to check into that.
I was jumping to conclusions as well, apologies. The abilities are missing even without Iguana Tweaks installed, so it wasn't an issue with them being overwritten.
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Silverfish now have drops. Mostly worn out leather items with small effects. +1 attack, 10% speed. However....

Twice I've gotten Feather Fall 4 boots, and just now a Prot 4, Absorbtion 5 cap. !!

I've been mining, and had to kill about 100 mobs to get those. Most fish have 8 health, a lot have 18 or 28, a few have 88. Hard to tell if the better ones drop the items, since you may be fighting a swarm. Dying of starvation is easy, even if winning the fight. So while you are earning those drops, they do seem overly generous. Especially after I toss them into a disenchanter, get a scroll and put those nice enchants on decent armor.
Silverfish now have drops. Mostly worn out leather items with small effects. +1 attack, 10% speed. However....

Twice I've gotten Feather Fall 4 boots, and just now a Prot 4, Absorbtion 5 cap. !!

I've been mining, and had to kill about 100 mobs to get those. Most fish have 8 health, a lot have 18 or 28, a few have 88. Hard to tell if the better ones drop the items, since you may be fighting a swarm. Dying of starvation is easy, even if winning the fight. So while you are earning those drops, they do seem overly generous. Especially after I toss them into a disenchanter, get a scroll and put those nice enchants on decent armor.
love to carry a bucket of lava with me, i always stay 2 blocks above the blocks im mining, if silver fish come, i pour lava on them till i find the spawner
Hey Eyamaz.
I have a bug for you. Certain invader Zombies will occasionally bug out and crash the game when you get to far away from them. I was having repetitive crashes when walking down this mining tunnel I was digging, that always happened at the same location. At first I assumed it was a corrupted chunk that was having trouble loading up ahead, but even after deleting and regenerating that entire area of the world it was still crashing at the same location. Turned out it was actually one particular invader zombie stuck in a cave on the opposite end of the loaded chunks area. Whenever I got far enough away from him the game would crash. Maybe some bit of code wasn't playing nice with his chunk unloading... an AI thing? I managed it track him down using the error logs and delete him in MCedit.

Here's the significant part of the log file:
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// There are four lights!

Time: 4/27/14 1:06 PM
Description: Ticking entity

at hostileworlds.entity.EntityInvader.func_70636_d(
at net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase.func_70071_h_(
at net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving.func_70071_h_(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(

A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

-- Head --
at hostileworlds.entity.EntityInvader.func_70636_d(
at net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase.func_70071_h_(
at net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving.func_70071_h_(

-- Entity being ticked --
Entity Type: HostileWorlds.InvaderZombie (
Entity ID: 154592
Entity Name:
Entity's Exact location: 71.52, 49.00, 136.24
Entity's Block location: World: (71,49,136), Chunk: (at 7,3,8 in 4,8; contains blocks 64,0,128 to 79,255,143), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511,255,511)
Entity's Momentum: 0.00, -0.08, 0.00


*Edit* On second though it's probably not his chunk unloading as he's at a chunk on x=7 while it was always happening when I entered a chunk at x=15. So still too close for his chunk to unload. But it was definitely this guy. Deleting him has fix the issue.
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Found a bug with the tinkers tab in inventory where you can put a torch on your head and it gives off light with the dynamic lighting mod just a headsup
Whenever I try to launch the modpack, the pack and entire application crashes. I've tried deleting CodeChickenLib-universal-1.6.4-, but when I try to launch it again, it tries to re-download the .jar file and if I cancel the download it crashes because it says it needs the file to operate even though it crashes with it. Can anyone explain to me why this happens and/or how to fix this problem?
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So those zombies that charge at you pick you up and deliver you to danger... ...I hate them so much >_<
Well I ended up decided to start a new world for my Let's Play after all. After some serious testing I managed to make it through first day without death or anything lol. Should prove to be an interesting new start overall though, already using stuff that I've never bothered with before!
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And at least you'll now have somewhat of an idea of what you're going into more than your first playthrough, what to prioritize. Should make it easier to progress faster I imagine c: