Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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The mob spawns seem oddly distributed. I've had times where i hear nothing for a night, but see 10 death messages and other people dying. The next night I'll stay just a bit to long, 3 steps from my base, and the mobs will come out of nowhere with a horde. I'm getting more and more paranoid. :) Hopefully off work soon. I need a few house of play time, both to unwind from pricing 50 year old fragile paper all day, and to make yet another set of armor and start leveling up new tools. Yesterday was harsh and lost a couple of sets. Out of lava, out of bronze, need coal for torches. The fun never ends.
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The mob spawns seem oddly distributed. I've had times where i hear nothing for a night, but see 10 death messages and other people dying. The next night I'll stay just a bit to long, 3 steps from my base, and the mobs will come out of nowhere with a horde. I'm getting more and more paranoid. :) Hopefully off work soon. I need a few house of play time, both to unwind from pricing 50 year old fragile paper all day, and to make yet another set of armor and start leveling up new tools. Yesterday was harsh and lost a couple of sets. Out of lava, out of bronze, need coal for torches. The fun never ends.
anyway to increase the mob cap?
Also can you run /cofh killall when you log on, it will tell you exactly what mobs it killed. this only kills hostile. this will let you know if it the limit is to low
anyway to increase the mob cap?
Also can you run /cofh killall when you log on, it will tell you exactly what mobs it killed. this only kills hostile. this will let you know if it the limit is to low

I don't think it kills off lycanite mobs, but will hit most of the rest.
I have a present for all of you.

Spreadsheet of metallurgy TiC Weapon and Armor values.
I've include all metallurgy, vanilla and TiC metals that can be made into Armor and used to cast TiC tools. Enjoy.

It maybe a bit of a spoiler for those of you who like to figure these things out on your own. The biggest shock was how good invar chestplates are! Chest plates don't really vary much however. It makes more sense to save the expensive metals for boots and helmets.

I know Eyamaz has been talking about re balancing some of the armor values so I'm not sure how long this will be up to date.
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I have a present for all of you.

Spreadsheet of metallurgy TiC Weapon and Armor values.
I've include all metallurgy, vanilla and TiC metals that can be made into Armor and used to cast TiC tools. Enjoy.

It maybe a bit of a spoiler for those of you who like to figure these things out on your own. The biggest shock was how good invar chestplates are! Chest plates don't really vary much however. It makes more sense to save the expensive metals for boots and helmets.

I know Eyamaz has been talking about re balancing some of the armor values so I'm not sure how long this will be up to date.

This complements that one
For those of you having mobs and villagers that are unresponsive and don't want to wait for v1.0.8, edit config/forgeChunkLoading.cfg on the server and edit line 30 to:

Then restart the server. This will fix that issue. However, the villagers that were unresponsive might be gone. For SSP, edit that file on your client and restart your client.

Not sure if this will help with mob spawns.
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I have a present for all of you.

Spreadsheet of metallurgy TiC Weapon and Armor values.
I've include all metallurgy, vanilla and TiC metals that can be made into Armor and used to cast TiC tools. Enjoy.

It maybe a bit of a spoiler for those of you who like to figure these things out on your own. The biggest shock was how good invar chestplates are! Chest plates don't really vary much however. It makes more sense to save the expensive metals for boots and helmets.

I know Eyamaz has been talking about re balancing some of the armor values so I'm not sure how long this will be up to date.

this is now added to the Survival Guides section. Abs values are changed in 1.0.8.

This does not reflect the changes made with IgTw:TiC
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Also, it is pretty cruel the amount of work you have to do just to get a few torches. Pretty much impossible to have even a single torch on your first night unless you are lucky with world gen.

Make a stone crusher - all it requires is cobble and sticks. A stone crusher can turn logs into sawdust, which can be made in a 2x2 to make sawdust pellets, which can be cooked in an oven for charcoal. Doesn't require any new materials beyond what you would traditionally need in vanilla, though of course you need *more* of everything. Still, it's doable within the 1st night.
Make a stone crusher - all it requires is cobble and sticks. A stone crusher can turn logs into sawdust, which can be made in a 2x2 to make sawdust pellets, which can be cooked in an oven for charcoal. Doesn't require any new materials beyond what you would traditionally need in vanilla, though of course you need *more* of everything. Still, it's doable within the 1st night.

That is what I meant by the amount of work :P I know all of this and I still stand by that this is nearly impossible to do unless you get lucky with world gen. Even knowing most of the tricks ahead of time only 2 out of 10 fresh worlds have I had the resources to make torches using a crusher. I have a better chance of spawning nearby a rogue dungeon or village and having free torches or finding surface coal. Spawn in the middle of a taiga, desert or ocean island and forget it. After actually truly giving the first 10 worlds a try no matter the cruelty of the RNG gods, I have gotten used to immediately deleting and restarting if my starting area doesn't meet certain criteria. Maybe I need to change my diff from Hard to Easy, but I am a masochist and will keep plugging away :P I consider myself an above average minecrafter and can figure things out pretty quickly. I feel sorry for the average player trying this pack. Of course this pack is not really for your average player anyways :P
I have a present for all of you.

Spreadsheet of metallurgy TiC Weapon and Armor values.
I've include all metallurgy, vanilla and TiC metals that can be made into Armor and used to cast TiC tools. Enjoy.
Excellent! I had been using (and working on my own copy) of the TiC and ExtraTiC one, but it's not customized for this pack. Awesome to have one that's accurate for BnB.

I'm also _really_ glad you included alloy makeups. One of the hardest parts to learning metallurgy for me is learning what I can dig, where I can dig it, and which ones are alloys.

Couple of questions.
- What does the durability in column F mean? Is it a multiplier of some sort?
- Could you shrink the columns so it can be viewed in a smaller window? I have to scroll back and forth on my secondary (4x3) monitor as it is now. Killing some whitespace should fix this.

Anyway, love it!
Any idea whats causing the night to not have as many mobs?
Forsaken has more mobs because we upped the spawn limits.

@Dezil_nz Let me know if you try doing I:dormantChunkCacheSize=0 and if it changes anything. It's something I had considered trying to see if it might deal with some spawn limit issues, but haven't gotten around to testing yet.

Forsaken Server Update: I felt wither seeds were overpowered, so they now cost 4 nether stars instead of 4 wither skulls.

Shameless Self Promotion
Powerful Server, Dedication to high difficulty, Public, Anarchy/Raiding/Pvp.
Note: Gas Gen Broken On Our Server.​
:p I know all of this and I still stand by that this is nearly impossible to do unless you get lucky with world gen.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your point, but how is this substantially different from any mod pack which uses Tinker's Construct and Iguana Tweaks? To make torches, you literally just need wood and cobblestone and that's it. The difficult part is getting the cobblestone because you need to have a flint or bone pick, plus you need to gather a lot of wood to make all those damned tool tables, patterns, tool parts, etc. It would be nice if BnB included the optional toggle to Iguana Tweaks which allows you to make early game patterns without a pattern table, because it reduces the massive amount of wood that you have to harvest before nightfall in order to avoid total disaster.

That being said, I DO agree that the early game is way too hard (in the sense that no amount of knowledge and skill will make a difference in the face of bad luck), but torches so far have been a substantially less significant concern (for me) compared to starvation and the fact that if you die, you will pretty much keep respawning in the middle of a war zone because of the mob swarming behaviors (at which point you die again and again and again until sunrise).

My strategy is generally to gather as much wood and gravel as I can during the day, then make a pickaxe before digging into the side of a wall during sunset. At that point, you can make an oven and a crusher, and use the oven for light while you wait for the crusher to produce enough sawdust. The crusher only requires you to harvest 1 extra log (4 sticks) during the day, and then the actual torch requires 2 more logs on top of that (I believe 1 log=2 sawdust piles, 4 sawdust piles=1 pellet=1 charcoal). The additional cobblestone to make the crusher (12 pieces) is less of an issue because you can harvest them at night while you are hiding underground.
That is what I meant by the amount of work :p I know all of this and I still stand by that this is nearly impossible to do unless you get lucky with world gen. Even knowing most of the tricks ahead of time only 2 out of 10 fresh worlds have I had the resources to make torches using a crusher. I have a better chance of spawning nearby a rogue dungeon or village and having free torches or finding surface coal. Spawn in the middle of a taiga, desert or ocean island and forget it. After actually truly giving the first 10 worlds a try no matter the cruelty of the RNG gods, I have gotten used to immediately deleting and restarting if my starting area doesn't meet certain criteria. Maybe I need to change my diff from Hard to Easy, but I am a masochist and will keep plugging away :p I consider myself an above average minecrafter and can figure things out pretty quickly. I feel sorry for the average player trying this pack. Of course this pack is not really for your average player anyways :p

You can get some starting points that are harsh. I guess my question is why you would ever stay there? Look at the map and head in the direction of a forest or enderforest. Desert actually isn't bad. Easy travel, chance of a village, and between cactus fruit and normal cactus a good amount of food. Soon as you get to a forest, many problems are solved. I concentrate on a temporary base up on a short post with platform at least partially over water. My goal is enough cotton for a bed, wood for a chest, and ability to store all my stuff as I die of hunger :)

And yes, you might get a bad start and have to start over. It happens. If it took me 50 tries to get started, i'd agree with the 'nearly impossible' qualifier. But it doesn't. I can get going in the majority of worlds. Now, if people approach their first day like normal minecraft, then yeah, nearly impossible :) But hopefully failure leads to wisdom.[DOUBLEPOST=1398536867][/DOUBLEPOST]in the sense that no amount of knowledge and skill will make a difference in the face of bad luck

Sort of the opposite, actually. Knowledge and skill (which hopefully means common sense), can help you to lesson risk. This means thinking things out a bit more, not taking chances. You can't cancel out "badluck". But you can and should limit the occaissons where bad luck will get you killed. Play paranoid, the world is out to get you.
Often when this happens it's a corrupt chunk. Try opening the file in MCEdit and repairing it.

Have you done this before? I'm not familiar with MCEdit. Tried downloading it but couldn't figure out how to open my world - what file should I be pointing it to?
You can get some starting points that are harsh. I guess my question is why you would ever stay there? Look at the map and head in the direction of a forest or enderforest. Desert actually isn't bad. Easy travel, chance of a village, and between cactus fruit and normal cactus a good amount of food. Soon as you get to a forest, many problems are solved. I concentrate on a temporary base up on a short post with platform at least partially over water. My goal is enough cotton for a bed, wood for a chest, and ability to store all my stuff as I die of hunger :)

I always move to a more hospitable environment, but of course that eats up valuable time on your first day which starts a domino effect. The problem is not getting started as more of a getting established before the hoards of invaders make it so you cannot leave your base to get much needed supplies. If you have 3 or more portals that you cannot get to disable, you will be hunted down and killed repeatedly. If you have scoured all the resources in the area, you have to abandon your base for a new area. You cannot take much supplies with you as it will slow you down and allow wandering invaders/mobs to hunt you down. Getting to a new area before the next night fall is very hard. Better off starting a new world. It is fun though and each try is a learning process. I'm playing several mod packs and as I ramp down playtime in others and increase in this one I'm sure I will find a formula and starting luck that will give me a more permanent world :P
Couple of questions.
- What does the durability in column F mean? Is it a multiplier of some sort?
- Could you shrink the columns so it can be viewed in a smaller window? I have to scroll back and forth on my secondary (4x3) monitor as it is now. Killing some whitespace should fix this.

Anyway, love it!

Thanks Anesos! Those durability come directly from the metallurgy configs. You're right it is a multiplier that is used to determine the durability. You could determine the in game numbers by multiplying by 13,16,11, and 15 for Boots,Chest plate,Helm and Leggings respectively... ...but it's probably best to use for comparison.
I've cropped out what white-space I can. Should be easier to read. Sometimes I forget not everyone is always on a large widescreen

I know that are already list like this in here, but i noticed than same materials weren't there, so i decided to share my list any way.

Hey nice! I've avoided including all the materials because many that appear in NEI are not actually available in game (blue slime, cactus etc... or not useful) and tried to stick to the metals. My goal is to simplify it and make it as functional as possible. That's why I've split it into separate sections. If someones starting out they have no reason to worry about the later game metals. There are so many materials now that having everything there would just serve to confuse...
I do realize that I forgot pig iron and fairy... I'll add them shortly, but I doubt it will help anyone. Are those two metals actually good for anything? Originally I started with a list of armor materials as the TiC info is all available ingame...
If you have any idea how I can figure out the missing values for enchantability I'd appreciate it. It's an extremely important value for the armor. Quite possibly the most. Till I made this list I had no idea how attractive Platinum was for armor.

@kaocrat open the level.dat file in your worlds save folder.
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You're right it is a multiplier that is used to determine the durability. You could determine the in game numbers by multiplying by 13,16,11, and 15 for Boots,Chest plate,Helm and Leggings respectively... ...but it's probably best to use for comparison.

After I posted, I thought maybe it was the multiplier per ingot, so 4 for boots, 5 for helmet, etc... but I guess that would have been a little to easy or not quite the right ratios someone was looking for. Thanks for digging up the real values.

I've cropped out what white-space I can. Should be easier to read. Sometimes I forget not everyone is always on a large widescreen

I have 1 nice widescreen, but my 2nd is a bit older. Looks great now even in a window over here. Thanks! :)

Till I made this list I had no idea how attractive Platinum was for armor.

I think I read somewhere that Platinum is most useful for alloys to increase the enchantability and speed of more mundane materials since its own durability is quite low. Looking at your spreadsheet, I only see that applying to Kalendrite + Platinum = Amordrine, but yes it increases speed, durability, and enchantability.

I see Orichalcum + Platinum = Celengil on the other spreadsheet. Missing from yours? or not in this pack?
I see Orichalcum + Platinum = Celengil on the other spreadsheet. Missing from yours? or not in this pack?

Good catch. At some point it rolled back and I had to redo the fantasy metal section. I must have forgotten the alloys.

Platinum has quite a high defense value and is really easy to get from meteors. If i was to replay I'd be wearing platinum armor probably till I got better Nether alloys. Most people underestimate how important enchantability is. I enchanted a Amorite helmet recently using only 9 enchantment levels and got Absorption IV, Fireresistance III and Unbreaking II! BloodNbones uses Absorption values for armor. That helmet now has an absorption value of 8, making it better than any unenchanted armor in the entire game. Only a cobalt chestplate ties that... Platinum has the same enchantability with only 1 less base absorbtion... Not bad for something that falls out of the sky. The only downside is mediocre durability, being about half way between bronze and gold, but with how common of an enchantment unbreaking is it's not that big of a deal.