Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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Ahhhhh it's not so bad! Can't say I've played a pack yet that necessitated this much editing to produce a watchable video series though. I love the dynamic lights effects though. Surviving off one torch for a night is a unique experience. My biggest gripe is the effect all the deaths and stressful situations have been having on my usually rock solid profanity filter! Well done sir. You have broken me.

I have a question though. Occasionally my torches will go out. What causes this? I noticed it would happen in my starter dirt hut when it was surround by man mobs. However, when I expanded the area and placed the torches deeper underground they would survive indefinitely. Does a certain mob have a darkness effect that works through walls to kill torches?

mobs have a reach and can pass through a 1 layer thick wall. silly, I know, but hard to work around.

I agree as long as it's craftable with the fresh water item! Stock functions very well as a mechanic for consuming excess food and you shouldn't be rewarded for consuming an items that you lack the resources to make in to a better recipe. One stock per item would work very well. However, please don't make it only work with water buckets. The tedium involved in crafting with a waterbucket is excruciatingly painful and boring. At least the going waterbucket->4freshwater allows you to stack the water source.

craftable from freshwater only and outputs 2 in 1.0.4. which I should be releasing later today.
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Ahhhhh it's not so bad! Can't say I've played a pack yet that necessitated this much editing to produce a watchable video series though. I love the dynamic lights effects though. Surviving off one torch for a night is a unique experience. My biggest gripe is the effect all the deaths and stressful situations have been having on my usually rock solid profanity filter! Well done sir. You have broken me.

I have a question though. Occasionally my torches will go out. What causes this? I noticed it would happen in my starter dirt hut when it was surround by man mobs. However, when I expanded the area and placed the torches deeper underground they would survive indefinitely. Does a certain mob have a darkness effect that works through walls to kill torches?

I agree as long as it's craftable with the fresh water item! Stock functions very well as a mechanic for consuming excess food and you shouldn't be rewarded for consuming an items that you lack the resources to make in to a better recipe. One stock per item would work very well. However, please don't make it only work with water buckets. The tedium involved in crafting with a waterbucket is excruciatingly painful and boring. At least the going waterbucket->4freshwater allows you to stack the water source.
The recipe would use listAllWater, so anything registered as water (fresh water, water bucket, clay water bucket, water cans, etc.) would work for crafting.

EDIT: I should read before typing. I would make the recipe use listAllWater personally.
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The recipe would use listAllWater, so anything registered as water (fresh water, water bucket, clay water bucket, water cans, etc.) would work for crafting.

EDIT: I should read before typing. I would make the recipe use listAllWater personally.

originally, I was. but people will probably convert it to fresh water anyway before using. technically, I should require all recipes using listAllwater to use only fresh water, and make you boil (smelt) buckets of water to get fresh water, but you don't get the bucket back that way. which is silly...

though if I ever get thirst working correctly...
how to make an end portal

you have to lay them out very specifically and only an admin can break them (creative mode) until I figure out how to change that at least (its similar to how bedrock works.) Basically, you have to stand in the center of where you want the portal to be and place the portals in their proper locations or they wont be "facing" the proper directions to create the portal when you put the eyes in. why mojang chose to use that mechanic is beyond me since they had a better, universal portal mechanic dealing with going to the nether (then again, this has its issues also.) I was hoping to do a video of how to create the portal inb4 someone actually reached that point.

I recorded some stuff in a test world today and covered the end portal crafting and construction a bit here:
(The end portal part starts at 15:00 minutes, but the forum keeps converting my link and I can't get it to link directly to that time automatically.)
nope, first this issue has come across my desk. Looks like you have a corrupted chunk.

We had a similar issue on the server we set up. Basically the game crashed when ever someone in the nether tried to go back to overworld, or logged out of the game. Everyone else got busy, so i moved on to a new server, and didn't really think on it, until brought up here.
I have a question though. Occasionally my torches will go out. What causes this? I noticed it would happen in my starter dirt hut when it was surround by man mobs. However, when I expanded the area and placed the torches deeper underground they would survive indefinitely. Does a certain mob have a darkness effect that works through walls to kill torches?

That is a feature of Special Mobs:
# If true, zombies will passively destroy nearby light sources and farmland.
B: passive_griefing=true​
It's very useful for the zombies reign of terror. One gets lose, knocks out torches and suddenly more can spawn.

I'm lighting my home with classy and functional glowstone lamps.
You mentioned 1.04 coming soon, will Persimmons be getting a nerf at that time. They are pretty out of line with the rest of the pack. I had raided a village, gotten potatoes and carrots, and along with strawberries, planted about 100 blocks of garden. That was two real days ago. Hours of gametime past and so far i have harvest 5 potatoes and 10 strawberries as the plants matured. About 2 hours ago I planted 4 persimmon trees. I haven't eaten anything but Persimmons since then, and have 84 extra Persimmons. And a very common tree in BoP in some biomes.
You mentioned 1.04 coming soon, will Persimmons be getting a nerf at that time. They are pretty out of line with the rest of the pack. I had raided a village, gotten potatoes and carrots, and along with strawberries, planted about 100 blocks of garden. That was two real days ago. Hours of gametime past and so far i have harvest 5 potatoes and 10 strawberries as the plants matured. About 2 hours ago I planted 4 persimmon trees. I haven't eaten anything but Persimmons since then, and have 84 extra Persimmons. And a very common tree in BoP in some biomes.

I can't do anything with persimmons until iguana has time to get back to his mods. We had prog from TiC update iguana tweaks for TiC (with iguana's permission) just so jaded and I could update our TiC for bug fixes.
I tell people if they want to "keep true" to not use persimmons until we can fix them.
I'm working on some spawning issues atm, then releasing 1.0.4. They cropped up over the weekend and are delaying the update.
That is a feature of Special Mobs:
# If true, zombies will passively destroy nearby light sources and farmland.
B: passive_griefing=true​

I think it's a great feature. Give the mobs a way to fight back against the torch spawn. As long as they don't burn out themselves naturally I'm all for it!
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Edit:deleted tapatalk derpy miss quote

Tip. You have to silk touch glowstone blocks to get them as of 1.0.3. No cheaty for you. :P
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So, this may get me lynched by a few people..but shouldn't the enderthermic pump and the ender quarry be post ender? I had assumed they were until someone on the server I was playing on talked about makeing the quarry. I went through the recipes expecting to see dragon essence or something like it required, but it looks doable at my current stage, and I've only hit the nether for about 3 hours.

The pump lets you gather drums of lava to power lava generators and run automation easily, even without tesseracts.

The quarry is arguably the biggest 'Endgame" item, as it means an end to mining and a lot of the dangers associated with mining.
As it's the item many people would work for, i saw it as the big item you could get at the end of the progression, not before you do the grind to beat multiple withers to create an end portal, kill the dragon, etc.

Am I missing something needed to make these items?
So, this may get me lynched by a few people..but shouldn't the enderthermic pump and the ender quarry be post ender? I had assumed they were until someone on the server I was playing on talked about makeing the quarry. I went through the recipes expecting to see dragon essence or something like it required, but it looks doable at my current stage, and I've only hit the nether for about 3 hours.

The pump lets you gather drums of lava to power lava generators and run automation easily, even without tesseracts.

The quarry is arguably the biggest 'Endgame" item, as it means an end to mining and a lot of the dangers associated with mining.
As it's the item many people would work for, i saw it as the big item you could get at the end of the progression, not before you do the grind to beat multiple withers to create an end portal, kill the dragon, etc.

Am I missing something needed to make these items?

the quarry is being moved to ENDgame as of 1.0.4, as is the drum (since it is 4 resonant ender tanks in capacity) the pump will remain pre End. Since you cant pump transdimensional until ENDgame, the pump isnt a game breaker preEND imho.
ah, cool. That makes me happy. It just seemed like you'd have a lonely ender dragon sitting up there bored :) And yes, the drum is hugely better than any of the tanks in terms of ease of making it, and how much it holds.

Ok, next question. I haven't played much with the new generators, but they look much easier to use than the dynamos from Thermal Expansion. I was resigned to packing water to make my steam dynamos work until i got enough vulcanite and sanganite to get a magma crucibles and dynamos. But looking at it, it's far easier to just make a furnace generator, and no water needed. Plus solar, pink, and culinary. The other generators either look balanced vs TE in terms of resources needed, or they take non replenishable items such as enderpearls, nether stars, or potions. (although the word 'autobrewer just popped into my head...hmm, interesting idea).

I haven't looked into how much RF they put out, but was told the Furnace Generator is equivalent to the Steam Dynamo. Even if it's 1/4 as good, it gets around the need for water, which in this pack is a steep hurdle.
I used the survivalist generator. It is slow as crap, but I have been harvesting loads of rubber trees for torches and I had chests upon chests of rubber wood that I would convert into charcoal and throw into the genny. Very good power production I think.

What about strongboxes? You know they negate the weight limitation completely right? Fill up a strongbox, use a wrench and pick it up, all gear inside and no weight at all.
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