Very nice information. When my pick was in its flint stage, the first thing I ever got was boosted. It didn't boost my mining level though, and it also doesn't say boosted xp. It just said boosted, but the mining lvl stayed the same. I assumed it was boosting the xp. Anyway, I soon upgraded the whole pick to copper parts. A few mining levels later it got +mining level (iron.) Right after that I upgraded it to full iron parts. ( I know eventually I will want to mix up material on my tools for better stats)If I understand you correctly and you've replaced the flint pickhead with an iron one, then you need to either use the pick until you get the xp required to "boost" the pick or use the correct mob head to boost the pick.
The mining level of the pick is based on the material of the pickhead. Each material starts at its own mining level and then will eventually "boost" to the next mining level (flint is the only exception). Then you can make a new pick head out of the new material, which will then need to be boosted. Repeat over and over and over...
Basically, if you look at your pick's tool tip it will either show "boosted" or show a boost xp level. If it shows "Boosted" then you need to replace the head with the next material. If it shows boost xp then you need to do more mining with it or apply the correct mob head. The mob head tooltip has more info.
And fyi the tool has to be fully repaired to swap out parts.
We once got to a point where we had exhausted all the food surrounding our base and we did not have a farm up and running. We bit the bullet and reset the server.
I find a Sky base to be the easiest way to make a secure base.. check out one of my sky bases if you get time.
Also get use to not using blocks on the griefing list until your in a safe secure area where you can build safely. My griefing list video will show you how to find it and a link to my Google drive list.
And having a wall with a torch on the inner side its just asking for a creeper explosion, since he 'knows' if he explodes near the wall, it will hit the torch. Always dig a 2-3 deep hole around the base, so mobs cant be at the same level and knock/destroy stuff through the walls. Yes, mobs cheat and can hit you through walls!A lot of mob damage comes from players building, placing some blocks, a torch, etc
Comes night, the mobs want to erase your work. If you need to build stairs, ramps, paths, make sure to use stone or stone bricks, not cobble. Or just plain dirt.
Alright, a thousand deaths and a few cacodemons later I actually found my first tear! So it's no myth, they actually do drop \o/ Only 3 more to go *shivers*Finding Ghast Tears is becoming my hardest challenge yet in this pack. I've shot about a dozen of those nasty floating heads (and died about the same amount) but none of them ever dropped me a tear. Did you by any chance disable them being able to drop tears or am I just very unlucky?
Or could you maybe consider making them available as rare dungeon loot? @Eyamaz (OK, now I am just dreaming I guess)
Very nice information. When my pick was in its flint stage, the first thing I ever got was boosted. It didn't boost my mining level though, and it also doesn't say boosted xp. It just said boosted, but the mining lvl stayed the same. I assumed it was boosting the xp. Anyway, I soon upgraded the whole pick to copper parts. A few mining levels later it got +mining level (iron.) Right after that I upgraded it to full iron parts. ( I know eventually I will want to mix up material on my tools for better stats)
So if I'm understanding you correctly, each pick is programmed to eventually get +1 mining level, and it's not luck? If that's the case I'll keep leveling it up. If not I'll start farming creepers for a head.
Yeah, I don't think luck works on bows nor arrows. Good luck on your hunt!Alright, a thousand deaths and a few cacodemons later I actually found my first tear! So it's no myth, they actually do drop \o/ Only 3 more to go *shivers*
Fortune might help but I don't think thats a thing on bows, even with TiCon right?
Hey thanks for that. I think the game changed since then though. Iron can only pick at a iron level, and tin is at a bronze level. Sadly I can't pick tin with iron. I need to get +1 mining via leveling my pick, or a creeper head to mine tin.Sqitchy you can see pickaxe tier progression on my excel spread sheet if you want to... Just look at the pickaxe tier tab (WIP-Always being updated)
Hey thanks for that. I think the game changed since then though. Iron can only pick at a iron level, and tin is at a bronze level. Sadly I can't pick tin with iron. I need to get +1 mining via leveling my pick, or a creeper head to mine tin.
Boosting your tool is different than leveling it up. Which is why boost xp is listed differently. All tools by default can mine their own level (so an iron pic can mine iron, ect). But once boosted, they can mine the next level up. I didn't look at it, but I'm guessing that his spreadsheet shows what things can mine when boosted.
Confess, you just love to be at the bottom of that ravine!!I apologize. It seems I didn't look far enough to the right to see the boosted part.
I 100% agree with you, and I'm on the same version.
Yesterday my iron pick was about to break so I was forced to explore the dark ravine next to my fort. So much ore in there, but also mob spawners. I jumped down into the water and realized what a mistake it was as mobs started spawning.
Somehow I managed to get away, but my pick was about to break. During this moment of pure horror my pick and sword leveled up. My pick got + mining level so now I can mine tin! The sword got beheading. Only problem is I'm stuck halfway from the top with a pick at 4% durability.
I use cobble and get all the way to the top and see grass. I start thinking "Sweet beautiful light" and what happens? I fall back down into the ravine and somehow live with 1 heart. By this time my friends came and threw me down a flint pick and some cobble. I honestly should have died down there XD
Confess, you just love to be at the bottom of that ravine!!
Well, time to google what happened with bukkit! Thankfully, everything bukkit plugins do could be made with forge. I'm sure if you ask nicely the things you wanted can still happenStuff:
I may be being forced to reconsider a design decision for 1.7 packs. Craftbukkit was issued a DMCA takedown this morning. Depending on how this pans out, I may or may not be able to include Cauldron and bukkit plugins server side which is part of my current design. It won't set me behind much, but a few things may end up changing.
1.1.4 will be pushed either tonight or tomorrow. I've been going through the thousands of 1.6 bug reports on all the packs regarding the nether crash to try to find the common cause and why its so frequent for some people now. No luck. All the reports point to vanilla dimension code that I was told months ago was fixed in 1.7.2. I was hoping to find something and get an ASM patch to fix it, but it's doubtful without knowing what the cause is and only knowing where the crash is. No more reason to delay a final update now.
FTB 1.6 final updates are just kinda sitting there...
Staring at me angrily.
I broke some things and had to start the updates over from scratch, but with 1.8 out now, I don't even want to look at 1.6 anymore. I need to concentrate myself on getting 1.7 packs out to testers asap. So those people should be prepared for me to beat on them with iF and BnB alphas soon.
For those who may be angry about whatever "promises" I am assumed to have made that I haven't kept. Sorry. If you really want to complain about a free product I help provide to you, just don't. I do this because I enjoy it and it makes me happy when I provide enjoyment to people. I'm not here to work for you.
That being said, I do apologise to more than a few people that I was more than a little rude to in PMs. A couple of you didn't deserve it and I can't really excuse the break down. Stress is stress and I let personal issues flow into my community involvement. As a person that is looked up to in the community, not really an acceptable thing, but I'm only human.
Back to less depressing things...
Watch for iF and BnB 2.0 previews, streams, and YouTube related testing/prerelease stuff soon.
Note: this is not an ETA. Nothing will be publicly available until I'm damn well ready to say here you go. A couple mods I'm using are not public yet, also.
Well, time to google what happened with bukkit! Thankfully, everything bukkit plugins do could be made with forge. I'm sure if you ask nicely the things you wanted can still happen.
Good to hear 1.1.4 will be out right away (even though it'll probably be a week). That nether crash is seriously the worst. I've never seen a single crashlog that actually points to the problem. >_> Thanks for trying so hard to find it though.
You gotta relax bro. You do this for enjoyment, don't get so stressed! Somehow the world is still around even though the updates took longer than expected.
Might I suggest a checklist of things that have to be finished before an update rather than an ETA in the future? At least personally, I would rather see things from that viewpoint than a time approximation; Because everyone past adolescence knows that life happens. ETA's just cause unneeded stress, anxiety, and frustration for everyone. Besides, maybe it would even make people better understand how many things go into making FTB packs.
For those who may be angry about whatever "promises" I am assumed to have made that I haven't kept. Sorry. If you really want to complain about a free product I help provide to you, just don't. I do this because I enjoy it and it makes me happy when I provide enjoyment to people. I'm not here to work for you.
I should hire you to work in my shops. You have exactly the right attitude. I have developed my jaded outlook over the years of running free campaigns and events for gamers
Some people feel that because they chose to invest time into something you're involved with as well, that you owe them. It just isn't true. In fact, just the opposite. People should owe you gratitude for the work you do, that they benefit from, for free.
Sadly, the reward for doing a good often just another job.
And you sir, have done a good job.
I and others appreciate it. May those that don't get eaten repeatedly by baby zombies.