Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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many thanks that makes the first 3 days about a million times better to get through, having to wait 25 food pieces untill you can get 3 hearts back is.. frustrating.

Yea that is a great change... makes managing the food much easier. Almost makes up for the roguelikes being made out of obsidian now. :) No gravel - no mossy stone - no breaking through the walls to raid chests under ground (till you get a pick capable of obsidian anyway). Makes things much harder. Still not sure where I will get mossy stone from - probably have to make it with that nature essence stuff once I get to the nether and find some.
Regarding metal mining levels, I'll suggest you check out this excellent video Batch_2 did to clear it up:

Also, his spreadsheet on the first post gives tons of info. Here's a re-link to that for convenience:

You can see there that Steel material starts as Bronze level (and then boosts to Steel). You'll need Steel level to break netherrack and some basic metals in the Nether. Then you'll want to boost to Shadow Steel to get to the next tier. Batch_2 covered it well in his video above. :)
Regarding metal mining levels, I'll suggest you check out this excellent video Batch_2 did to clear it up:

Also, his spreadsheet on the first post gives tons of info. Here's a re-link to that for convenience:

You can see there that Steel material starts as Bronze level (and then boosts to Steel). You'll need Steel level to break netherrack and some basic metals in the Nether. Then you'll want to boost to Shadow Steel to get to the next tier. Batch_2 covered it well in his video above. :)
Thank you. I enjoy your let's play series.
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Nope, haven't done anything else with BnBTweaks. Do you have a way to view the bytecode of the code you're patching? I believe I use this Eclipse plugin. A good method is to copy the source file that you want to patch into your project and make the changes you intend to make. Then, view the bytecode and note the changes that your inserted code makes and inject that bytecode sequence in the proper location using ASM. I've gone a bit ASM crazy with my recent mods, so you can see some more example code here and here.

Also note that I'm not a strong Java developer (Minecraft mods are my first introduction to it) and I have no idea if I'm using ASM in the best way.
Well, progress has been made. I managed to change his spawn position, but now it's in the void... XD Fixing time lol.
Is there any way to get mossy cobblestone earlier in the game now that it's not a part of roguelikes? I searched quite a bit for a vanilla spawner that might have some around it but had no luck.
Is there any way to get mossy cobblestone earlier in the game now that it's not a part of roguelikes? I searched quite a bit for a vanilla spawner that might have some around it but had no luck.
Yeah, mossy is going to be tough right now for 1.1.2 worlds. I believe the plan is for Obsidian towers to be somewhat rare when 1.2 goes out, but right now all of the towers are obsidian. That being said, I'm not sure the other towers will be mossy / stone though... so this may just be a thing now. I don't know of any other easy way to get moss balls for repair.
Yeah, mossy is going to be tough right now for 1.1.2 worlds. I believe the plan is for Obsidian towers to be somewhat rare when 1.2 goes out, but right now all of the towers are obsidian. That being said, I'm not sure the other towers will be mossy / stone though... so this may just be a thing now. I don't know of any other easy way to get moss balls for repair.

I added my own temporary recipe for it since I enjoy having it available for repairs earlier on, it's a water bucket or clay water bucket surrounded by cobblestone. If anyone wants it:

#Mossy stone
recipes.addShaped(<98:1> * 8, [[<4>,<4>,<4>],[<4>,<326>,<4>],[<4>,<4>,<4>]]);
recipes.addShaped(<98:1> * 8, [[<4>,<4>,<4>],[<4>,<25968>,<4>],[<4>,<4>,<4>]]);

Also, I found a few flint and steel in the roguelike chests, I'm not sure we're supposed to be able to get those easily, but if not it should probably be removed from the possible loot.
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Nope, haven't done anything else with BnBTweaks. Do you have a way to view the bytecode of the code you're patching? I believe I use this Eclipse plugin. A good method is to copy the source file that you want to patch into your project and make the changes you intend to make. Then, view the bytecode and note the changes that your inserted code makes and inject that bytecode sequence in the proper location using ASM. I've gone a bit ASM crazy with my recent mods, so you can see some more example code here and here.

Also note that I'm not a strong Java developer (Minecraft mods are my first introduction to it) and I have no idea if I'm using ASM in the best way.
My god I'm amazing. Ever tried to loop through all the instructions in a MethodNode and remove all of them? Does not turn out well XD. Seems it even deletes the code required for an empty method to even run XD. Any chance you did something this insane in the past and have a list of Opcodes to ignore? Currently just slowly working my way through finding em. :p

EDIT: SUCCESS! Forked github and sent you a pull request for new code additions which stop Hostile Worlds from spawning the boss pyramid(So his dumb ass doesn't suffocate to death anymore). I have a compiled version tested to work with 1.1.2 if you would like it. :p

EDITEDIT: I am just so excited, and I just cannot hide it.
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Got the following crash report three different times on my server today. We're only 2 (real) days into it, and just hitting the nether. The server was a little laggy at times up until the nether, but the crashes didn't happen until after we had been there.

Does anyone happen to know what's going on here?
Got the following crash report three different times on my server today. We're only 2 (real) days into it, and just hitting the nether. The server was a little laggy at times up until the nether, but the crashes didn't happen until after we had been there.

Does anyone happen to know what's going on here?
Well, based on the info in that log, it seems minecraft attempted to generate something, but one of the variables was null. In other words, from what I see that log gives absolutely no useful information whatsoever. Points to only vanilla methods in the stack trace.

EDIT: On a deeper examination, it seems that the server may be attempting to unload a chunk which doesn't exist/isn't loaded? Something to do with chunk unloading, anyways.
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Anyone that has experienced the "health not being restored even though it should be" bug (or anyone that wants to try to help find the cause of it), if you could install this debug version of The Spice of Life it'd be a huge help. It's no different from the regular version, except that it will print some (hopefully) useful information to the log. Then, if you experience the bug, just send me your log file.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, if you're playing on a server, it'd be most helpful for the debug version to be on the server.
I got the bug you mentioned but it's fixed after eating juice. Smoothies and higher tier food will start regaining health normally afterwards
Is there a way I can set the max damage of vanilla tools to the default damage? I keep finding vanilla tools and weps, but they only have a max of 1 use, and it irritates me to no end that I found an awesome reward but cannot use it.
Is there a way I can set the max damage of vanilla tools to the default damage? I keep finding vanilla tools and weps, but they only have a max of 1 use, and it irritates me to no end that I found an awesome reward but cannot use it.
It's a way to disable vanilla tools without removing them completely since they may be used in some crafting recipes. Sure you could enable them again, but then it's not Blood N' Bones! Make TiC tools. They're better anyway. :)
@Eyamaz I noticed in several test worlds on 1.1.2 that dungeon loot in Rogue Dungeons has been severely nerfed. Where each chest used to have maybe 4-8+ torches now there 1-2 candles. I have yet to find a single ore ingot or a redstone. Every chest seems to mainly give: a few juices, candles, leather pants, flint&steel (seems to be 1 in almost every chest), stone pick, stone sword and sometimes, sticks, horse armour.

Is this working as intended or are they being rebalanced in 1.2.0?

How long dose it take for fruit saplings to grow or is that disabled?
I've experienced varying times for this. I recently planted a large fruit tree farm and the results surprised me. Some trees like cinnamon and banana grew in one minecraft day, others like peppercorn and pomegranate took about three. My coconut tree has yet to grow after five days...

You can always apply a little bonemeal for instant growth.
@Eyamaz I noticed in several test worlds on 1.1.2 that dungeon loot in Rogue Dungeons has been severely nerfed. Where each chest used to have maybe 4-8+ torches now there 1-2 candles. I have yet to find a single ore ingot or a redstone. Every chest seems to mainly give: a few juices, candles, leather pants, flint&steel (seems to be 1 in almost every chest), stone pick, stone sword and sometimes, sticks, horse armour.

Is this working as intended or are they being rebalanced in 1.2.0?


What you get in 1.1.2 is the basics that I will be expanding on. Candles will be predominant in dungeon chests over torches.
Gear, like armor and a weapons, will only be found in loot specific chests.
just gather the un-matured fruit, then chop down the tree, and replant a new one, bone meal the tree sapling once. repeat.
The only problem with that is the fruit trees that require jungle saplings unless you've found yourself in a jungle biome, due to the jungle saplings being much rarer to drop. It's definitely not a guarantee to get the sapling drop from your fruit tree.