Necros? I don't get the reference... >.>Sorry, not giving the answer to your problem, but please, remember, most people (incluing me) don't like necros. Many people (like me) will complain with you for necroing. My advice is not to necro. But I am not a mod, I can't stop you!
Necros? I don't get the reference... >.>
Oh. Yay! Thank you. <3Mystcraft fully supports BoP with pages.
Practically everything in this forum is dead. >.> I just got here by searching for comparisons between the two mods. Also, wasn't the OP scolded for NOT posting in an older thread but starting a new one instead? Or was he just supposed to leave the whole conversation alone, because it's already been done before?
(Edit: Also, this thread isn't old by my standards at all. >.>)
That is a real shame. Forums are meant for discussion. That sort of thinking can kill a forum.Just repeat after me.
You. just. can't. win...
I think what people want is for you to look at the old thread, glean what's on it and just not post. That is assuming the posts in question helped you at all.
You. just. can't. win...
That is a real shame. Forums are meant for discussion. That sort of thinking can kill a forum.
What would be really interesting is if Mystcraft had a native controller for each biome mod and let one use multiple native biome controller pages functionally. The general idea then being that for pre-set dimensions one could config which biome mod/vanilla would be used (natura nether versus vanilla nether for example) and then one could also create mashup dimensions where multiple biome mods run rampant via normal mystcraft mechanics. That way many biome mods could be installed without necessarily conflicting with a given default config'd world generation.
tl;dr: XCompWiz, please fix all the things.
That might be nice. They're supposed to be overhauling biomes anyway.To revisit this particular comment of mine, I realize now that this is currently impossible due to the limited amount of biomes IDs that exist. I discovered this by digging around in the config for more recent versions of Mystcraft, where every single possible Biome ID is already configurable for pages. However if Minecraft 1.7 manages to do for biomes what it will be doing for blocks (replacing IDs with names), this is something that could be implemented.
(See, new information and even old discussions continue.)
Guess I didn't. It didn't seem like a logical argument to me.I think you didn't get what I was saying...
Guess I didn't. It didn't seem like a logical argument to me.
That's a pretty useless thing to get mad over. But then again, people get mad enough when someone makes a new thread. Like Azzanine suggested, it's a no-win.
NO. People get mad when you make a new POINTLESS thread, with questions that have already been answered.