Hey every one! I just have started Survival series, and I already go out of rules, but this Map is wonderful
I like It
so don`t miss all episodes 
Hope you enjoy

Go ahead and keep your current map, I said the apple oak is fine the way it is. It's just a minor boost. You might want to put the sapling in the desert island chest, though, if you want the intended experience. And the minium stone takes a while to get as well, a lot of monster slaying and waiting for villagers to breed. I am also going to make a minor tweak to the Nether. I will change the blaze shard to a blaze spawner. This way you can make your own shard, and it drives home the point that once you place it, there's no un-placing it.
By blaze shard I mean a soul shard with blazes in it. You can make your own relatively easily, but still.
On another note, be sure you have reliquary enabled! without alkahestry a lot of stuff becomes painful to produce.
Oh, and I don't know how good I'll be on camera without a mic.
Bah this is annoying. The program I just wrote? yeah... somehow I wrote code that kills servers...
I will be updating for the new direwolf20 modpack. I just gave up on unleashed because I could not for the life of me get my code to not crash the internal server.
Has work on this halted completely? I liked this a lot back in 1.4.7.I will be updating for the new direwolf20 modpack. I just gave up on unleashed because I could not for the life of me get my code to not crash the internal server.
He told me he stoped, though I could be wrongHas work on this halted completely? I liked this a lot back in 1.4.7.