[BETA] Skyblock Unleashed Faithful [ Update 8/8/13]

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So apatite... Am I missing something or are we not suppose to have this resource available to us or am I missing a bee?

apatite is only really useful for the multifarm, whose functionality can be mimicked by the other farms, excepting for the orchard, which requires no apatite to function. Unless I'm missing something, compost should do you nicely.
Alright, a new recipe update is up. This update fixes the dull infused stone recipe as well as adding a recipe for ferrous ingots and a special item - the SlapStick. It's an obsidian stick enchanted with vorpal 1 and silk touch. i only include this so that you're progression isn't entirely up to the enchantment table. I included silk touch to make the stick more worth the value, along with a bit of humour.

From now on, I will include the forcedchunks.dat to make sure the recipe machine's age is loaded and working. As usual, stick a wooden pickaxe in your crafting pouch to update your book.
So apatite... Am I missing something or are we not suppose to have this resource available to us or am I missing a bee?

I think that fertiliser can be replaced with compost/mulch so theres is no "need" for apatite unless using the forestry multi-block farm.
One thing I can't get though are logic matrixes from Factorization... Since they can only be acquired in dungeons theres no way to get them unless I'm missing something
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I think that fertiliser can be replaced with compost/mulch so theres is no "need" for apatite unless using the forestry multi-block farm.
One thing I can't get though are logic matrixes from Factorization... Since they can only be acquired in dungeons theres no way to get them unless I'm missing something

Exactly. The only reason why a multifarm would be necessary is for an orchard, but in 1.4.7, forestry trees only really produce seed oil. I have all the seed oil i could want from a steve's cart wheat farm, and all the juice I could want from a tree farm.
I have a problem with getting started with thaumcraft: I can't get the shards because there is no way to get the crystal clusters (please tell me if there is) and the dull infused stone recipe is unavailible (my map is not outdated, I only downloaded it 1h 30m ago.
twilight forest is allowed tho?

I say no modded dimensional travel, but I won't say no to going to TF. The twilight forest is a fun place to go dungeon crawling, and some of the items you can get from there are really useful, but I would prohibit purposely mining, but it's your game. I won't stop you from going anywhere. It just ruins the map if you gather resources from external sources and start building in other places. This said, I went to TF in my playthrough to find a moonworm queen and gather some fireflies. They are just so cool. I also got some rainbow oak saplings for decor. any other resources I gathered there I threw out.[DOUBLEPOST=1370810092][/DOUBLEPOST]
I have a problem with getting started with thaumcraft: I can't get the shards because there is no way to get the crystal clusters (please tell me if there is) and the dull infused stone recipe is unavailible (my map is not outdated, I only downloaded it 1h 30m ago.

First a hint: The villagers have a little secret in their home...

Second, I'll investigate the dull infused stone issue.
Alright, I fixed the chunkloading issue that was stopping you from using recipe updates. Basically the issue is when you install the update, forge doesn't know what to load. When you go to the age, then it registers it just fine. My workaround is to put a chunk loading turtle into the twilight forest that drops a piece of cobble into the recipe age whenever it starts up. This should ensure that the recipe age is always loaded at all times. All future versions will have this change, and I have a fix for existing saves.

Download the fix here, install in into the save folder, replacing any files that are duplicates. Then you need to enter the twilight forest (be in creative or with ridiculous armour to avoid death) and exit again. This will load the twilight forest so that the loading system activates whenever you start up the map.

Speaking of the twilight forest, i have a new recipe for y'all. 4 dragon eggs (easily gotten from a pigman shard) and one nether star (should be easy enough) to get an uncrafting table. Also, forcicium. No way to get it without enabling the UU-matter recipe. To counteract this, i have a recipe where you need 8 nikolite, 4 stone and one cactus green to get yourself 4 monazit ore. I'll have the update up soon.

EDIT: Recipe Update up, map updated, yada yada DOWNLOAD
So I'm wondering how everyone got their ghast tears for their tome of alkehestry. I know ghasts spawn in the nether but getting one killed much less killing it where you've built a platform isn't an easy task so wondering if there was an easier way... Also is there a later game way of getting more ore (copper, tin, silver, lead) that the 1 nugget i'm getting per hour from the thaumcraft bees, I've heard the extra bees aren't any faster, or should I just make a bunch of them??
So I'm wondering how everyone got their ghast tears for their tome of alkehestry. I know ghasts spawn in the nether but getting one killed much less killing it where you've built a platform isn't an easy task so wondering if there was an easier way... Also is there a later game way of getting more ore (copper, tin, silver, lead) that the 1 nugget i'm getting per hour from the thaumcraft bees, I've heard the extra bees aren't any faster, or should I just make a bunch of them??

I got lucky with my ghast tear. As I was building my platform, a ghast spawned right on top of it, and I shot it down immediately. As for the ore, it's easy to get with thaumcraft. No bees necessary. if you got the tier one research, then it's 9 iron nuggets (iron nuggets have one metallum while iron ingots have 8) and 3 melon slices for one copper, 3 glass panes for tin, three bowls for lead,or three seeds for silver. That combined with a tier five pigman spawner, you have access to any metal you want, without traders or custom recipes. That was actually one of the reasons why I made this map. Everyone else has a trader that trades, for copper, tin, silver, etc. I wanted to do as little as I could while not making the map too grindy and annoying.

A quick tip for ghasts: an enclosed three by three platform surrounded by void, preferably with something to knock pigmen off, like a shifting floor design (pistons push the platform one block back and forth). You can then build a platform at void level for mobs to fall down to, so that if you do kill the ghast and the tear falls, you can scurry down to get it, as well as any pigman drops.
I've been doing the Thaumcraft to get my ores up to this point but it's rather slow, not as slow as the bees but the bees are automatic, and I get really tired of all of the wisps so I was wondering if there was a less grindy way that wasn't as slow as the bees. I guess I'll just make a couple of Alvearys and get mulitple bees. Or maybe i'll just build a new Thaumcraft room a couple hundred blocks away from my base with a portal gun so I don't have to worry about them except when i'm doing thaumcraft...
I've been doing the Thaumcraft to get my ores up to this point but it's rather slow, not as slow as the bees but the bees are automatic, and I get really tired of all of the wisps so I was wondering if there was a less grindy way that wasn't as slow as the bees. I guess I'll just make a couple of Alvearys and get mulitple bees. Or maybe i'll just build a new Thaumcraft room a couple hundred blocks away from my base with a portal gun so I don't have to worry about them except when i'm doing thaumcraft...

You could also enclose your node so that the wisps spawn in an enclosed room and you don't need to worry about them. A further step could be to automatically kill them and collect their essence. At the moment, I will not add any recipes for those four ores. The only metal i added in a recipe for is the one that is currently unavailable through any other means but bees.
I think I'll tweak the redstone recipe a bit. gunpowder is much more valuable than redstone, and I want to reflect that in the recipe. The new recipe will be 4 gunpowder instead of 8.
An unfortunately long post is ahead, detailing my world, with screenies!

The grass is what's left of the original skyblock. Just as cluttered as I left it.

My cobble gen with a mining turtle. The chest and turtle are both full, and the turtle makes two cobble at a time. Below the chest is an infinite water source blocked off with the wood strips from the bee hut.

My blast furnace. The golem puts any steel in it into my diamond chest of unorganised crap. To the right is my mob dropper building, with some frames for my eventual full chain set, as well as more goo than anyone could ever use and a lexicon. I have red dye enabled in the omnitools config so that I can easily turn goo into red dye without going through a transmutation maze. You can ony get inside there with a portable hole.

inside the dropper. Above is a transposer and a computer with a simple redstone clock program. If anything that is not a mob drop or sulfur goo comes through, it gets routed to the chest. If the barrels fill up, and mob drops and goo get shot into the void through a transposer below.

The sulfur torches feeding me with goo. I won't bother to show the spawning pads. it's the basic design.

Tier 5 pigman spawner being slaughtered by melee turtles with an XP turtle collecting xp, enchanting stuff, and even turning the thing on/off.

Dull infused stone farm. The turtles provide a block update by releasing water, but it didn't work, so I just have pistons below the dull stone.

Thaumcraft furnace. Put stuff in the relay, it gets smelted, a wood golem collects the cooked item while the brain eats the xp.

Thaumcraft setup. It's a bit excessive, but it was one of the few ways to make the infusion altars work with odd numbers. :/

My pure node, along with a wisp defense taskforce. (:P)

My villager pen. There is a fertility saucer above it for infinite villagers. When a baby is born, I take it away with my gravity gun and drop it into one of those doorways, which leads to a pit. When they grow up, if I like their trade, then I will put them back into the pen. Otherwise they will either be cooked in a crucible, fed to zombies, or simply tossed into the void.

My original animal pen, not converted into an altar of alkahestry place-thing

My various farms. The cow pen has a roof because flux lightning seems to only strike my cow pen, slaughtering almost all of them. The roof has helped. The bottom left is a chicken farm, with automatic egg collection and deployment. The sheep farm was bred from one black and one white sheep. black + white = gray. Gray+black = gray. Gray +white = light gray. Light gray + anything = light gray. This is genetics. All the plants are automated with forestry harvesters, but I have them all off.

The bee platform. In the back is the automation area, and in the front is mutation. The golem in the middle picks up any flowers I destroy and puts them in the chest.

Wheat farm using steve's carts. Automatic squeezing of seeds, and a carpenter to make stuff with.

Energy Production Zone. Two max size high pressure steam boilers running off biofuel. This is actually quite excessive.

Close-up of the cluttered IC2 portion of it. The recycler sends scrapboxes to the mass fab, which only runs while it has amplifier.
Part two!

steve's carts tree farm and biofuel production, the backbone of my entire energy system. If this thing shuts down, my entire world does too.


Page one of my superbee stats. This thing has the best traits possible, and magic flower pollination. If I need a species of bee, i can simply take one of these and change the species with the inoculator. I use this strain as a placeholder.

Page 2. Normal both 5/normal both 5, noct/cave/fly. Uber.

A different angle of the bee platform. All of the apiaries marked with sand have a superbee placeholder. The flower in front of the apiary depicts the type of flower the bee likes.

Bee manipulation. I have all the machine necessary to manipulate all of my bee's genes. The linkbook simply goes to the Nether. Any drones from the apiaries get dumped into the genepools, then dumped into the tank. There is currently almost 700 buckets in there. Getting close to a kilobucket!

Bee product area. Any sulphur, ice, crystal pollen, and sugar get shot into void, any non-comb item gets sent directly to storage, everything else centrifuged.

Underneath the bee products area. Any unprocessed propolis gets put back in the chest to get recentrifuged. Anything that does not fit gets voided.

Under the bee platform. Apiarist pipes sort out bees and try to put them in apiaries first, then send them to the end.

This is where all the porducts end up. Any bees go down black, items down blue, and if any queen somehow shows up, it gets put in the vanilla chest. If anything doesn't fit anywhere, it will get voided or go up into the diamond chest.

The water production plant under the energy place. 8 aqueous accumulators feeding 8 blue endertanks. I find endertanks to be much more compact than an aqueous accumulator.

Under the pigman spawner. Filter only accepts gold swords and gold nuggets. Anything else gets sent to the chest above or voided if its full. The crafting tables repair the swords and make the nuggets into ingots. to do: blulectric alloy furnace for swords.

Flesh gets routed here first, then voided. I don't know why, I just store it for some reason.

Underneath the dull infused stone. 64 pistons. That was a major pain in the butt.

Abandoned slime farm. I tried making it a squid farm but failed miserably.

little nether room, where I can store, smelt, craft, and avoid death by piggy.

outside the room. Notice wood covered floors so that pigman cannot spawn. The fence gates open only when I walk into them, not pigmen. this helped out so much before the platform was finished.

The platform. I used to kill piggies here, but mainly use it for bees now. This worked so superbly well.

Birds eye view of the platform. Slabs stop ghast spawns. The book leads to bee manipulation.

Storage for the pig spawner. I am too rich.
EDIT: I just gave my placeholder superbreed the node purify effect, making them better than ever.
An unfortunately long post is ahead, detailing my world, with screenies!

The grass is what's left of the original skyblock. Just as cluttered as I left it.

My cobble gen with a mining turtle. The chest and turtle are both full, and the turtle makes two cobble at a time. Below the chest is an infinite water source blocked off with the wood strips from the bee hut.

My blast furnace. The golem puts any steel in it into my diamond chest of unorganised crap. To the right is my mob dropper building, with some frames for my eventual full chain set, as well as more goo than anyone could ever use and a lexicon. I have red dye enabled in the omnitools config so that I can easily turn goo into red dye without going through a transmutation maze. You can ony get inside there with a portable hole.

inside the dropper. Above is a transposer and a computer with a simple redstone clock program. If anything that is not a mob drop or sulfur goo comes through, it gets routed to the chest. If the barrels fill up, and mob drops and goo get shot into the void through a transposer below.

The sulfur torches feeding me with goo. I won't bother to show the spawning pads. it's the basic design.

Tier 5 pigman spawner being slaughtered by melee turtles with an XP turtle collecting xp, enchanting stuff, and even turning the thing on/off.

Dull infused stone farm. The turtles provide a block update by releasing water, but it didn't work, so I just have pistons below the dull stone.

Thaumcraft furnace. Put stuff in the relay, it gets smelted, a wood golem collects the cooked item while the brain eats the xp.

Thaumcraft setup. It's a bit excessive, but it was one of the few ways to make the infusion altars work with odd numbers. :/

My pure node, along with a wisp defense taskforce. :)P)

My villager pen. There is a fertility saucer above it for infinite villagers. When a baby is born, I take it away with my gravity gun and drop it into one of those doorways, which leads to a pit. When they grow up, if I like their trade, then I will put them back into the pen. Otherwise they will either be cooked in a crucible, fed to zombies, or simply tossed into the void.

My original animal pen, not converted into an altar of alkahestry place-thing

My various farms. The cow pen has a roof because flux lightning seems to only strike my cow pen, slaughtering almost all of them. The roof has helped. The bottom left is a chicken farm, with automatic egg collection and deployment. The sheep farm was bred from one black and one white sheep. black + white = gray. Gray+black = gray. Gray +white = light gray. Light gray + anything = light gray. This is genetics. All the plants are automated with forestry harvesters, but I have them all off.

The bee platform. In the back is the automation area, and in the front is mutation. The golem in the middle picks up any flowers I destroy and puts them in the chest.

Wheat farm using steve's carts. Automatic squeezing of seeds, and a carpenter to make stuff with.

Energy Production Zone. Two max size high pressure steam boilers running off biofuel. This is actually quite excessive.

Close-up of the cluttered IC2 portion of it. The recycler sends scrapboxes to the mass fab, which only runs while it has amplifier.

could you put up a dl?
I'll put the download in the OP. What I did since the pic swarm is:
  • get some forcicium
  • put a help argument on my xp program so everyone isn't completely lost
  • Input a filter system for crystallised aspects (yes I did cheat in one of each aspect for the filters. So sue me.)
  • Started back up the villager farm. Got a villager selling a chain chestplate. Woot!
  • Probably more stuff that I forgot to mention for some odd reason.
The two programs on the XP turtle are xp and enchant. xp is specific, like xp enchant will enchant an item, nothing more. Enchant will enchant the item in slot one, but if it does not have enough levels then it will run the gather command from the xp program so it gathers 30 levels, then it will enchant the item in slot one. I forget if you can specify a level for the enchant program.