Ok, so here efficiency matters. The moment my farms are up I can add X mj/t in combustion engines. If I want to go to a boiler solution though I first have to wait ~5.5 hours to build enough to get through heatup, then I get to turn on ~1.5X MJ/t In max size boilers. Over the next 5.5 hours my stockpile will be consumed, and now both will be using exactly as much fuel as my farm makes. At ~6 hours from when the farms were finished my boiler starts production of energy. This means that the combustion engine guy has 6 hours of energy production he can use to do more stuff elsewhere, while the other guy is making due with whatever lower output he had before. Assuming both players use the MJ optimally, we are looking at 9 MORE hours before boiler guy catches up. That means in a SSP environment where all this time is actual play time, that makes 15 hours of play time before boiler guy starts having "done more" with his biofuel. If any of this time can be offloaded to a server, the boiler is the clear winner. Start up the farm one night, build the boiler as soon as you log in next day, yay, the time to fill your tanks did not matter, you were not there to use the power you could have produced anyway.