Bee Automation

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
^this, Sengir doesn't want the frames to be automated at all.

You could automate them in Alvearies though couldn't you? (With Extra Bees' Frame Housing).

Btw, does anyone know if having more than one Frame Housing in an Alveary increases the benefit?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After building testing alveary with 18 proven frames modest bees seem to produce 2 parched combs every "apiary tick" e.g. decrease in bee life bar, so I'd say effect stack.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Has anyone automated any Alveary setups yet. Or is that impossible?

I'd love to see some to get some ideas on how to set my own up. I have yet to automate any apiaries yet, but this thread is giving me some ideas.

Hawk Weisman

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
+1 for automated alveary setups, especially with the frame housing. I'd love to see what you guys come up with.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was messing around in my creative test world to try and find something a bit more aesthetically pleasing (to me, haha) and a bit fun for my automation.

Here's what I ended up with.


This setup will most likely be used with just my production bees (I'll have an alviary setup for production eventually. It'll have lighting, rain guard, frame, etc.) I keep breeding to manual because I enjoy it. :)

The products all go down to an enderchest below to be sorted in our storage facilities.



I plan to have multiples of these flying around our breeding area, or beelab when I get to building that. Will probably put them at different heights/directions so it looks like they're all flying around.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do you guys use the Extra Bees machines at all? How are your setups for those?

For now I'm just having everything manual (I guess since once you do a drone and a princess of a few species if you breed from those, or if you fix the traits you only need do it once.)

Here's a screen of my setup. I've got RP2 lamps setup to turn on when I turn on the power supply to the machine. Iron tank in the left holds DNA (just dump all my drones from automation).



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do you guys use the Extra Bees machines at all? How are your setups for those?

For now I'm just having everything manual (I guess since once you do a drone and a princess of a few species if you breed from those, or if you fix the traits you only need do it once.)

Here's a screen of my setup. I've got RP2 lamps setup to turn on when I turn on the power supply to the machine. Iron tank in the left holds DNA (just dump all my drones from automation).


How would you turn of the power supply to each machine? I'd love to see that!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use the extra bees machines, but they are almost all manual. The genepool gets auto-fed the extra drones. I don't find them being manual that big of a problem, as I only really use them to get a new bee ready for production (Giving it flyer, nocturnal, etc) which doesn't happen very often.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually you can decrease the frame housings needed, like for example a platinum bee only need 9 frame housings to reach the max of 27.5 sec/comb, or emerald bee needs only 5 frame housings+frames to reach the max speed. For automation, I normally use diamond chest filled with impregnated frames, extracted by electric translocator powered by fuel(diesel generator) and then to a router with machine filter update set to tileextrabeeaveary.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Where did you find the max % increase in productivity for the bees ?

And I guess that depends on where you built your production alvearies, but purely using redpower and routers seems superior to a setup with fueled or otherwise powered machinery.. That's all personal preference though.. would have gone straight router insert/extract with redpower tubing if routers in extract mode didn't cause so much server lag.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Where did you find the max % increase in productivity for the bees ?

And I guess that depends on where you built your production alvearies, but purely using redpower and routers seems superior to a setup with fueled or otherwise powered machinery.. That's all personal preference though.. would have gone straight router insert/extract with redpower tubing if routers in extract mode didn't cause so much server lag.

Hmm, by trial and error in creative world. For example with valuable bee, if you use 8 impregnated frames, you will get in average 15 out of 20 (that's the max) per lifespan of shorter life bees, changing to 10 will still get you 20 out of 20.. (every change of the queen life bar produces 1 comb). Since the slowest comb (platinum comb) only need 9 impregnated bees to reach the max, the others will need lesser than 9.

I also tried to change the bee's gene to fast and they still get similar number with 8 impregnated frames (15/20), means that the productivity increase w.r.t trait change is very small compare to these OP frames (they are probably multiplicative just like mutator), haven't tried fastest gene (because I don't have thaumic bees), you can try it yourself with 8 impregnated frames and see if there's any improvement.

For automation, I'm using router, GT electric translocator+diamond chest next to it connected to carpenter that produce impregnated frames only if the diamond chest is not full, no RP2 here, well I can always use RP2 to check if the router is empty or not and send a frame if it's empty but like what you said, it's a personal preference.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For example with valuable bee, if you use 8 impregnated frames, you will get in average 15 out of 20 (that's the max) per lifespan of shorter life bees, changing to 10 will still get you 20 out of 20

So does this mean that lifespan affects productivity? ie will a normal life bee and a short life bee still have the same number of product making ticks just over different time spans or is it adjusted so that over say an hour both will have the same number of product making ticks regardless of the difference in number of generations?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So does this mean that lifespan affects productivity? ie will a normal life bee and a short life bee still have the same number of product making ticks just over different time spans or is it adjusted so that over say an hour both will have the same number of product making ticks regardless of the difference in number of generations?

i think it works out if both are alive for an hour they would generate the same amount, but the thing is..
They're not alive for an hour each, the shorter one has more frequent breaks in its production as a queen, and so it works out you get more from those with larger lifespans, even though you may automate it.

EDIT: though, I don't think the difference is that noticeable over long periods of time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone ever automate a max fertility bee in a chunk loaded area, go to bed then wake up to hundreds of drones on the ground? Apparently i shouldve been autopiping them into my analyzer and then into my genepool... Thought i could leave them be for a few hours and still hand feed lol. Luckily they bred out the trait so i can let them run while im at work today without causing problems.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So does this mean that lifespan affects productivity? ie will a normal life bee and a short life bee still have the same number of product making ticks just over different time spans or is it adjusted so that over say an hour both will have the same number of product making ticks regardless of the difference in number of generations?

no real difference if you automate them, don't bother with it.

@above no, I usually automate the excess drones to some genepools connected to a quantum tank.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i think it works out if both are alive for an hour they would generate the same amount, but the thing is..
They're not alive for an hour each, the shorter one has more frequent breaks in its production as a queen, and so it works out you get more from those with larger lifespans, even though you may automate it.

EDIT: though, I don't think the difference is that noticeable over long periods of time.

I would imagine that time actually makes the difference worse.

Over a short period (less than the lifespan of the short lived bee) you have the same production. Then that bee dies, and you have a gap while the bee dies, gets pulled out of the apiary, travels through pipe, gets put back in and has to make a new queen. Over that time the longer lived bee is making more product. Then it happens again, and again, each time the longer lived bee gains an advantage over the shorter lived one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm having a problem with automating my bees. I'm using a wooden pipe with a the most basic autarchic gate on them connected to the side of an apiary. No matter what condition I check for, even with the red line indicating the condition is true, I get nothing from the energy pulser. I have a couple drones and a princess just sitting in the output slots, not moving. Anyone's help would be greatly appreciated.

BTW I'm running FTB Ultimate Pack v1.0.1 with forestry if it makes a difference.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm having a problem with automating my bees. I'm using a wooden pipe with a the most basic autarchic gate on them connected to the side of an apiary. No matter what condition I check for, even with the red line indicating the condition is true, I get nothing from the energy pulser. I have a couple drones and a princess just sitting in the output slots, not moving. Anyone's help would be greatly appreciated.

BTW I'm running FTB Ultimate Pack v1.0.1 with forestry if it makes a difference.

Should work fine, are you 100% sure its an autarchic gate and not just an iron gate? (sorry to question you, it's the only thing I can think of). Could you post a screenshot?