BedCraftGP - [*Fix 95% off ALL griefing*] ~Ultimate ~Unleashed

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My server recently got griefed by a player spawning in hydras at/near spawn and they destroyed it even with Towny, is it possible to code in protection from hydras?
Commit on fix for #

Warnded glass added to config.

!! when you update, overwrite the plugin and delete the old config !!

Downloads: (My own download server 100mbps download.)
My server recently got griefed by a player spawning in hydras at/near spawn and they destroyed it even with Towny, is it possible to code in protection from hydras?

Ill add a line to prevent normal people able to use the eggs, I just banned them in my server.

Im planning to launch a complete banning system in the plugin.
Thanks for letting me know,
I was able to prevent the XyCraft Fabricator from being placed next to the Autocrafting Table (Which is the only thing I found caused the duping).
I had to use a different way of detecting the blocks though. Now I have make it so the Autocrafting Table cannot be placed next to the XyCraft Fab and add a third Check for if one was placed somehow (exploit), then cancel it from being used until its moved.

Edit: Finished! Letting people test on my server for now.

I've recently found your thread about your plugin and I must say, I am impressed. Although, I have some issues with it.

The Mining Laser, The Wand of Excavation and The Wand of Frost still grief inside of claims if you click the air first then move it onto the target block. We've put it in every config category and still it continues to bypass it.

We're also using the Mindcrack pack & the Grief Prevention addon.

Any help would be great!

I've recently found your thread about your plugin and I must say, I am impressed. Although, I have some issues with it.

The Mining Laser, The Wand of Excavation and The Wand of Frost still grief inside of claims if you click the air first then move it onto the target block. We've put it in every config category and still it continues to bypass it.

We're also using the Mindcrack pack & the Grief Prevention addon.

Any help would be great!

Ill check it out, im recoding the system for those trough.
Please keep the thread to your public release information only, darkdeath1332. If you want to create a front-facing page where people can obtain the purchased ("donation") version after having offers of the public releases, that's your business, but for these forums we don't allow advertising.
My server recently got griefed by a player spawning in hydras at/near spawn and they destroyed it even with Towny, is it possible to code in protection from hydras?
This will not be an easy task considering a hydra is a modded entity...
New updates, links fixed.

# Towny version reuploaded.
# GP version uploaded

# New plugin version, BedCraftGPlite.
- Build in config for the best CPU preformance
- Working fix for mining laser
- 100% FTB ultimate 1.4.7 ready.

# New plugin version, UnleasedGP public.
- Working for the new pack unleased 1.5.2 GP ONLY.
- Config setup ready.
- Setup to work with unleased pack.
! note, this is not the premium version !

- UnleasedGP;
- BedCraftGPlite;
- BedCraftGP;
- BedCraftTOWNY;

Please leave a donation if it works for you, I do my best on these plugins and share it becouse I think its usefull.
donate link;
When we click on the link with mouse they download all same file.
And the file UnleasedGP is not found.
There diffrent?

If you are going to give out different links then do so please.

- UnleasedGP; [URL=''][/URL]
- BedCraftGPlite; [URL=''][/URL]
- BedCraftGP; [URL=''][/URL]
- BedCraftTOWNY; [URL][/URL]
If you are going to give out different links then do so please.

- UnleasedGP; [URL=''][/URL]
- BedCraftGPlite; [URL=''][/URL]
- BedCraftGP; [URL=''][/URL]
- BedCraftTOWNY; [URL][/URL]

Looks like its already like that.
Your code should be this. The way you have it at the moment it will display one URL but if someone clicked on it will take them to BedCraftTOWNY.

- UnleasedGP; [URL][/URL]
- BedCraftGPlite; [URL][/URL]
- BedCraftGP; [URL][/URL]
- BedCraftTOWNY; [URL][/URL]
Your code should be this. The way you have it at the moment it will display one URL but if someone clicked on it will take them to BedCraftTOWNY.

- UnleasedGP; [URL][/URL]
- BedCraftGPlite; [URL][/URL]
- BedCraftGP; [URL][/URL]
- BedCraftTOWNY; [URL][/URL]

Oh, I cant do it on my phone :\. Can you edit my post please?