BC pipe question

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tyler f

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a way to make it so if something won't fit into where it's going it sends it back where it came from with no kind of loop formation? I think the loops are ugly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm pretty sure the diamond pipe can as long as you keep both outputs/inputs empty. However I'm not 100%. If it doesn't work, a loop is your only option.

Using redpower can get you around this though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As far as I know, no pipe will send an item down it's originating path. If it doesn't have a route, it'll pop out. That's just how BC pipes work. You can loop it back around, but there isn't a way around a base mechanic.

tyler f

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm pretty sure the diamond pipe can as long as you keep both outputs/inputs empty. However I'm not 100%. If it doesn't work, a loop is your only option.

Using redpower can get you around this though.

Trying to avoid using trashpower, thats why I asked for BC pipes. Thanks for the suggestion about diamond pipes, will try.
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tyler f

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is a good mod that does innovative and unique things but this is overshadowed by massive lag issues(not opinion, fact), the dev going mia for months at a time, and a power system with extremely limited options which aren't even well balanced to begin with, and bad design decisions like there being no option to pull from a machine with a tube, making for aesthetically unpleasing systems. Not to mention the tubes themselves dont look great and the coloring for items going through them is extremely overdone. The last two things are obviously opinion.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know i think BC pipes have change a bit.
I was pumping bees from a chest in a hopper on my dna machine. It was one line with no junction. After the hopper filled up the bees bounced back from the hopper through the pipes and the wooden pipe back in the chest.

tyler f

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know i think BC pipes have change a bit.
I was pumping bees from a chest in a hopper on my dna machine. It was one line with no junction. After the hopper filled up the bees bounced back from the hopper through the pipes and the wooden pipe back in the chest.

I had something very similar happening but i couldnt figure out how or why


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Maybe they are working on the pipes. The only problem i have with BC pipes so far is that items pop out of them and not flow back or an alternative route.

unknown zombie

Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2013
Put an iron pipe at the end, and hit it with a wench so that the input end of the iron segment is facing away from the rest of the pipe.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is a good mod that does innovative and unique things but this is overshadowed by massive lag issues(not opinion, fact), the dev going mia for months at a time, and a power system with extremely limited options which aren't even well balanced to begin with, and bad design decisions like there being no option to pull from a machine with a tube, making for aesthetically unpleasing systems. Not to mention the tubes themselves dont look great and the coloring for items going through them is extremely overdone. The last two things are obviously opinion.
I play on a laptop. For a laptop, it's pretty decent, 6gb RAM, decent processor... the only thing that lets it down is the graphics card... integrated intel shit. I generally get around 20-30 FPS average (with spikes of between 4-10 when garbage disposal is running) Any lag creating mods/things going on in my world I will feel, and Redpower isn't one of them. So no, not fact, not even close to fact.

Eloraam going MIA for months at a time? Oh since when did having a job and a life mean what you create is trash? Never? Glad we agree.

Bad design decisions? It's only in the latest version of BC (didn't exist in the MC1.2.5 version) that gates have been implemented, calling her mod trash because she made it so that you need a transposer/filter to pull from a machine is so unbelievably ignorant it's not even funny.

You're right, your last 2 points are opinion. And it's my opinion that your opinion is stupid. Tubes look great, far better than BC square pipes.

Another opinion of mine: Calling Redpower "trashpower" is incredibly disrespectful, and hugely ignorant of the beautiful mod that RP2 is.

tyler f

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I play on a laptop. For a laptop, it's pretty decent, 6gb RAM, decent processor... the only thing that lets it down is the graphics card... integrated intel shit. I generally get around 20-30 FPS average (with spikes of between 4-10 when garbage disposal is running) Any lag creating mods/things going on in my world I will feel, and Redpower isn't one of them. So no, not fact, not even close to fact.

Eloraam going MIA for months at a time? Oh since when did having a job and a life mean what you create is trash? Never? Glad we agree.

Bad design decisions? It's only in the latest version of BC (didn't exist in the MC1.2.5 version) that gates have been implemented, calling her mod trash because she made it so that you need a transposer/filter to pull from a machine is so unbelievably ignorant and idiotic it's not even funny.

You're right, your last 2 points are opinion. And it's my opinion that your opinion is stupid. Tubes look great, far better than BC square pipes.

Another opinion of mine: Calling Redpower "trashpower" is incredibly disrespectful, and hugely ignorant of the beautiful mod that RP2 is.

20-30 fps is utter shit, sorry you haven't been exposed to a game actually looking nice. Next you're going to tell me the human eye can't see over 30 fps(lol). In other words, a fact. Furthermore, things that automatically output into pipes have existed for a long time, those of which don't function with tubes AFAIK but do with pipes. Lastly, everything in minecraft is square more or less, so I don't see how you can insult bc pipes for being "square". Not going to even waste my time on your other comments.

Refer to this 5 page thread about RP2 lag so you can be even more incorrect.



Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Hmm, nothing from my Tekkit days automatically ejected into Pipes, and in fact, only the most recent mod, TE does this. All other mods, BC or RedPower require you to build some extra blocks to eject into pipes/tubes. Either with a wooden pipe or engine (or most recently, a gate), or a transposer/filter and timer.

TBH, don't bother trying to respond to Lambert, you'll only loose.

tyler f

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm, nothing from my Tekkit days automatically ejected into Pipes, and in fact, only the most recent mod, TE does this. All other mods, BC or RedPower require you to build some extra blocks to eject into pipes/tubes. Either with a wooden pipe or engine (or most recently, a gate), or a transposer/filter and timer.

TBH, don't bother trying to respond to Lambert, you'll only loose.

Yeah, lose in the battle of who can be the biggest idiot.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
20-30 fps is utter shit, sorry you haven't been exposed to a game actually looking nice. Next you're going to tell me the human eye can't see over 30 fps(lol). In other words, a fact. Furthermore, things that automatically output into pipes have existed for a long time, those of which don't function with tubes AFAIK but do with pipes. Lastly, everything in minecraft is square more or less, so I don't see how you can insult bc pipes for being "square". Not going to even waste my time on your other comments.
I know 20-30 is utter shit... you completely missed my point. I mentioned my low FPS in regards to the fact that I am able to detect shifts in it much much MUCH easier than someone with a decent level of FPS.
Those items that eject automatically into pipes.. you mean... Thermal Expansion machines? Oh how long has that mod been around, because I'm quite certain there wasn't a version compatible with 1.2.5.

Just because a lot of blocks in minecraft are square doesn't mean BC looks better... It still looks awful. The pipes still act in awful ways. Tubes still look better and they still act better.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Red Power is one of the worst offenders when it comes to causing lag. For one, all the calculations it does when sending items down tubes use a lot of CPU power (this is especially evident when using barrels). Also, Red Power machines will cause the entire chunk they are in to update every time they update (i.e. do anything at all) which causes every tile entity (basically anything with an inventory) in the chunk to update as well. This causes a ton of lag, and it increases exponentially with each Red Power machine you add. Red Power is also very incompatible for a Forge mod, and that's because Eloraam refuses to let people interface with her mod. Basically, everything Red Power does, another mod usually does better, and they do it in a way that's much more mod friendly.

Microblocks: Immibis' microblocks are mod compatible and just look cooler.
Item Transport and Sorting: Applied Energistics and Logistics Pipes are superior in every way.
Item and Ore Processing: Thermal Expansion and Industrial Craft have much better processing systems.
Logic Gates and Wiring: This is where Red Power really shines, but there are other mods that add logic gates, and do it with less lag as well.
Frames: This is the one thing that Red Power does that other mods don't, but there is a good reason for it. Frames are unholy monstrosities that should never have been made. There is a reason why Pistons can't move Tile Entities, and it's because it would break a lot of stuff. Frames being able to move Tile Entities breaks everything, and mod authors can't fix it because Eloraam won't let us interface with her code. So we have to rely on her to fix it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, lose in the battle of who can be the biggest idiot.
I may not like the mechanics of BC pipes, but at least I don't call them trashcraft pipes, you know... because I actually show respect for someone elses work.

You know what the main ethos of FTB is? Respect for the modders.
Try following that ethos.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tyler, even if you think you're right about everything you said so far calling Redpower "Trashpower" says all anyone every would need to know about your personality; it sucks.

Name-calling belongs on primary school, you bringing it here adds nothing of value to these forums. I recommend you stop calling members idiots too.

Finally a little note from your post a bit above, "things that automatically output into pipes have existed for a long time", you couldn't be more wrong as a point of fact. TE is the only mod that automatically outputs into pipes, GT is getting there with its automatic machines, other than that there are no machines that do what you claim.

PS: Just google "machines that automatically ouput" (+into pipes/into tubes).
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