BC pipe question

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sly fox, editing thou posts.
I just wanted to bring attention to this, after you saying that you don't disrespect mods because you don't like them.

Lambert2191's post is stating that he respects the opinion of the people that either like or dislike the mod.

Besides that, though, I'm fairly sure that Lambert2191 will admit that mods that add nothing (in his opinion, in the opinion of most everyone else almost nothing considering the changes that are made via the VoxelMods are extremely small and fairly worthless as a whole) does not deserve being respected, especially when it is forced on you AND it causes massive amounts of lag.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lambert2191's post is stating that he respects the opinion of the people that either like or dislike the mod.

Besides that, though, I'm fairly sure that Lambert2191 will admit that mods that add nothing (in his opinion, in the opinion of most everyone else almost nothing considering the changes that are made via the VoxelMods are extremely small and fairly worthless as a whole) does not deserve being respected, especially when it is forced on you AND it causes massive amounts of lag.

It's still a mod, and time and work has been put into it.
Is every mod that adds something to the game, even if it's just a single, useless item, a masterpiece, and is every mod that changes the interface to be something a tiny bit diffrent instantly worthless and something to be classified as crap?
As for being forced down your throat, you can easily disable it via the edit mod pack button. The server-side beacon waypoints are an exception, and you'll always have to deal with those if you want to join any servers.

I haven't noticed much of a performance drop, but there may be one. It shouldn't be too bad if you take out all the voxel mods that you don't want, and keep in the ones that'll let you log onto servers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
nah peggle's right.. I was pretty hypocritical there.. and the post that you quoted, that wasn't edited. The posts where I called people idiots was edited to remove the insults.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
nah peggle's right.. I was pretty hypocritical there.. and the post that you quoted, that wasn't edited. The posts where I called people idiots was edited to remove the insults.

Heh, so it goes. At least you're willing to admit when you're hypoing your criticals.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I try to use golems instead of pipes anywhere feasible. They just have more personality than pipes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Both of my grandfathers were long dead before computers were cheap enough that you could even consider buying one at a reasonable cost (5000$ or so). That aside, desktops give a great deal more performance (especially when using a dedicated GPU) for the cost associated with them, and the top-end in regards to mobile computers will likely never beat the top-end in regards to desktop computers (until desktops are entirely retired) because of heat and power requirements.

It's only not top end for extreme-high-end computation and game rendering. I need a better CPU than most do (you disagree? YOU run the scala compiler 300 times a day and tell me who is behind in the arms race!), and I find my GPU adequate for the kinds of work I do. My 2 year old laptop can record high def video of my minecraft adventures while playing on fancy detail w/out optifine and hold 30fps. That's pretty dang good. And that level of performance is, in the US anyways, sub-$1k computing now. The most expensive part is the SSD.

I have a desktop or two lying around–software folks tend to accumulate them–but I have a hard time imagining buying one purposefully for daily use. Every time I sit down at one I am 6 again, sitting in front of my grandfather's 8088 puzzling out pascal and MS BASIC. And while that nostalgia is pleasant, I try not to let it shape purchasing decisions. It's like, um, buying poorly handstiched leather tunics because of retro.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's only not top end for extreme-high-end computation and game rendering. I need a better CPU than most do (you disagree? YOU run the scala compiler 300 times a day and tell me who is behind in the arms race!), and I find my GPU adequate for the kinds of work I do. My 2 year old laptop can record high def video of my minecraft adventures while playing on fancy detail w/out optifine and hold 30fps. That's pretty dang good. And that level of performance is, in the US anyways, sub-$1k computing now. The most expensive part is the SSD.

It may be acceptable, but it's still going to be more expensive than a desktop in regards to cost/power. When it comes to raw CPU power, notebooks are pretty good stock. Desktops, though, can be easily overclocked to get more performance out of the same parts. Notebooks, even when they support this option, end up slamming painfully into the heat limitations for the system.

In regards to GPUs, though, it's usually a "no contest" situation. We're starting to see the highest end notebook GPUs being able to go head to head with midlevel desktop GPUs. If you're looking for the best in regards to framerate for gaming, desktops make the most sense.

I have a desktop or two lying around–software folks tend to accumulate them–but I have a hard time imagining buying one purposefully for daily use. Every time I sit down at one I am 6 again, sitting in front of my grandfather's 8088 puzzling out pascal and MS BASIC. And while that nostalgia is pleasant, I try not to let it shape purchasing decisions. It's like, um, buying poorly handstiched leather tunics because of retro.

Desktops aren't outdated yet, as notebooks still aren't able to match the performance of a desktop at the same cost. When they can do that (and they will. Oh, will they ever. And it isn't even that long in waiting, as the desktop market is dying fairly quickly, thankfully), desktops will be dead and buried (except for crazy people that want the nostalgia, or some other irrational reason to want a desktop versus the performance/cost ratio).

Again, I cannot wait until everything is unified, which is the direction we're going currently. But we aren't there, yet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Desktops aren't outdated yet, as notebooks still aren't able to match the performance of a desktop at the same cost.

Well they never will, by definition. Laptops have batteries. However, we're in the era of don't-care-fast for almost everything.

I literally cannot imagine any circumstances in which I would buy a desktop computer with the intention of hooking up a monitor to it. I tried. I'd rather just wait and save up the extra 20% necessary for a mobile version.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dear sir (Tyler F), you are the rudest, most disrespectful person I have ever seen on this forum. That aside, back on topic:
I must say, I really don't care whether I use BC or RP2. They both have different purposes. BC is good for certain processing lines that require gates. RP2 is good for sorting because of its clean redirection system. Opinions almost always lead to flame wars. I was going to make a long, boring post about the pros and cons of RP2 and BC3, but then I decided against it. TL;DR (Whatever that means): BC and RP each have their uses, places where you can use RP and places where you can use BC. It is pretty easy to move items from one system to another, with transposers and obsidian pipes. I respect that you like BuildCraft more, Tyler F, and I respect that you like RP more, Lambert. I have one thing to say to the both of you, and all the others on this thread. When you like something better than something else, it's OK, as long as you don't start saying mean things about the mods. Lambert, BC is improving, which is why I use it. Tyler, RP2 is also improving, which is why I use it. Eloraam works hard and long on her mod. So do the developers of Buildcraft. Please, guys, don't argue about a topic like this. If someone refuses to listen to calm argument, then don't let it become angry, rantish argument. Just leave. Anyway, that's all.
EDIT: Now that I think of it, this did become a long, boring post. Even the TL;DR became long and boring, and it is supposed to be the short summary (right?).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well they never will, by definition. Laptops have batteries. However, we're in the era of don't-care-fast for almost everything.

Sure they will. Laptops have caught up to the midrange desktop, and in some cases they're getting up to high end desktops in most regards for GPU usage. And batteries are a non-issue when you have integrated graphics you can switch into to deal with battery-run mode. As far as mobile gaming (off batteries) goes, that'll take a bit longer until we have ultra-capacitors, or whatever they work out in that area. But sans battery power mode, laptops will beat desktops.

I literally cannot imagine any circumstances in which I would buy a desktop computer with the intention of hooking up a monitor to it. I tried. I'd rather just wait and save up the extra 20% necessary for a mobile version.

I've found that one additional monitor (something laptops support easily) is good when you put it in portrait mode for reading data. Two is even better, as you can keep your email up, and ready for review. And then, hey, another active window would be nice...


It ends up getting absurd. Useful, but absurd. For gaming, those VR headsets will likely be a better deal, but for workspace and work flow, more displays are good displays until you've saturated your observable range or your attention buffer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've found that one additional monitor (something laptops support easily) is good when you put it in portrait mode for reading data. Two is even better, as you can keep your email up, and ready for review. And then, hey, another active window would be nice...

I agree about external monitors. I just wouldn't ever buy a machine meant for human use without an integrated display. I'm a big fan of my desk setup.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I agree about external monitors. I just wouldn't ever buy a machine meant for human use without an integrated display. I'm a big fan of my desk setup.

I don't really consider an integrated display to be a big feature, but it is nice, as are integrated inputs (keyboard, trackpad). They're also more things to die on you and to have to replace, of course, whereas desktops keep them external so you can replace them at a much lower cost (unless you're decent at laptop repair, which makes the cost fairly similar if you don't mind doing some eBaying to get replacement displays and keyboards).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I will never replace my desktop with a laptop for one simple reason. Mice. It's really easy to underestimate the inportance of a mouse, but I've found that when I'm coding, the mouse is possibly one of the biggest time savers there is (try selecting several dozen lines of code using just the shift and arrow keys, or even worse, using a touchscreen).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I will never replace my desktop with a laptop for one simple reason. Mice. It's really easy to underestimate the inportance of a mouse, but I've found that when I'm coding, the mouse is possibly one of the biggest time savers there is (try selecting several dozen lines of code using just the shift and arrow keys, or even worse, using a touchscreen).

Yeah it's too bad laptops have no plugs for mice.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I will never replace my desktop with a laptop for one simple reason. Mice. It's really easy to underestimate the inportance of a mouse, but I've found that when I'm coding, the mouse is possibly one of the biggest time savers there is (try selecting several dozen lines of code using just the shift and arrow keys, or even worse, using a touchscreen).

...You do know that you can attach a mouse to a laptop, right?

The only important difference is that desktops (currently) have a better cost/power ratio. Laptops have integrated displays and input devices, but this is often a secondary concern as most users will use an external keyboard and mouse, and often an external display.

Yeah it's too bad laptops have no plugs for mice.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't really consider an integrated display to be a big feature, but it is nice, as are integrated inputs (keyboard, trackpad). They're also more things to die on you and to have to replace, of course, whereas desktops keep them external so you can replace them at a much lower cost (unless you're decent at laptop repair, which makes the cost fairly similar if you don't mind doing some eBaying to get replacement displays and keyboards).

Sort of a moot point, displays have an optimal lifespan that is only slightly longer than laptops. I am convinced displays live about 10% longer than laptops for the same conspiratorial reason that hot dogs come in packs of 8 but hot dog buns come in packs of 6.

Also, the genie is out of the bottle that people in Korea pay $250 for a display that in the US or Europe we'd pay $1k for. That monitor on the arm in my picture? $300 with shipping. It's a panel every bit as good as the great panels they put in Apple's Cinema display or their iMac.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't stand laptops. It's not performance, or cost, it's the keyboards. I hate 'em. I love old-school, high-key, mechanical keyboards. I also can't stand track-pads. I realize these can be replaced with peripherals, but then you're not really portable anymore and paid more for nothing. As laptops improve, so will desktops. As components get miniaturized and made more power efficient, new tech will come out that will also need to be made tiny and cheap on juice, and it will live in a big 'ol tower until is made such. Then there's the extreme top-end desktop market. The water cooled glowing tower of awesomeness with all the little lights that are totally unnecessary but look cool. That market will always be there, regardless of whether or not they can stuff it into a laptop case, because the guys that build those machines want to have that tower in their control room. It's the same reason guys like big guns and fast cars, bigger and faster is better from the macho standpoint. (Yes, there are macho computer geeks.)

Wow, quite a rant i did there, when I only intended to express my viewpoint on keyboards. Sorry :p
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