BC pipe question

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, that's your opinion. As a modder, I find Buildcraft superior, because it's open source. That means that I can interface with it and change it however I like. I can't do that with Red Power without getting my head bitten off. If I don't like a mechanic in Buildcraft, I can change it or add my own pipe to it.

If I had to choose between Buildcraft and Red Power, I'd choose Buildcraft in a heartbeat, because without it, there wouldn't be any of these cool mods we like today. Thermal Expansion started out as a Buildcraft addon, Forestry started out as a Buildcraft addon, Railcraft started as a Buildcraft addon, heck, even Red Power started out as a Buildcraft addon before moving on to become it's own mod.
now as much as you are disagreeing with my opinion, I totally respect and accept the reasons in which you prefer BC. You actually have valid reasons for prefering one over the other, as do I (different reasons of course)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was able to pull off a loop with two iron pipes and smooth stone pipe in the middle. The final iron pipe is only letting dust into the furnace if it cant go it goes back. Only hang up is if its trying to go into the furnace and its the same dust type but the furnace is full. Besides that it works great.[DOUBLEPOST=1363191140][/DOUBLEPOST]Lambert for a person who says they have a crapy pc I am really really surprised you like red power... Its laggy as hell... relays suck tons of cpu power. timers do. Tubs can be laggy. I found logistic pipes is less laggy then red power.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lambert for a person who says they have a crapy pc I am really really surprised you like red power... Its laggy as hell... relays suck tons of cpu power. timers do. Tubs can be laggy. I found logistic pipes is less laggy then red power.

and as I said in my first/second post in this thread, I don't find redpower to be very laggy for me. Maybe it causes TPS lag in large quantities (which my crappy pc is actually pretty decent at) rather than FPS lag (which my laptop isn't so good at)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ahh my laptop is the same way... Great cpu terrible graphix.
CPU and RAM are decent in mine, and that's what works on the TPS side of things (I think)
Graphics card is integrated intel shite, which gives me awful FPS.

RP2 maybe lags TPS but yeah I've never noticed it at all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have the same thing. I even added more ram and installed a SSD into my laptop. It screams when its not running a game lol

Good money after bad, mate. Don't buy a laptop for gaming, unless you want to spend two to five times the cost to get anywhere near the same level as a desktop (and then, desktops easily go beyond that mark given a minor increase in cost comparatively).

On the bright side, your laptop will be fairly smooth for web browsing and typing word documents for a long long time. Heh.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Newegg.com is your friend.

Newegg is almost always more expensive (the main exception seems to be RAM), and Lambert2191 is in the UK so he's going to end up getting abused on the price no matter what with their VAT. Better just fly over to the US and build it over here, and then fly back with it to save some cash. Maybe visit somewhere nice, such as New York City, eh?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Newegg is almost always more expensive (the main exception seems to be RAM), and Lambert2191 is in the UK so he's going to end up getting abused on the price no matter what with their VAT. Better just fly over to the US and build it over here, and then fly back with it to save some cash. Maybe visit somewhere nice, such as New York City, eh?
lol nah I doubt that's the route I'll go :p flights are hugely expensive, added to the fact that I'd need to get a passport (previous one was stolen) and due to me being an English expat that would also add to the cost...
idk, I'll probs end up getting either a prebuilt or building it myself from parts sourced from UK or Ireland.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Crazy, never would have guessed its harder over there to build a pc. Growing up in Houston I had plenty of sources right near my house. I was 14 when I put together my first 486..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Crazy, never would have guessed its harder over there to build a pc. Growing up in Houston I had plenty of sources right near my house. I was 14 when I put together my first 486..
yeah it wouldn't be so hard if I lived in the UK still, but Ireland is seriously behind in most technological areas.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Since we are well-and-truly derailed:

Why wold you want a computer form factor favored by your grandfather?

Both of my grandfathers were long dead before computers were cheap enough that you could even consider buying one at a reasonable cost (5000$ or so). That aside, desktops give a great deal more performance (especially when using a dedicated GPU) for the cost associated with them, and the top-end in regards to mobile computers will likely never beat the top-end in regards to desktop computers (until desktops are entirely retired) because of heat and power requirements.

That aside, mobile computers shine when you need a mobile workstation, which most people do not. With the dawning of the smartphone and tablet era, notebooks are pretty much an in-between setup (tablets can use keyboards and mice, have a Windows OS [even x86-64], and are usually cheaper) which really play to a specific market, which shrinks as time goes on.

It'll be a REALLY good day when you use your smartphone for all computer access, just dropping it into a dock at home with a keyboard, mouse, external display, perhaps an external GPU "amplifier", and the like. Someday.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You're right, your last 2 points are opinion. And it's my opinion that your opinion is stupid. Tubes look great, far better than BC square pipes.
Another opinion of mine: Calling Redpower "trashpower" is incredibly disrespectful, and hugely ignorant of the beautiful mod that RP2 is.

IIRC redpower tubes are also squared, or now they are spheres?

Ps: you should go to the IC2 forum, they love "buildcrash"

Anyway, I like redpower, but you know, be able to add microblocks to pipes, liquiducts, cables, conduits and AE cables is not with redpower, neither sending items to 3 different destinations without first filling up the "first inventory"

Edit: I also got a decent processor, an i5 2450 (or something like that) and 4 gb of ram but has intel crapphics 3000, is able to handle a server for 2 people and a decent amount of chunk loaders, at the same time I got a skype call, the forum open, and my client playing in the server, of course, the fps are 40 in a non ftb world, 20 near my workshop.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
now as much as you are disagreeing with my opinion, I totally respect and accept the reasons in which you prefer BC. You actually have valid reasons for prefering one over the other, as do I (different reasons of course)
Sly fox, editing thou posts.
I just wanted to bring attention to this, after you saying that you don't disrespect mods because you don't like them. (I.E. before the edit)
then just delete the voxelshit and enjoy the rest of the pack.
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