BC pipe question

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah it's too bad laptops have no plugs for mice.
Carrying an external mouse with me is not optimal. I lose things very often (literally, if it's not attached to my body, chances are I'll eventually lose it). Heck, I probably wouldn't even take a laptop with me where I go, so it would end up being a glorified desktop.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sort of a moot point, displays have an optimal lifespan that is only slightly longer than laptops. I am convinced displays live about 10% longer than laptops for the same conspiratorial reason that hot dogs come in packs of 8 but hot dog buns come in packs of 6.

I've found that, normally, displays will last a few years before they start to dim enough that it becomes bothersome. Normally, this coincides with the end of the warranty period around when it starts to become bothersomely dim.

And I think Costco sells them in eight packs, but as it's Costco, you then have to buy a pallet, heh heh.

Also, the genie is out of the bottle that people in Korea pay $250 for a display that in the US or Europe we'd pay $1k for. That monitor on the arm in my picture? $300 with shipping. It's a panel every bit as good as the great panels they put in Apple's Cinema display or their iMac.

Yeah, I actually ordered a 27" 2560x1440 when I got my system, but it had an inverter issue. I shipped it back to the seller, and was credited back properly. I grabbed a 120hz display while I was dealing with that, and decided to stick with it as I really like the increased frame rate.

And Microcenter/Monoprice are all starting to bring the sub-400$ 2560x1440 display market to the US mainland, thankfully.

Carrying an external mouse with me is not optimal. I lose things very often (literally, if it's not attached to my body, chances are I'll eventually lose it). Heck, I probably wouldn't even take a laptop with me where I go, so it would end up being a glorified desktop.
Well then, carrying a laptop with you is suboptimal, which discounts the entire mouse issue, no?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dear sir (Tyler F), you are the rudest, most disrespectful person I have ever seen on this forum. That aside, back on topic:
I must say, I really don't care whether I use BC or RP2. They both have different purposes. BC is good for certain processing lines that require gates. RP2 is good for sorting because of its clean redirection system. Opinions almost always lead to flame wars. I was going to make a long, boring post about the pros and cons of RP2 and BC3, but then I decided against it. TL;DR (Whatever that means): BC and RP each have their uses, places where you can use RP and places where you can use BC. It is pretty easy to move items from one system to another, with transposers and obsidian pipes. I respect that you like BuildCraft more, Tyler F, and I respect that you like RP more, Lambert. I have one thing to say to the both of you, and all the others on this thread. When you like something better than something else, it's OK, as long as you don't start saying mean things about the mods. Lambert, BC is improving, which is why I use it. Tyler, RP2 is also improving, which is why I use it. Eloraam works hard and long on her mod. So do the developers of Buildcraft. Please, guys, don't argue about a topic like this. If someone refuses to listen to calm argument, then don't let it become angry, rantish argument. Just leave. Anyway, that's all.
EDIT: Now that I think of it, this did become a long, boring post. Even the TL;DR became long and boring, and it is supposed to be the short summary (right?).
TL;DR means "too long;didn't read" it's basically meant to be a short, 1 or 2 line summary of your previous wall of text. The fact that your TL;DR was longer than your post is rather hilarious.

Yeah it's too bad laptops have no plugs for mice.
I hope that was sarcasm... I'm not stupid enough to try play minecraft on a trackpad... my USB mouse goes with me everywhere my laptop goes. As I write this I'm layed in bed with my mouse at my right and using a hardback A4 book as a mousemat.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I hope that was sarcasm... I'm not stupid enough to try play minecraft on a trackpad... my
USB mouse goes with me everywhere my laptop goes. As I write this I'm layed in bed with my mouse at my right and using a hardback A4 book as a mousemat.

Yes, it was sarcasm. Notice the rest of the thread in regards to that quote.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The thread was warned to stay away from opinions that may lead to a debate that includes saying someone is being disrespectful cos of there opinion.

If the OP finds that his question hasn't been answered please private message me.
Go to my profile > Information > Start conversation.

As far as this thread goes it's now locked.
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