Whitelist Server Aurora 24/7[Ultimate][Whitelist][Lockette][Essentials][16+]

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Username: kingsnake190
Age: 18
Location: USA (Missouri)
Why you want to join: I have been playing FTB for about 8 months now, and I have always played with friends, and other people. I have tried single player, and it just isn't the same. This server is really great. I have a friend that plays it, and it has absolutely no lagg! Which I love!
Suggestions: I mean everything is really great. I think when I spawned t I spawned at the top of some building, and I had to jump off. So not to sure about that.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: This is my first ultimate server. My friend tried to get me to play it with him before, but I never though about it. I have always played MindCrack, and that's what I was use too. I know theres not many differences between the two. But I am really loving the ultimate pack so far!
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional): I'm banned atm but the only thing I have really built is some machines. I haven't had enough time to build anything amazing.

Sorry about the first application. I was in a rush to do it because I had to go to my lax game. I hope this one is good enough!

P.S. I am banned on server. I think its because I wasn't accepted the first time. So, I will need an unbanning if I do make it. :p
Accepted nice to see you put in the effort this time.

Username: BelGaraath
Age: 17
Location: Uk
Why you want to join: Looking for a nice, reliable server to join. Just left one due to constant rollbacks
Suggestions: For the server? Id have to look around first. But a likely one is switch from Lockkete to LWC, as its much more building friendly, not requiring signs.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: Loads, ive been using all the mods since their first iterations, including the really old ones such as BC and IC.
Username: wisdoms​
Age: 20​
Location: US of A​
Why you want to join: Waiting for Starbound to come out, need something in my downtime ;)
Suggestions: Private pack with condensed blocks? :D (Had to make a suggestion, was part of app >:o )​
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: Helping people with mods errrr-day, I know just about everything about 80% of the mods- my specialty is Industrial Craft and Gregtech ^^​
Username: killer5252
Age: 16 1/2
Location: Bc Canada
Why you want to join: My friend kingsnake190 suggested this server, And would really like to be part of the community, I used to run my own server with kingsnake190 with when in disaster so i just never got a chance to get on a FTB server from their!
Suggestions: Make the spawn point not on the roof and maybe add this http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/tree-feller/ plugin!:)
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: Pretty much everything in ultimate i could do by memory.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) http://imgur.com/a/xR888#0

Thanks killer5252 :)
Username: Miroku2235​
Age: 25​
Location: US East Coast​
Why you want to join: Lookin' for a new server to hang out, explore, and build in since the old one I was in went MIA.​
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: Most of IC2, Decent amount of Thaumcraft/Buildcraft​
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional)​
Username: rbk_dj
Age: 17
Location: The Netherlands
Why you want to join: A friend of mine recommended this server, he said it was very good. So I wanted to check it out.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: Not very much, but I do know things that used to be in tekkit, like IC2 and BuildCraft

Expected Down time 30 minutes to an hour.

Back shortly
Why you want to join:I got this suggested via skype by my friend Jake and I decided to try it out after discovering FTB ult
Suggestions:None really you guys did a great job with the rules
  • How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much:Not much I just started playing around with FTB ult
Username: brokeashell​
Age: 29​
Location: Oklahoma, USA​
Why you want to join: My buddy Zenzar told me this was a good server. Please don't hold Zenzar being my friend against me! ;]​
Suggestions: Huh, it's hard to make a suggestion without having any experience on your server... So, I guess I would say my suggestion would be to let me join!​
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: None with the Ultimate pack, but I have played been playing FTB for a few months.​
Why you want to join:I got this suggested via skype by my friend Jake and I decided to try it out after discovering FTB ult
Suggestions:None really you guys did a great job with the rules
  • How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much:Not much I just started playing around with FTB ult
Username: brokeashell​

Age: 29​

Location: Oklahoma, USA​

Why you want to join: My buddy Zenzar told me this was a good server. Please don't hold Zenzar being my friend against me! ;]​

Suggestions: Huh, it's hard to make a suggestion without having any experience on your server... So, I guess I would say my suggestion would be to let me join!​
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: None with the Ultimate pack, but I have played been playing FTB for a few months.​
Accepted Welcome to the server!
Server Update:
Bukkit forge was removed due to it being a buggy mess.
And MCPC+ Was installed.

We shall be doing a test for the next few days to see how stable MCPC+ Is Any issues ingame please report them to Scarface/karl2002

Server update:
MCPC+ Has been runnng stable and smoothly for the past day.
I have noticed that the server runs much smoother with MCPC instead of bukkit forge. So the likely hood of us sticking with mcpc is very high.

Look foward to seeing some new people on the server:)
Username: CaptainSmoothie
Age: 27
Location: United States
Why you want to join: I enjoy FTB and the server I'm currently on is always having problems and whatnot.
Suggestions: None at the moment.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much:I have about 6 months of experience. Still learning though.
Username: CaptainSmoothie
Age: 27
Location: United States
Why you want to join: I enjoy FTB and the server I'm currently on is always having problems and whatnot.
Suggestions: None at the moment.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much:I have about 6 months of experience. Still learning though.

Accepted Welcome!
Username: MikeCourcelle15
Age: 15
Location: New Jersey
Why you want to join: I would like to join, because my friends (Kingsnake190 and Killer) play, and Kingsnake190 told me about this server.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I've played FTB for about 3 months or so.
Username: PrinceKJ
Age: 17
Location: Michigan
Why do you want to join: it is a fun server to play on
Suggestions : none because i haven't played very much on this sever
How much experience do you have in ultimate: about 2 weeks