Username: Strokend
Age: Over 20.
Location: Northwest USA
Why you want to join: The other server I'm in tends to have downtimes, and the proxy (Client-host connection) tends to get bad from time to time.
Suggestions: Please post which version of Ultimate you're using (1.0.1 or 1.02?)
How much experience do you have in Ultimate?: I've been on for about a week, but I have experience with several of the mods regardless.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made: While I haven't created anything epic, I do enjoy a bit of design.
For the most part, however, I just create large structures for the purpose of industry, or archipelagos for a combination of things.
Welcome!Username: rimweasel
Age: 27
Location: Austria
Why you want to join: I was looking for an ultimate server when something in the name of this one caught my eye. Aurora dbB+ seemed awfully familiar and lo and behold, it was indeed the server i used to play TnG on. (Also the rules/restrictions are to my taste)
Suggestions: None so far.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: Excessive experience on Tekkit and quite some on Mindcrack, so I guess I'll find my way around, plus i know how to read a wiki.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) I prefer engineering stuff, so it's more about what it does than what it looks like. I do cover it up though if it looks ugly.
Accepted!Username: Gr3nwr35stlrAge:16Location: OregonWhy you want to join: I am looking for a FTB server to play on as single player gets very lonely. Typically I like to play on SMP servers because they are funner because you get to talk with people while playing, and you can go off to your own area and still do your own thing, but I haven't looked for a FTB server until now. This server looks to be very mature and have good software for the server which will both make my experience on this server very enjoyable I hope.Suggestions: None right now as I haven't been able to play yet
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I've been playing FTB since December, and Ultimate since the day the beta for it came out. I've been watching Ethoslab play the mindcrack FTB pack since December as well, and Direwolf20's SSP, SMP, and FC2 LP's since January. I played Technic/Tekkit like a year ago.Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional): I don't usually create cool looking builds unfortunately, usually just stick with bland old buildings that just have functionality with them.
Denied Put more effort into your app next time. Come back in 24 hours.Username: kingsnake190
Age: 18
Location: missoui
Why you want to join:I am bored of playing by myself
Suggestions: Just started
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I have never played ultimate. I have always played MindCrack