Whitelist Server Aspire/Direwolf20 pack/ Whitelisted! 40 slots! (no lag)

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Minecraft name: distron101
Age 19

Why you wish to join our server, and what you can contribute? :

I have been looking for a while for a good dw20 pack server to play on with my friend b6665. I am pretty well known with the mods, for the rest I relay on my friend. I can contribute a nice person to play with on this server, i can help people and ofcourse make it a fun environment for everybody.

Minecraft name: thomasgroves100

Age: 13

Why you wish to join our server, and what you can contribute: i love the dw20 mod pack and i can contribute some complex builds and a good community and the resaon i want to play on this server because the rules clearly state you have to respect each other
Minecraft name? the_masiah

Age? 14

Why you wish to join our server, and what you can contribute? some epic builds
Minecraft name?MTN_DEW_FOO


Why you wish to join our server, and what you can contribute?Im a funny person and im in to ic2 And build craft
Minecraft name? damian112zmc

Age? 16

Why you wish to join our server, and what you can contribute? I want to join your server because of multiple reasons. First reason is that the server I was playing on got closed and I don't won't to play alone on new game. Secondary I want to be a part of your community that have raised up from this thread. Hope you will be able to whitelist me :> Thank you.
Minecraft name? D3athkat

Age? 15

Why you wish to join our server, and what you can contribute? I wish to join your server because it seems like a nice server and I would like it if I didn't have to play alone with all these mods. I don't know most of these mods. I can contribute by helping anyone with the mods I know how to use.
Minecraft Name: MadDoctor5813
Age: 12
Contributions and reason for joining: I can contribute some kind of projects that can benefit the whole community, much like Direwolf himself. I wish to join because the server looks good, and it is the only whitelisted one in the list.
Minecraft name? Cocoaguy

Age? 15

Why you wish to join our server, and what you can contribute? i am very good with TC3 good with TE, IC2, and RP2 and i can build shared rooms for people to use.
Minecraft name? NekoWhite

Age? 18

Why you wish to join our server, and what you can contribute? I've been looking for a server, and this one peeked my interest. I can't really contribute anything, mostly because I'm pretty new to this pack, but...

Minecraft name?coondisoon

Age? 15

Why you wish to join our server, and what you can contribute? I want to join the server because i wanna be in a good community and help others with FTB and have fun. I can contribute some building ideas i can make some crazy buildings and im really good with FTB and everything it has.
Minecraft name? Wolf_king239
Age? 17
Why you wish to join our server, and what you can contribute?
I want to play on a large, respectful, friendly server. I want to assist other players making awesome builds and if I am chosen I want to be helped making great builds. I can contribute many things but the most prevalent is that I know all the mods really well. I've been looking for a good direwolf20 server because every time I join one a create an amazing build then I log on and it's griefed.
Minecraft name: Ragestorm999
Age: 15
Why you wish to join our server: I've been looking around for server with the dw20 pack because singleplayer gets rather boring after a while.
and what you can contribute: I can contribute good knowledge of almost all the mods in the pack, particularly ComputerCraft. I really enjoy programming with CC and am perfectly willing to help others with it.
Minecraft name? Sambug2000

Age? 12, Though I am mature and can handle myself likewise.

Why you wish to join our server, and what you can contribute? I was looking for a Direwolf20 server that was whitelisted, and I believe I found one! I may not be the best at FTB, but I know a few helpful things and I work great with people. I am hoping to join a team.
Minecraft name? cruisecraft

Age? 25

Why you wish to join our server, and what you can contribute?
Im looking for a whitelisted server as the community is generally less transient than open ones. Once I find a server I like Im in for the long haul, I have close to two years of experience with a Bukkit server, but would like to test out FTB SMP. I have experience with Tekkit (Main Mod skills/knowledge transfer between both) and enjoy helping others in-game when needed.

The fact that this server is greif/raid free is a huge plus as I hate hiding underground- with that being said, I would contribute builds which are both aesthetically pleasing and functional which could benefit new players and veterans (I enjoy rallying people together to make towns/cities so that the true multiplayer experience can be witnessed). Hopefully all goes well in the application process and I can join you all soon! :)
Minecraft Name? skstout1998
Age? 14
Why you wish to join our server, and what you can contribute?i want to be part of a community also have this cool build for my house i want a big dome made out of stone with a 75 diameter i also plan on making a bio-gas factory i will help out the other people in the community by giving them supply if they need it i am also really good at farming so i could supply food to the community and ill try to help any way i can.
Minecraft Name? SavageWarlord
Age? 16
Why you wish to join our server, and what you can contribute? trying to find a another server on ftb that is good also dont know what i can contribute to the server but i will try my hardest to help and contribute to the server any way i can
Minecraft name: cgaylord


Why you wish to join our server, and what you can contribute: I want to have fun in a nice community and I can contribute many cool builds and factories.
Game name: chucky5150
Age: old timer it would seem (30)
Why: been playing the game for awhile now. I know my way around most of the mods. I haven't gotten into playing on servers yet and think it's about time for that.
Minecraft name? Feliseda

Age? 24

Why you wish to join our server, and what you can contribute? I am looking for a fun ftb direwolf20 server as dirwolf20 i smy favorite ftb pack.
I am, friendly, helpful, very knowledgeable about some of the most used mods in the direwolf20 pack. I have been a Mod on several other server so I know how to follow rules, as well as helping others.