Efficiency? Turtles win easily. Nothing else even comes close.Meh, sorry to beat the dead horse to a shapeless lump, but I'd just like to ask what are different ways to mine? Also, the one that produces the least lag. I've used the Buildcraft Quarry, and the Thaumcraft Arcane Bore, but I find the Quarry to be way too laggy, and the Arcane Bore to be slightly inefficient. Preferably if the way to mine is automatable, etc. Thanks in advance people! And sorry to the horse...
Lag Friendly? I was gonna say Laser Drill, but the power systems that usually go along with that beast tend to erode the lag advantage the drill has. I'd be tempted to say the Railcraft Tunnelbore wins for overall impact on a computer, but it's also super slow compared to most mining methods, so your milage may vary.