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Meh, sorry to beat the dead horse to a shapeless lump, but I'd just like to ask what are different ways to mine? Also, the one that produces the least lag. I've used the Buildcraft Quarry, and the Thaumcraft Arcane Bore, but I find the Quarry to be way too laggy, and the Arcane Bore to be slightly inefficient. Preferably if the way to mine is automatable, etc. Thanks in advance people! And sorry to the horse...
Efficiency? Turtles win easily. Nothing else even comes close.
Lag Friendly? I was gonna say Laser Drill, but the power systems that usually go along with that beast tend to erode the lag advantage the drill has. I'd be tempted to say the Railcraft Tunnelbore wins for overall impact on a computer, but it's also super slow compared to most mining methods, so your milage may vary.
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Is it possible somehow to charge thermal expansion energycell with forestry biogas engine? I play DW20 1.6.4 pack.
In the past I could, but now I can no longer.
Only TE dynamos can feed energy cells, as they'll only take in RF and those dynamos are currently the only source.

In theory, you can use other systems to feed those dynamos though - eg, with steam.
Only TE dynamos can feed energy cells, as they'll only take in RF and those dynamos are currently the only source.

In theory, you can use other systems to feed those dynamos though - eg, with steam.

Thank you!
Is there some other block, that can store BC power? Those dynamos looks ugly for me, and I already made 12 biogas engines :(
No, sorry. BC power was specifically intended to not be "storable", so BC itself offers no such block.

To be clear, TE's energy cells no longer store BuildCraft's MJs (Minecraft Joules). They now store Thermal Expansion's RF (Redstone Flux). If you connect a conduit from a cell to a machine that requires MJs, then it'll automatically convert from RF to MJ for you (10 RF to 1MJ), but there's currently no method to directly convert the other way (and neither TE nor BC is likely to add one).

The intention with BC is that you'll build a system to automatically start/stop your machines depending on your current power requirements. That is to say, if you really want to use engines, build an Assembly Table and start making some gates + pipe wire.
No, sorry. BC power was specifically intended to not be "storable", so BC itself offers no such block.

To be clear, TE's energy cells no longer store BuildCraft's MJs (Minecraft Joules). They now store Thermal Expansion's RF (Redstone Flux). If you connect a conduit from a cell to a machine that requires MJs, then it'll automatically convert from RF to MJ for you (10 RF to 1MJ), but there's currently no method to directly convert the other way (and neither TE nor BC is likely to add one).

The intention with BC is that you'll build a system to automatically start/stop your machines depending on your current power requirements. That is to say, if you really want to use engines, build an Assembly Table and start making some gates + pipe wire.

Thanks again! ;)
I have a problem with Tahumcraft research. Im currently researching Wand focus: Efreet's flame and I'm stuck. I looked up the aspects needed after half an hour and it told me the same three aspects. So I made another research paper and still can't connect every thing. Here's a picture:


The most left one is the starting node and yes I have tried to connect them the other way around.

How to build a drying rack?
Three slabs horizontal. You can check all recipes in NEI :p
I have a problem with Tahumcraft research. Im currently researching Wand focus: Efreet's flame and I'm stuck. I looked up the aspects needed after half an hour and it told me the same three aspects. So I made another research paper and still can't connect every thing. Here's a picture:


The most left one is the starting node and yes I have tried to connect them the other way around.

Three slabs horizontal. You can check all recipes in NEI :p
It's probably an impossible research. Just try to make another copy and try again. Thaumcraft 4 has the trollish aspect that it'll give you impossible research.
I have a problem with Tahumcraft research. Im currently researching Wand focus: Efreet's flame and I'm stuck. I looked up the aspects needed after half an hour and it told me the same three aspects. So I made another research paper and still can't connect every thing. Here's a picture:


The most left one is the starting node and yes I have tried to connect them the other way around.

Three slabs horizontal. You can check all recipes in NEI :p

Unfortunately it does not work :(
I can see drying racks in NEI but when I click on it it won't give me a recipe (for all other items it does). I now put 3 oak wood slabs horizontally on a crafting table and it did not work. I play on Unleashed 1.1.7...
What mod in unleashed makes the mobs harder? and where can I find a force tree?
I dont think there is any mods in Unleashed making mobs harder. Cant think of any at least.
Force trees are made. From what I remember I think you drop a sapling on the ground and click it with a wand or something.
Unfortunately it does not work :(
I can see drying racks in NEI but when I click on it it won't give me a recipe (for all other items it does). I now put 3 oak wood slabs horizontally on a crafting table and it did not work. I play on Unleashed 1.1.7...
Ah. Right. There were some versions of TiC for 1.5.2 where the drying rack wasn't implemented fully yet, so the recipe for it was disabled. This is likely your situation.

You might try manually updating to the last version of TiC for 1.5.2 to see if it fixes the recipe for you. Past that, there's not much you can do, as even cheating them in won't be useful since they won't actually do anything (trust me on this, I tried this once back in the 1.5.2 days and I waited multiple RL days for it to finish "drying" and it didn't do anything for me).
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Ah. Right. There were some versions of TiC for 1.5.2 where the drying rack wasn't implemented fully yet, so the recipe for it was disabled. This is likely your situation.

You might try manually updating to the last version of TiC for 1.5.2 to see if it fixes the recipe for you. Past that, there's not much you can do, as even cheating them in won't be useful since they won't actually do anything (trust me on this, I tried this once back in the 1.5.2 days and I waited multiple RL days for it to finish "drying" and it didn't do anything for me).

Cool thanks for your explanations.
So a very bumb question, but where is the .jar for minecraft located in the DW20 modpack? I wanted to see if I could load in MCPATCHERS mods and such to it, for better skies, random mobs, connected textures etc... but I cant find the .jar anywhere.

I ask, as I also cant get optifine to work either. Both of its 1.6.4 versions don't appear to even load as it's not listed in the ingame mod view, yet it -is- loaded to an extent... making my doors go invisible. >.> But no menu options or any of it's added texture stuff.
I know that usually, a block in Minecraft will only be loaded into memory if it has at least one of its sides bordering a non-solid block (such as air or torches). A block completely hidden beneath other blocks on all sides will remain unloaded, right?

However, chunk loading errors in FTB Ultimate reveal that XYCraft Quartz Crystals, those thorns of the devil, will always be loaded if the chunk is loaded. Seeing through terrains show the world is absolutely littered with Crystals of Misery (seriously, who the f### thought setting their generation rate THAT high was a good idea? They are used in ONE recipe and useful in exactly zero other ways!). More blocks loaded into memory means more lag.
However, will the blocks the Crappyshards border also be loaded? At first glance it might not seem like they do, after all you only see the crystals and not the block around them, but transparent terrain also shows caves from the inside, meaning that loaded blocks can still be see-through.

I'm asking because I suspect I have an even greater reason to hate those blue suckers than I currently do. When those glittering performance stabbers (hi-res texture AND non-disable-able particle effects? Why, thank you, modmaker!) are seen, you always see a face of a couple of the blocks behind it. Does this mean that the six blocks bordering the even-more-useless-than-Rotten-Flesh Crystals will also be loaded into memory at all times? Are they seven times as CPU-hogging as they first seem?

Tips on how to remove the Spikes of Infinite Frustration without damaging the world will also be met with much joy. If I ever reinstall FTB Ultimate, I'll be more eager to ax XYCraft than to start playing the game. Currently, I'll settle for Quarrying out all the land around my base in an effort to remove them from my sight. I have plans to fill an 1K storage cell with the stuff, and throw it into lava.
In Thauncraft 3, you can make stuff in the crucible and the alembics and golems will clean up the mess of leftover aspects into jars. In Thaumcraft 4, the alembics go on an alchemical furnace, not the crucible. Is there a way to clean up the crucible? I can't see one. I know there's a new mechanic for automating crucible crafting but I don't think it's in the current packs, is it?
There is no real way to clean up the crucible other than emptying it with a wand (or maybe breaking it, haven't tested to see what that does). All that was moved over to the furnace/alembic combo. On the plus side at least you can move essentia around in pipes (that do not connect to the crucible). Automatic crucible crafting seems to be in testing right now on the forgecraft servers so we should hopefully be seeing it eventually.