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Last I checked, Grinders dropped normal player-only drops from mobs. Has that changed in the most recent version or something?
Ultimate FTB Mod Pack Question.

Hi, I've searched the forums here under several keyword combos and I've been looking on and off with google for weeks, even looked up any of the mods that it could likely be from the list of the Ultimate FTB pack but to no avail.
Can anyone, please, tell me what the mod is in the Ultimate pack that when you die, places your inventory into your own skull and places that atop a fence post in the spot where you died so you can come back and get your stuff?
Myself and friends are trying to put together a mod pack to submit as a private FTB pack and this is literally the only one that is alluding us and driving me crackers trying to find it lol The answer would be greatly appreciated if anyone has it. Thank you in advance :)

It's not in Ultimate as standard but that sounds like Forge essentials, it's quite buggy and not getting much love lately.. try BaMs Gravestone for 1.5.2
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How do you get death timer removed from my game? Its been frozen on my screen for about a day now. And I cant figure out the command to remove it. I've tried /deathtimer stop but it just tells me there's no timer with that name

According to the MCF page, syntax is /tiimer stop name I'm not sure how the mod exactly autonames timers, but I assume the it's the same name that shows up in the upper left of the screen. I would use the tab key to autofill in the timer name. You say it's "frozen" did the timer just run out, or does the mod not seem to be working? You could always try disabling it, running ftb, then re-enabling it to see if that fixes the problem.
Havent been here in a while, and ofcourse I dont play ftb but quick in general question. In regards to ores that drop ores when broken. Is it more efficient to Industrial Grind them or Fortune 3 them? I tested with 200 diamond ores and I ended up with more than 400. I forgot exactly how much, but I didnt account for the half a 3rd diamond you get from each grind. So doing the math Id probably have been more than 500 to make it worth? Unsure.

But what about other ores like Quartz/Netherquartz and any others I may be missing. Im not counting any ores that may gave a good by product like Apadite(I totally spelled this wrong). But if it has no useful byproduct(Like hydrated coal dust) then whats better? Or is fortune 3 just never better?
I am playing unleashed. What is the easiest way to get my engines to turn off. When my
redstone energy cell is full, and turn them back on when it is empty?
I am playing unleashed. What is the easiest way to get my engines to turn off. When my
redstone energy cell is full, and turn them back on when it is empty?
use the conductive pipes, with gates.
@cell: can store energy-red pipe wire.
run the pipe wire to your engines.
@engine: red pipe signal-redstone signal.
this will make the engines run when the cell starts to deplete, and turn off when its full.
many of the machines now use a steady trickle of energy when off, so this makes the engines occasionally cycle to top off the cells, and turn them on for prolonged periods if you have a energy-intensive machine like the genetic machines for bees.
this works best with engines that dont burn fuel when off. so you dont want to use a peat engine, as that keeps burning fuel even when its not outputting.
electrical/force engines are my reccomendations.
Also, anyone know why Im getting no input/output here. I have a full lava tank, all thermal generators. It output when I originally connected my mfsu but now my mfsu is stuck at 1mil in it, the thermals are all filled and the EU reader shows no input/output.

Edit: I keep checking and wiring different ways. My thermals all just dont wanna emit EU and I dunno why.

Editedit: Apparently restarting my world jump started them. Any clue why?
I was wondering if someone who knew more about reactor setups in FTB unleashed 1.1.2, minecraft 1.5.2 could tell me if this-
reactor setup will ever explode. I have had no problems with it until the other day when it exploded after running 8? possibly more cycles of uranium cells with ~30 min between each restocking of cells over a 2 day period. I am also led to believe another person on the server was putting cells in it as well when I was not on so it was more than likely running far more often than I know of (he has beeen taking the uu matter). Thank you in advance.
It's not in Ultimate as standard but that sounds like Forge essentials, it's quite buggy and not getting much love lately.. try BaMs Gravestone for 1.5.2

Thank You!!!! lol you have no idea how relieved that makes more than 20 people for when we transition to our new pack after submission. Your clue of forge essentials got us the answer here Module
That is precisely what we have, no clue as to how it got in there if no one else has ever seen it in Ultimate but now we know what it is, we can get permissions and finally submit our private pack. Massive props to you SonOfABirch, you're a life saver!
For anyone else, this is a really great add on for a large server, especially in hard mode, the heads are fun but the frustration it can save you from dying with a ton of gear on you is fantastic. Highly recommended!
I was wondering if someone who knew more about reactor setups in FTB unleashed 1.1.2, minecraft 1.5.2 could tell me if this-
reactor setup will ever explode. I have had no problems with it until the other day when it exploded after running 8? possibly more cycles of uranium cells with ~30 min between each restocking of cells over a 2 day period. I am also led to believe another person on the server was putting cells in it as well when I was not on so it was more than likely running far more often than I know of (he has beeen taking the uu matter). Thank you in advance.

That setup, questionable as it is, cannot possibly explode during normal operation. But:
- Did you maybe build it on a chunk boundary? If one of the reactor chambers overhangs into another chunk that remains unloaded, it's possible that the reactor keeps running thinking of itself as a 5-chamber reactor, ignoring the last column of cooling elements. This will cause a swift detonation.
- Did someone have access to it who is clumsy, and potentially swapped components around by accident while refilling cells? Just one vent and uranium cell swapping places somewhere in the middle results in an explosion.
- Does anyone on that server have a grudge against you, or a tendency for griefing/trolling...?
Looking for lists of the possible item drops from mobs, chests etc. in FTB, specifically Unleashed. Haven't found anything on the wiki. x
Spoils Bags ... can contain items from all Vanilla Overworld chests: dungeon/stronghold/temple/village/mineshaft).
Really? So you can get Portal Guns and Steadfast and Valiant Bees from them? That's... useful, but also takes away some of the major reasons to go exploring. I liked that you had to go find dungeons in order to get some stuff. Having it all just fall out of the sky is a bit of a spoiler. Maybe that's why it's called a "Spoils Bag"... :) (I know, I could just choose to not open the spoils bags, but I'm weak-willed)
Could you be more specific? Forge includes at least four different classes of chest loot, if not more.

Right, to be honest, I was hoping for a guide on what items drop from where and what affects drops. I assumed that some helpful obsessive would have jotted this down somewhere on the internets.
There is a specific reason I was asking though. I want to make a machine for automatically filtering Spoils Bags (These can contain items from all Vanilla Overworld chests: dungeon/stronghold/temple/village/mineshaft). I also want to recreate a large random mob grinder that I made once in Skyblock, so that would need a filter for the loot from randomly spawned mobs. I could do these both with trial and error, but it would be nicer to know all about loot.
Is there any equivalent to the diamond transport pipe for liquids? For instance, if I wanted to pump oil out of an ocean, how would I stop the system from being clogged by water?

Also: do ender tanks still cause chunk resets in 1.5?
Is there any equivalent to the diamond transport pipe for liquids? For instance, if I wanted to pump oil out of an ocean, how would I stop the system from being clogged by water?
Liquid Router from MFR.
Also: do ender tanks still cause chunk resets in 1.5?
I haven't had a problem yet. I have a chunkloaded nether endertank, and I have one in my 1.4.7 world as well which I haven't have any problem with.
How many replacements for RP2's sickle exist in FTB Unleashed?
I've found the gloves from dartcraft and some stuff from tinkers construct so far.

Also, is there anything that has colored lamps like redpower had? If not in the pack, which 1.5.2 compatible mod has some?
Hi! I was wondering if there's any good software for making isometric images of maps, compatible with the Ultimate pack? I tried Cartograph, but I just got a lot of white noise as the map, which I assume is an issue with all the blocks added by mods.

Why doesn't work my Hobbyist's Steam Engine? Coal Coke and Steam from the Steam Boiler aren't working! (as you can see, theres steam unter the Hobbyist's Steam Engine)