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Why doesn't work my Hobbyist's Steam Engine? Coal Coke and Steam from the Steam Boiler aren't working! (as you can see, theres steam unter the Hobbyist's Steam Engine)

Do you provide a redstone signal to the engine, like a lever? It won't run without it.
That setup, questionable as it is, cannot possibly explode during normal operation. But:
- Did you maybe build it on a chunk boundary? If one of the reactor chambers overhangs into another chunk that remains unloaded, it's possible that the reactor keeps running thinking of itself as a 5-chamber reactor, ignoring the last column of cooling elements. This will cause a swift detonation.
- Did someone have access to it who is clumsy, and potentially swapped components around by accident while refilling cells? Just one vent and uranium cell swapping places somewhere in the middle results in an explosion.
- Does anyone on that server have a grudge against you, or a tendency for griefing/trolling...?

There is a chunk loader placed near the reactor and I measured it so that the reactor and its chambers were not on a boundary. As for someone who is clumsy and likes to grief and troll yes we have someone who is like that. He has gotten exponentially worse over the last few days. Thank you for your reply.
Edit: Apparently Im a boob. Made tons of mistakes.

1) Tessaracts take energy very slowly. 2EU per tick slowly. Sheesh
2) It didnt output EU in the overworld cause I didnt have the chunk loaded in the mystworld(Im assuming this)
3) Im a giant boob.
Mod: MFFS Calclavia version in DW20's mod pack

I have a made a very good system to power a strong force field, and i manage to put it away from the projector and now i'm stuck inside and i don't know how to get out.
I could wait for the 5 million units of fuel run out of my tank, but i think that will take weeks.
Does anyone know what is the default key or something to pass though the force field? I looked everywhere and can't find it.
So I asked a few pages back. What is the efficiency of Fortune 3 vs Industrial Grinder for ores without a good byproduct.

Aka Diamonds and Quartz. Diamond gives 2.5 diamonds per industrial grind aswell as hydrated coal. Quartz gives 2 Quartz/3 Dust. I believe every other ore that can be fortuned would also give a useful byproduct. Im not sure about coal, havent checked.

Regardless, is it more effective to make a giant stack of ore and fortune them? Or grind?

Edit: Add in redstone. Only gives 2 glowstone dust. I could live without it. Still begs the question of most efficient way to get the most of it.
Mod: MFFS Calclavia version in DW20's mod pack

I have a made a very good system to power a strong force field, and i manage to put it away from the projector and now i'm stuck inside and i don't know how to get out.
I could wait for the 5 million units of fuel run out of my tank, but i think that will take weeks.
Does anyone know what is the default key or something to pass though the force field? I looked everywhere and can't find it.

trap yourself in your own field? whoops.
MFFS multi-tool on field teleporter may get you through.
or you can make yourself an access card that lets the system let you teleport, assuming you have the defense station inside.

@ above: for the most part, fortune 3 gives more drops per ore, grinder gives byproducts.
remember, to get the diamonds from dust, you need the implosion compressor, which is rather lossy.

to the second part, it depends if your main pick is silk touch or fortune.
i reccomend silk touch, as some ores like iridium are NOT affected by fortune.
also saves inventory space.
in this case its better to fortune the ores as you need materials.
trap yourself in your own field? whoops.
MFFS multi-tool on field teleporter may get you through.
or you can make yourself an access card that lets the system let you teleport, assuming you have the defense station inside.

@ above: for the most part, fortune 3 gives more drops per ore, grinder gives byproducts.
remember, to get the diamonds from dust, you need the implosion compressor, which is rather lossy.

to the second part, it depends if your main pick is silk touch or fortune.
i reccomend silk touch, as some ores like iridium are NOT affected by fortune.
also saves inventory space.
in this case its better to fortune the ores as you need materials.

I have both picks. Tinkers Construct. So hammers actually. So in the end it evens out to fortune simply being more efficient? I know for diamonds I tested it out and I doubled the number of diamonds overall. But for my one redstone test I only got 7. Whats the high end on how much a fortuned redstone could drop? I do silk touch everything though. Its just a matter of when I need materials from ores I can fortune Id like to get the biggest bang for my buck.

Edit: Also, are mystcraft worlds ok to build a base in? My current world sucks. Ive gone 3000m or whatever the system is for measurment from minimaps out from my base in all directions and no omnious forest, or that zone with the red water or anything. =( Snow, snow and more snow. Oh, and mountains. Mountains everywhere. =(
Mod: MFFS Calclavia version in DW20's mod pack

I have a made a very good system to power a strong force field, and i manage to put it away from the projector and now i'm stuck inside and i don't know how to get out.
I could wait for the 5 million units of fuel run out of my tank, but i think that will take weeks.
Does anyone know what is the default key or something to pass though the force field? I looked everywhere and can't find it.

Default key is sneak, you have to be sneaking and you can walk right through the field, but don't try to move without sneaking when you're in the field, you'll die instantly
I think my power helmet isn't normal. When I'm at a dark place, it consumes a lot of energy energy. Why? Flight Control is off. Installed modules: Flight Control, Diamond Plating, Energy Shield, Solar Generator, Advanced battery. I hasn't done it before, it began doing it not long ago. I didn't do anything with it.
Do tessaracts even work with EU?

Nope. But they still take little energy when pulled by power converters. The whole problem was chunk loading. I made a buncha chunk loading errors like a noob. They still barely pull 215 for me though and Im using quarry plus.

Edit: Since Im piling on questions no one answers. Another question. I wanna grow oreberries and mushrooms and stuff. How exactly could it be done without mobs spawning? Dont mobs spawn in the low light needed to grow those objects?

Also, how does mushroom farming even work? never tried before. Do you plant one, return later and by the miracle of science another 3 have bloomed?
Using the MFR Bioreactor, what's the best way to convert it to power? For EU I'm assuming those Bio gens, the ones made with sturdy machines that generate 16 EU/t I believe. For MJ I think it would be the Bio Generators from MFR.

What's the mode change key for Mining Laser? I tried both G+RMB and M+RMB, but to no avail.

Unleashed btw
Can't craft ME Drive. Any help? Only thing I have done is enabled Eplus.

Using the MFR Bioreactor, what's the best way to convert it to power? For EU I'm assuming those Bio gens, the ones made with sturdy machines that generate 16 EU/t I believe. For MJ I think it would be the Bio Generators from MFR.

Here's a helpful flow chart for getting the most out of any fuel:

Can't craft ME Drive. Any help? Only thing I have done is enabled Eplus.

I have a feeling this is an old recipe, I'm not certain, but if you have NEI installed, you should be able to look up the recipe of the current version.

Else, have you actually tried taking the results of the recipe?
Things turn up like that for me all the time, because I have greg-tech installed with unleashed, but the server doesn't. So my client tells me that the regular bucket recipe is invalid (No output), yet I can still take the bucket out of the recipe.