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Good old trick with forgotten linked linking book from mystcraft. I had it QQ. it just wasnt linked :( Seems like deleting player file doesnt work anymore. How do i get EASY out of age?

Else, the gameplay mechanic is to find a star fissure and jump into that, or if your world doesn't have any start world hopping and find a star fissure and jump into that.
Question: Is there a block a bit like the old RP2 relay, that will automatically eject into a buildcraft pipe anything that is put into it's inventory? Working with 1.5.2 mods here.
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Question: Is there a block a bit like the old RP2 relay, that will automatically eject into a buildcraft pipe anything that is put into it's inventory? Working with 1.5.2 mods here.

I wish I knew. That need for redstone engine + redstone signal + wooden pipe or a boiler powering an array of lasers gets old quick. >_<
And here's me getting all excited because someone quoted my question :p you let-downer you! :p

If you're just trying to auto-output into a specific inventory, you can use ExtraUtils transfer nodes. If you're trying to auto-output specifically into a buildcraft pipe network, best I can come up with is the Extractor Pipes from Logistics Pipes or this weird wooden pipe+engine combo pipe that I assume is added by PluginsForForestry. Not quite the same as a Relay, though. :(
Quite simply yes it's possible, but very unlikely.

I think the average rate of diamonds is one per chunk? but as you might know, they come in veins, so this means there's many chunks without diamonds too. So, it's possible that you've just mined the wrong chunks, statistically unlikely, but possible.

However, it would also be worth checking your code to make sure it's emptying its inventory enough, because if it's not, it may be mining through the diamonds and not actually picking them up, thus leaving you with no diamonds.
Well it was really strange, while waiting for our server to get set up I was playing ssp but on peaceful just to see how fast I could get a basic ore system going. I got bored on peaceful and set it to hard and then no more than two minutes later checked to see if the turtle dropped off. I catch it as it drops... A diamond. Next drop off ... 2 more. Has to be a coincidence but I'd never ever come up with zero diamonds on a single turtle run before, and this time I did three runs with no diamonds, until changing to a normal difficulty.
My cold chickens aren't regrowing feathers after being hit with force shears. I saw cold cows regrowing skin - what am I doing wrong here?

Cold Cows need grass to graze on before they'll regrow their skin. Kinda like sheep. Not sure if it's the same case for Cold Chickens, but do your chickens have access to grass?
Another question (linked to my last one)

What is the easiest way to link Extra Utilities transfer nodes to pipes? Can they export into pipes?
Question: Is there a block a bit like the old RP2 relay, that will automatically eject into a buildcraft pipe anything that is put into it's inventory? Working with 1.5.2 mods here.

Perhaps try using autarchic gates? You could put a gate on a wooden transfer pipe, and have it set to "When not recieving a redstone signal, energy pulser" or something similar - that basically has the effect of a wooden transfer pipe which pulls items out without the help of a redstone engine or lever.

Although you'll need to have it next to an inventory to pull out of - like a chest or something. Pretend the chest is the relay or something, and the autarchic-enhanced wooden transfer pipe is just a regular pipe. Something like that.
Your question touches on the mechanics of how the IC2 e-net works. And it doesn't work like you think it does ;)
Well... it is not far off from what I imagined.
I have basically been treating it as the EU storage device granting single packets each tick, when a device was able to take it.
Your explanation makes more sense though, and allows me to adjust accordingly. Basically, the MFR machines will play nice, and as long as their buffer size is larger than the size of packets I am trying to send it, all is fine.
The electric engine doesn't seem to play as nicely.

Your question touches on the mechanics of how the Buildcraft power framework works. (Deja vu? ;))
Now the Buildcraft stuff makes more sense... time to rework my system for engines again.
The reason my Buildcraft power systems keep failing is clear to me... it is all about balancing the production to the consumption. Any unused MJ produced will actually cause problems.

My current survival electrical engine setup.
I've got 32 wind mills powering up an MFE, which is then directly connected to my Electrical engines, so they get 128 EU/p.
After grinding 63 iron ore and letting the Pulverizer refill the buffer... the Electrical Engine dedicated to the Pulverizer has 3928 MJ stored.
To use it, I will have to disconnect the power and then turn the engine on to flush it out... however, I'm going to pulverize more and see what it takes to overheat this thing.
Note: No upgrades to the electrical engines.
Cool down triggered at 300 C.
Stored MJ was over 5500, and was all wasted in the cool down.
Normal operation seems to run at 135 C.
Accumulation of stored MJ in the electrical engine appears to slow down as the temperature rises.
The highest accumulation seems to occur while cold (under 50 C).
In the time it takes to reach 135 C, the electrical engine gains around 1000 MJ stored.
One at 135C, stored MJ is slow to increase.
Note: The pulverizer appears to use more MJ while the buffer is full in it, but once the buffer is under 2000 MJ, it uses as much MJ as it gets.
If the pulverizer is allowed to fill the buffer, the electric engine does not build storage of MJ any differently.
It appears to be that when the electrical engine has over 5000 MJ stored, the temperature starts climbing above the 135 C mark.
Now, to understand the logic behind that... is the build up of power from not being able to pass all of it to the pulverizer?
If the engine pumps into something that can take it all in, will it be fine and not build up stored MJ... and thus not overheat?
Perhaps try using autarchic gates? You could put a gate on a wooden transfer pipe, and have it set to "When not recieving a redstone signal, energy pulser" or something similar - that basically has the effect of a wooden transfer pipe which pulls items out without the help of a redstone engine or lever.

Although you'll need to have it next to an inventory to pull out of - like a chest or something. Pretend the chest is the relay or something, and the autarchic-enhanced wooden transfer pipe is just a regular pipe. Something like that.

Nowhere near as fast as a Relay, though. :(
I have two quick questions:

I have an ME Network set up with the Molecular Assembly Chamber and MOST everything is working great. My first question is how do I monitor/maintain multiple item levels within the system. Specifically, I use minium stones for converting obsidian up to diamond. If I run out of gold, stone or inert stones and the minium stone is used up the system halts as the minium stone requires gold/iron ingots to be made but the ingots require the minium stone to be made. I would like to keep a stack of stone, gold and iron bars in the system at all times to avoid this catch 22. Level emitters seem like the way to go but I am unsure how to set them up to monitor multiple items on a single machine. This leads to my next question.

I think you need an ME Interface, a Precision Export Bus, and an ME Level Emitter for each type you want to keep stocked.
For each type (I'll use gold in this example):
  1. Place your Interface somewhere.
  2. Place the Export Bus so it faces the Interface.
  3. Configure the Export Bus with a Gold Ingot, Always Craft, and Active With Signal.
  4. Place the Level Emitter so it faces the Export Bus.
  5. Configure the Level Emitter to emit a redstone signal when you have less than 64 gold ingots in your network.
Note that you need a different export bus and level emitter for each type, but you can squeeze as many bus-emitter pairs as you can around the Interface.

When you get 64 gold, the level emitter will turn off, causing the level emitter to stop crafting.

Good old trick with forgotten linked linking book from mystcraft. I had it QQ. it just wasnt linked :( Seems like deleting player file doesnt work anymore. How do i get EASY out of age?
Type "/tpx 0" into the chatbox, without quotes. Assuming you have cheats or admin powers.
Else, spam random ages until you get a star fissure.

Question: Is there a block a bit like the old RP2 relay, that will automatically eject into a buildcraft pipe anything that is put into it's inventory? Working with 1.5.2 mods here.
The Tubestuff Buffer does that, although I'm not sure if Immibis has updated yet.

Well... it is not far off from what I imagined.
I have basically been treating it as the EU storage device granting single packets each tick, when a device was able to take it.
Your explanation makes more sense though, and allows me to adjust accordingly. Basically, the MFR machines will play nice, and as long as their buffer size is larger than the size of packets I am trying to send it, all is fine.
The electric engine doesn't seem to play as nicely.

Now the Buildcraft stuff makes more sense... time to rework my system for engines again.
The reason my Buildcraft power systems keep failing is clear to me... it is all about balancing the production to the consumption. Any unused MJ produced will actually cause problems.

My current survival electrical engine setup.
I've got 32 wind mills powering up an MFE, which is then directly connected to my Electrical engines, so they get 128 EU/p.
After grinding 63 iron ore and letting the Pulverizer refill the buffer... the Electrical Engine dedicated to the Pulverizer has 3928 MJ stored.
To use it, I will have to disconnect the power and then turn the engine on to flush it out... however, I'm going to pulverize more and see what it takes to overheat this thing.
Note: No upgrades to the electrical engines.
Cool down triggered at 300 C.
Stored MJ was over 5500, and was all wasted in the cool down.
Normal operation seems to run at 135 C.
Accumulation of stored MJ in the electrical engine appears to slow down as the temperature rises.
The highest accumulation seems to occur while cold (under 50 C).
In the time it takes to reach 135 C, the electrical engine gains around 1000 MJ stored.
One at 135C, stored MJ is slow to increase.
Note: The pulverizer appears to use more MJ while the buffer is full in it, but once the buffer is under 2000 MJ, it uses as much MJ as it gets.
If the pulverizer is allowed to fill the buffer, the electric engine does not build storage of MJ any differently.
It appears to be that when the electrical engine has over 5000 MJ stored, the temperature starts climbing above the 135 C mark.
Now, to understand the logic behind that... is the build up of power from not being able to pass all of it to the pulverizer?
If the engine pumps into something that can take it all in, will it be fine and not build up stored MJ... and thus not overheat?

I think (based on my understanding) what happens is an electrical engine (or most any EU-consuming machine, for that matter) will buffer the entirety of any EU-packet sent to it in a "hidden storage" that isn't normally shown on GUIs. Anything over the stated limit will not be lost- the "limit" is really a threshold above which the machine won't request any more energy.

I remember seeing on a video near the end of Direwolf20's season 4 (I think) Multiplayer series where a computer monitor connected to a Nuclear Control energy monitor thing (receiving power from a nuclear reactor in a wasteland) that said that a MFSU contained 1,000,246 EU or something. The MFSU was overcharged a little.

Usually, this isn't noticeable, as the storage capacity of most EU machines is much, much greater than the maximum packet size it will accept. Although I haven't tested it, I think an electrical engine could run for quite a while on its internal reserves alone after receiving a single million-EU pulse from a redstoned Supercondensator.

As for the MJ side of electrical engines (based on actual in-game observations, as opposed to more of this theoretical nonsense), what happens is this:

Say that you have an electrical engine plugged directly into a Redstone Energy Cell, with no pipes or conduits in between.
The engine takes EU and produces MJ, and tries to pump that MJ into the REC. However, the engine tries to pump more than 100 MJ at once, so 100 go in and the rest stay in the engine.

The process repeats, over and over again. The engine is slowly building up both MJ and heat.
As you've seen, when the heat reaches 135 degrees, it stops increasing, until the stored MJs exceed about 5000 in number.

Meanwhile, as the engine has been heating up, it has been pumping faster and faster in attempt to clear its MJ buffer. It ultimately doesn't succeed.

When the temperature (or MJ, I'm not sure- but I'd assume heat) hits a certain, higher threshold, the engine overheats and goes into Forced Cooldown mode.

In this state, it stops consuming EU (I would assume, at least- haven't checked with an EU-reader, but the bar in the engine GUI freezes) and starts dissipating heat and MJ. However, it continues to pump away in accordance with its heat, and continues to try to pump MJ into the REC in front of it, until its MJ buffer is empty.

Once the temperature hits zero, the whole cycle starts over again.

Now, let's assume that you recognize the problem and instead feed the MJ into something with a higher burst input limit, such as a wooden conductive pipe or a Redstone Energy Conduit. Now, the engine can pump put its entire MJ buffer on each pulse, the MJ stored stays near zero, the temperature tops out at 135m and all is well.

Note that an already-full conduit that receives more energy will simply dissipate it. Doesn't sound good, but it's better than engines exploding.

Nowhere near as fast as a Relay, though. :(
Have you tried placing a Diamond Autarchic Gate on a wooden pipe and setting seven of it's eight slots to "Redstone Signal Off" >> "Energy Pulser"?
Or dumping 64 MJ/t into a wooden pipe from a Redstone Energy Cell?

Seems odd to me that Thermal Expansion allowed Buildcraft to pull items from inventories several times faster than Redpower ever could, seeing as people used a Redpower Filter into an obsidian pipe to pump items into pipes faster than Buildcraft usually does.
Question: Is there a block a bit like the old RP2 relay, that will automatically eject into a buildcraft pipe anything that is put into it's inventory? Working with 1.5.2 mods here.

Applied Energistics' export buses will happily output into any Buildcraft transport pipe they are pointing at. The precision and fuzzy ones can move whole stacks, much like a RP2 relay.

You can also power wooden pipes with engines bigger than redstone. A combustion engine for instance will move a whole stack with each piston stroke instead of one item.
Have you tried placing a Diamond Autarchic Gate on a wooden pipe and setting seven of it's eight slots to "Redstone Signal Off" >> "Energy Pulser"?
Or dumping 64 MJ/t into a wooden pipe from a Redstone Energy Cell?

Wow! Never occurred to me to apply more energy pulses with a more advanced gate. Thank you! :eek:
You can also power wooden pipes with engines bigger than redstone. A combustion engine for instance will move a whole stack with each piston stroke instead of one item.
And 64 MJ/t from a Redstone Energy Cell will move a whole stack per tick...

Wow! Never occurred to me to apply more energy pulses with a more advanced gate. Thank you! :eek:
That was added pretty recently- I don't exactly remember when, but it wasn't before the 1.5 update.
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Ultimate FTB Mod Pack Question.

Hi, I've searched the forums here under several keyword combos and I've been looking on and off with google for weeks, even looked up any of the mods that it could likely be from the list of the Ultimate FTB pack but to no avail.
Can anyone, please, tell me what the mod is in the Ultimate pack that when you die, places your inventory into your own skull and places that atop a fence post in the spot where you died so you can come back and get your stuff?
Myself and friends are trying to put together a mod pack to submit as a private FTB pack and this is literally the only one that is alluding us and driving me crackers trying to find it lol The answer would be greatly appreciated if anyone has it. Thank you in advance :)