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This is probably a really dumb question, but here goes:

I've been playing my SSP 1.10.2 custom world for a little while now. My spawn happened to be right near a village on the edge of a river, lovely place, so I set up shop there. I even put a megatorch roughly in the middle, to help avoid hostile mob spawns, and have tried to light up the surrounding area too. But I have noticed that gradually, the number of villagers seemed to dwindle! I haven't seen any of them being massacred by zombles, not seen any zombie villagers about, though occasionally some houses don't seem to have doors when I thought they did. But yes, my local village appears to be deserted now! I've gone into the nether a few times, never for too long, and gone wandering out to find things like cactus, sometimes being gone for an hour or more real time.

Does anyone have any ideas why this might be, and how I can solve it? Could it be just that the villagers over the hill from me were in fact murderfied and I didn't notice? Or do villagers wander off? I've tried to make sure all the houses around have doors on, in the hope that will encourage them to breed, but that doesn't seem to have helped.

I could try and find another village and capture the inhabitants in golden lassos, but I'm worried that the same thing will happen again! I'm almost tempted to add CraftTweaker in and put in an expensive recipe for villager spawn eggs...

I found this in my 1.7.4 world as well. Turns out they villagers were being derps and taking small amounts of fall damage from a ledge, over and over and over and over and over.......
Check for places they can get to and fall from. They are idiots..

As of 1.8, Villagers will only breed if "willing". Once they have bred, they will no longer be willing until either a player trades with them (first time a trade is opened or roughly 1 in 5 trades after that) or if they have a surplus of food in their inventory. A farmer with excess food will drop food for other villagers to encourage breeding, but if you have no farmer for whatever reason, continued villager breeding is highly player dependant. This change was made to help prevent infinite villager farming at a Vanilla level.

Unfortunately, this means a single cactus or slight fall can doom a village to certain death due to their complete lack of useful AI unless a player takes the time to shake hands and kiss babies every now and again. Frankly, it's more hassle than it's worth.
If I recall correctly, you're playing with 1.7.10. My only experience with AA is 1.10, so I'm not sure how much changed, so there may be some things that don't apply for you.

The Atomic Reconstructor is a basic machine in the progression which converts Vanilla materials into their AA counterparts. There are also several lenses that can be applied to it to enhance it's functionality, including a disenchanted and a way to create ores out of smooth stone.

Greenhouse Glass increases the growth rate of plants growing below it (needs clear path to sky above it to function). The AA Farmer can automate the harvesting and replanting of those crops.

There is a multiblock Lava creation system, and AA provides an option for moving fluids such as this around with the Fluid Collector and Fluid Placer.

AA has ways to place block in the world with Phantom Faces (I've experimented very little with them, but they show great promise).

Some of my favorite things about the mod are its crops: Flax, Rice, and Coffee. Flax is string you can grow - no more hunting spiders or waiting on a giant field of cotton. Rice can be food, but my love comes from being able to make slimeballs out of it - no more searching for a slime chunk or swamp. Coffee and the Coffee Maker allow for custom potions, although I've not truly played with that either - it's on my list.

If you're not into manually mining, the Vertical Digger is an option for doing it with machines. If you add boosters to it, it has a 16 block range, and I think it has an option to only mine ores, saving you the hassle of storing all that cobble.

I'm sure there's more to it, but hopefully that can whet your appetite enough to take a run at it. Oh, I almost forgot the Infusion Altar -like crafting mechanic, but I'll let you go play with it. Have fun.

Can always count on you! Haha.

Alright, it's coming into focus now. This really helps. I always glaze over the gardening aspects of mods because Im ok with just eating baked potatoes as a health restoration mechanic. I never in a million years would have caught that you can essentially grow your own slime out of rice. I already dug out a slime farm so I don't need it, but it's still cool that you can and I still may go that route when I build some auto farms.

Lots of other stuff on there that also sounds pretty awesome, but those phantom faces take the cake if I'm reading that right. It's a block that will place a block? I'm not going to get this one out if my mind. What I could do with a block like that... I'll have to look into this.
I don't know how the Mechanical User works exactly, but to do this with an Autonomous Activator you set it to "Right Click" and "While Sneaking" since you Shift-Right Click on an inventory to dump the Loot Bag direct into an inventory. If the Mechanical User has the same settings try those.

The version of SkyFactory I'm playing doesn't have the Autonomous Activator. Also the Mechanical User interface doesn't offer a shift click option.
Is it possible to craft x8 / x64 extrautils generators in ftb beyond? The energy transfer thingie that goes in the middle seems to be disabled
And are there any texts about disabling many RF transfer thingies from different mods? Release post only mentions solar flux reborn conduits.

Edit: Maybe I'm confused by version numbers and x8/x64 generators is not even a thing anymore
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Is it possible to craft x8 / x64 extrautils generators in ftb beyond? The energy transfer thingie that goes in the middle seems to be disabled
And are there any texts about disabling many RF transfer thingies from different mods? Release post only mentions solar flux reborn conduits.
difference between exu(1.7.10) and exu2(1.10) the rf generators + machines(not mills) are upgraded by inserting speed upgrades inside of them .
Since when does a Wither de-spawn? I thought they didn't. But I made a Wither grinder and despite checking it over and swearing I did it correctly, somehow the Draconic Grinder was backwards. Thus, within a short while, the Wither began breaking thru the Dark Steel cage and panic ensued. LOL I retreated to the farthest corner of my base, cowering in fear... not so much from the Wither, but from the server operator as I was already thinking of how to contact him and what sort of mess the world was going to be in by the time I did... when suddenly all went quiet. I carefully made my way back to the window and peered out at my half-destroyed Wither grinder, didn't see him. Then I nervously went outside and looked skyward thinking he was up there, but nope. Gone. WHEW!

Maybe they changed it, or maybe they didn't, but in past modpacks I distincly remember when a Wither got loose, it was potentially the end of the world and all my hard work and time and effort. But this Wither didn't last more than 30 seconds out there. When we talk about nice surprises... wow. Yeah. The most pleasant surprise I've gotten in a long time. :)
Since when does a Wither de-spawn? I thought they didn't. But I made a Wither grinder and despite checking it over and swearing I did it correctly, somehow the Draconic Grinder was backwards. Thus, within a short while, the Wither began breaking thru the Dark Steel cage and panic ensued. LOL I retreated to the farthest corner of my base, cowering in fear... not so much from the Wither, but from the server operator as I was already thinking of how to contact him and what sort of mess the world was going to be in by the time I did... when suddenly all went quiet. I carefully made my way back to the window and peered out at my half-destroyed Wither grinder, didn't see him. Then I nervously went outside and looked skyward thinking he was up there, but nope. Gone. WHEW!

Maybe they changed it, or maybe they didn't, but in past modpacks I distincly remember when a Wither got loose, it was potentially the end of the world and all my hard work and time and effort. But this Wither didn't last more than 30 seconds out there. When we talk about nice surprises... wow. Yeah. The most pleasant surprise I've gotten in a long time. :)
Sorry Too ruin the nice story, but maybe he just stepped fool as he is/were in front of the backwarded draconic grinder and got killed? :)
Sorry Too ruin the nice story, but maybe he just stepped fool as he is/were in front of the backwarded draconic grinder and got killed? :)

Nope, your theory is wrong because i didn't get a nether star in the Vacuum Hopper (I still use the old names for things, it's called something else in Beyond, but its still the Vacuum Hopper)... so the Wither definitely despawned or else something happened. The Draconic Grinder definitely didn't kill it or else I'd see the evidence. Good thinking tho, very good. :)

During the same game session, I was in the nether approaching a Ghast that had fired at least one fireball at me, I was within 16 blocks of it, when it just vanished - POOF! Never seen that happen before, and its def too close for it to be a normal despawn, so something odd happened. Maybe my game got messed up somehow? Are you saying that Withers don't de-spawn, which is the way I remember it being in past versions?
Nope, your theory is wrong because i didn't get a nether star in the Vacuum Hopper (I still use the old names for things, it's called something else in Beyond, but its still the Vacuum Hopper)... so the Wither definitely despawned or else something happened. The Draconic Grinder definitely didn't kill it or else I'd see the evidence. Good thinking tho, very good. :)

During the same game session, I was in the nether approaching a Ghast that had fired at least one fireball at me, I was within 16 blocks of it, when it just vanished - POOF! Never seen that happen before, and its def too close for it to be a normal despawn, so something odd happened. Maybe my game got messed up somehow? Are you saying that Withers don't de-spawn, which is the way I remember it being in past versions?

I've had something similar happen - Had a Wither trapped in reinforced obsidian so it would suffocate (which it did, after about the same amount of time as I recall), and no Nether Star dropped.
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That's what I'm looking for. The info on the wiki isn't telling me much about what's what. I'm looking for help on what stands out.

Edit: Here, let me give you an example of the kinds of info there is out there on both wiki's that I know of on this mod:

That's typical of just about every piece of equipment. It's not helping me at all. You know what I mean? I don't need detailed info, just some highlights of what is worth going for.

Both the gamepedia and ftbwiki sites are usually pretty good for 1.7 content, but from my experience if you want current info you will have to go to the mod authors themselves. Frequently I go to curseforge and from there find the links the authors have posted.

Specifically for Actually Additions they do point to the gamepedia link

But on that page is another set of external links, one of which will take you to the online version of the manual:

This brings me to a tab in browser I have had open for more than the past week:
I seem to have enough time read these forums and learn about stuff I would like to do the next time I have the opportunity to play, so maybe I should look into taking the time to select a mod I like and help give back a bit by updating a few pages...
Both the gamepedia and ftbwiki sites are usually pretty good for 1.7 content, but from my experience if you want current info you will have to go to the mod authors themselves. Frequently I go to curseforge and from there find the links the authors have posted.

Specifically for Actually Additions they do point to the gamepedia link

But on that page is another set of external links, one of which will take you to the online version of the manual:

This brings me to a tab in browser I have had open for more than the past week:
I seem to have enough time read these forums and learn about stuff I would like to do the next time I have the opportunity to play, so maybe I should look into taking the time to select a mod I like and help give back a bit by updating a few pages...

My quote was from the gamepedia site. That's one of the two that were driving me nuts, lol. The other one was FTBwiki. But, I didn't catch that one with the manual, so thank you! That'll give me something to work with today.
I tried searching (and my search-fu is not strong so I apologize if this has been asked>answered)...

Is there a simple way of getting a list of all /help commands? I can do the /help 1, copy>paste, /help 2, copy>paste, etc (or /help 1, /help 2, /help 3, etc then copy>paste from the log when I've gone through all the pages)...but is there an export function or perhaps a mod that has an export function for all /help commands? It would be super awesome cool if there was an export that listed the /help command + the mod associated with it.
@Reciprocity short answer no. The commands all come from different mods as well as forge and vanilla minecraft. So there is no help all list and the list of commands will change from pack to pack. And it may change from server to server as well if they have sponge or some other bukkit compatible plug in system.
I also just started playing the DW20 pack and I could swear he used to have Thermal Expansion in it. Am I crazy or did he remove it for some reason?

On a side note, does anyone know if it's still possible to access the old EPiCCRAFT mod pack from the new launcher?
@Reciprocity short answer no. The commands all come from different mods as well as forge and vanilla minecraft. So there is no help all list and the list of commands will change from pack to pack. And it may change from server to server as well if they have sponge or some other bukkit compatible plug in system.

Alas, but understandable!

At least I can just /help 1, /help 2, rinse wash repeat and copy>paste from the logs.

Truthfully there isn't a big use for this list...just curiosity really.
I also just started playing the DW20 pack and I could swear he used to have Thermal Expansion in it. Am I crazy or did he remove it for some reason?

On a side note, does anyone know if it's still possible to access the old EPiCCRAFT mod pack from the new launcher?
He did in 1.7.10, but at the time of launch of hte 1.10 dw pack the Thermal mods weren't yet available.
I also just started playing the DW20 pack and I could swear he used to have Thermal Expansion in it. Am I crazy or did he remove it for some reason?

On a side note, does anyone know if it's still possible to access the old EPiCCRAFT mod pack from the new launcher?

Since you are using the new launcher you need to open the profile for the DW20 modpack and click the versions button to download the most recent beta, starting at 1.8 the TE mods have been added. You might also need to change the preference from release to beta in order to see it. It is fine to change that setting for all of minecraft as it wil not auto update any pack until you click the download button icon or go into the versions area and select one.