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Rod of the Shifting Crust from botania, the swapping wand from not enough wands are the first two that come to mind, there may be others, the former is likely more similar to the Equal Trade in terms of how it works, but both have their perks and nuisances.

EDIT: Not 100% sure Not Enough Wands is in Beyond now i think of it, but it's there if it is XD
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Rod of the Shifting Crust from botania, the swapping wand from not enough wands are the first two that come to mind, there may be others, the former is likely more similar to the Equal Trade in terms of how it works, but both have their perks and nuisances.

EDIT: Not 100% sure Not Enough Wands is in Beyond now i think of it, but it's there if it is XD
It is not, but the botania one will make it.
How do I disable the Gravestone Deathnote? There is a bug that makes the deathnote overwrite the IronBackPack if inventory is full... Happend 3 times by now.
I searched in the configs but it sais:
# If this is set to true you get a death note after you died [default: true]

On both server and client... so this should already be off... but it does create.
If I make a portal to the Deep Dark, can I then move the portal on the Deep Dark side to a place where it's much more useful such as elevation 11? Will it break my game (I'm playing on someone else's server)? I can keep the X and Z coordinates the same if I have to, and only change the Y, would that be okay or would it not work?

And how about on the Overworld side? If I change the Deep Dark Portal location, will it create a new portal in the Deep Dark the next time I go there? So I'd have to dig a staircase down to the ores all over again? Would my old staircase still be in the previous location so I could connect back up to it?
In regards to a clip concerning Java arguments...

Sorry for the delay. My thanks to @Quetzi for dropping the link to this back a while ago.

Yeah I used one of those java strings and I dunno if its the reason why, but the brief pause of the game that was happening every 5-10 seconds went away (it was only happening in v1.10.2 modpacks).
So I highly recommend that post as well, I saved a link to it as well when I came across it, and I don't save many. :)
In SkyFactory 3.0.8 how do I automate loot bag insertion into chests using the Mechanical User from Extra Utilities 2? Like Use Item or Generic Click or etc..., because nothing seems to work. If it matters, I am trying to insert them into a crate from Actually Additions.
In SkyFactory 3.0.8 how do I automate loot bag insertion into chests using the Mechanical User from Extra Utilities 2? Like Use Item or Generic Click or etc..., because nothing seems to work. If it matters, I am trying to insert them into a crate from Actually Additions.
I don't know how the Mechanical User works exactly, but to do this with an Autonomous Activator you set it to "Right Click" and "While Sneaking" since you Shift-Right Click on an inventory to dump the Loot Bag direct into an inventory. If the Mechanical User has the same settings try those.
This is probably a really dumb question, but here goes:

I've been playing my SSP 1.10.2 custom world for a little while now. My spawn happened to be right near a village on the edge of a river, lovely place, so I set up shop there. I even put a megatorch roughly in the middle, to help avoid hostile mob spawns, and have tried to light up the surrounding area too. But I have noticed that gradually, the number of villagers seemed to dwindle! I haven't seen any of them being massacred by zombles, not seen any zombie villagers about, though occasionally some houses don't seem to have doors when I thought they did. But yes, my local village appears to be deserted now! I've gone into the nether a few times, never for too long, and gone wandering out to find things like cactus, sometimes being gone for an hour or more real time.

Does anyone have any ideas why this might be, and how I can solve it? Could it be just that the villagers over the hill from me were in fact murderfied and I didn't notice? Or do villagers wander off? I've tried to make sure all the houses around have doors on, in the hope that will encourage them to breed, but that doesn't seem to have helped.

I could try and find another village and capture the inhabitants in golden lassos, but I'm worried that the same thing will happen again! I'm almost tempted to add CraftTweaker in and put in an expensive recipe for villager spawn eggs...
I'm looking through the Wiki for Actually Additions. I'm not totally 100% getting what this mod is going to do for me.

What's the difference the drill makes? That seems to be a central part of it, but the description just says that it breaks blocks. Well, so does a pickaxe. These wiki's aren't always super descriptive. Can anyone give me some highlights of what to look for in this mod?

Edit: I primarily have it for the repairer, which does seem very useful, especially once I get back to wearing heavily enchanted dark steel armor.
I'm looking through the Wiki for Actually Additions. I'm not totally 100% getting what this mod is going to do for me.

What's the difference the drill makes? That seems to be a central part of it, but the description just says that it breaks blocks. Well, so does a pickaxe. These wiki's aren't always super descriptive. Can anyone give me some highlights of what to look for in this mod?
Watch Direwolf20's review of the mod. iirc, the deal with the drill is that its upgradeable: depending on its tier, you can toss various upgrades into it to make it better. For instance, the ability to silk touch or do tico-mode (3x3 etc)
Crossmod but well... The Actually Additions Drill with +2 Speed Upgrade plus the +3 Fortune Upgrade plus the 3x3 one and a FLux Network Plug that relaods your tools in the hand were ever you are = Best manual mining I could find.
My pickaxe can do silk touch! lol

I can't really watch videos. I'm at work. What about things that aren't the drill? I don't do a lot of manual mining right now anyway. Are there some machines that just aren't looking all that useful in the wiki that I'm probably underestimating?

edit: What I might be looking for is a better wiki. It's nice enough to list all the new equipment you can build with it, but absolutely nothing about what the difference is between materials.
well it has tons of other stuff...
Farming stuff
Energy Creation stuff (canola Oil+ Oil Generator)
auto Placers for Items and Fluids
Solar Power
Better Hoppers
faster Farming Tick stuff

and so on.
well it has tons of other stuff...
Farming stuff
Energy Creation stuff (canola Oil+ Oil Generator)
auto Placers for Items and Fluids
Solar Power
Better Hoppers
faster Farming Tick stuff

and so on.

That's what I'm looking for. The info on the wiki isn't telling me much about what's what. I'm looking for help on what stands out.

Edit: Here, let me give you an example of the kinds of info there is out there on both wiki's that I know of on this mod:

The Emeradic Crystal Pickaxe is a tool added by Actually Additions.

That's typical of just about every piece of equipment. It's not helping me at all. You know what I mean? I don't need detailed info, just some highlights of what is worth going for.
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That's what I'm looking for. The info on the wiki isn't telling me much about what's what. I'm looking for help on what stands out.

Edit: Here, let me give you an example of the kinds of info there is out there on both wiki's that I know of on this mod:

That's typical of just about every piece of equipment. It's not helping me at all. You know what I mean? I don't need detailed info, just some highlights of what is worth going for.

If I recall correctly, you're playing with 1.7.10. My only experience with AA is 1.10, so I'm not sure how much changed, so there may be some things that don't apply for you.

The Atomic Reconstructor is a basic machine in the progression which converts Vanilla materials into their AA counterparts. There are also several lenses that can be applied to it to enhance it's functionality, including a disenchanted and a way to create ores out of smooth stone.

Greenhouse Glass increases the growth rate of plants growing below it (needs clear path to sky above it to function). The AA Farmer can automate the harvesting and replanting of those crops.

There is a multiblock Lava creation system, and AA provides an option for moving fluids such as this around with the Fluid Collector and Fluid Placer.

AA has ways to place block in the world with Phantom Faces (I've experimented very little with them, but they show great promise).

Some of my favorite things about the mod are its crops: Flax, Rice, and Coffee. Flax is string you can grow - no more hunting spiders or waiting on a giant field of cotton. Rice can be food, but my love comes from being able to make slimeballs out of it - no more searching for a slime chunk or swamp. Coffee and the Coffee Maker allow for custom potions, although I've not truly played with that either - it's on my list.

If you're not into manually mining, the Vertical Digger is an option for doing it with machines. If you add boosters to it, it has a 16 block range, and I think it has an option to only mine ores, saving you the hassle of storing all that cobble.

I'm sure there's more to it, but hopefully that can whet your appetite enough to take a run at it. Oh, I almost forgot the Infusion Altar -like crafting mechanic, but I'll let you go play with it. Have fun.
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Phantom Faces are one of my favorite things ever. In my Skyfactory world I was automating a field of endoflames, and the only thing you could see was the open crate and the pressure plate. I used a phantom face connected to the open crate that was hidden under the ground, along with a hopperhock (also hidden underground :) ) to pick up the red coal so it wouldn't despawn. Looked much nicer than my typical setup.
This is probably a really dumb question, but here goes:

I've been playing my SSP 1.10.2 custom world for a little while now. My spawn happened to be right near a village on the edge of a river, lovely place, so I set up shop there. I even put a megatorch roughly in the middle, to help avoid hostile mob spawns, and have tried to light up the surrounding area too. But I have noticed that gradually, the number of villagers seemed to dwindle! I haven't seen any of them being massacred by zombles, not seen any zombie villagers about, though occasionally some houses don't seem to have doors when I thought they did. But yes, my local village appears to be deserted now! I've gone into the nether a few times, never for too long, and gone wandering out to find things like cactus, sometimes being gone for an hour or more real time.

Does anyone have any ideas why this might be, and how I can solve it? Could it be just that the villagers over the hill from me were in fact murderfied and I didn't notice? Or do villagers wander off? I've tried to make sure all the houses around have doors on, in the hope that will encourage them to breed, but that doesn't seem to have helped.

I could try and find another village and capture the inhabitants in golden lassos, but I'm worried that the same thing will happen again! I'm almost tempted to add CraftTweaker in and put in an expensive recipe for villager spawn eggs...

I found this in my 1.7.4 world as well. Turns out they villagers were being derps and taking small amounts of fall damage from a ledge, over and over and over and over and over.......
Check for places they can get to and fall from. They are idiots..