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I'm having a problem with my logistics pipes on the Infinity Skyblock pack.
I'm using LP for storage and crafting and I'm using warp itemducts inbetween the logistics pipes to quick transfer items around, but as I mentioned I'm running into a problem.

whenever I add another logistics part to the network the whole network goes offline and goes red, but as soon as I remove a part of the network, it goes back online.


could this perhaps happen because there's a maximum amount of connections that can be made to a network, or is something else going wrong?
and if this is expected behavior, is there perhaps a configuration option I can change to create bigger networks?

I thought it might happen because the network isn't getting enough power, so I added another power junction, but that doesn't seem to do anything
Try this - Use LP unrouted and basic pipes for a run (connection) or two instead of the TE pipes. If there is a connection limit (to other mods, from LP), this will reduce it slightly. Then, see if issue occurs when you make the next LP + itemduct connection.
This is a problem I also ran into, you've unfortunatly run into the cap in connections across an itemduct network. This is per itemduct 'network' though, not per LP network, so dividing up the warp itemducts into smaller sections bridged by a Logisitics Pipe (other than the unrouted one) should help.

that solved it, thanks :)
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And, thanks to @Yusunoha bringing this topic up, I didn't know until now you could speed up LP in that fashion. Very, very cool.

yea, for a bit of power you've instant item transportation, but after playing some more Infinity Skyblock today I remembered why I preferred AE over LP, because goddamnit LP keeps messing up, and the bugs just pile up and up and up.

for example I'm trying to autocraft invar in an induction smelter using a mk5 chassis with a mk2 crafting module and a chest ontop the smelter with a satellite pipe.
the iron and ferruous go to the chest, where itemducts pull out the items into the smelter to craft the invar, and the invar is pulled out by the crafting module inside the mk5 chassis

it should be pretty straightforward, but sadly it isn't. whenever I request invar it says it's just missing the invar and doesn't even try to autocraft it.
another annoying bug is with the cyclic assembler trying to craft signalum blend, again with the combo of a mk5 chassis, mk2 crafting module and satellite pipe with a chest.

it autocrafts the pulverized copper and silver properly, also smelts down the 10 redstone and transfers it all into the cyclic assembler and the cyclic assembler crafts it, but the damn pipe doesn't extract the signalum blend, so it just keeps sitting inside the cyclic assembler. at one point the system went bonkers and it kept autocrafting signalum blend when I only requested 2. I had to reload the world to stop it as I was already sitting at 4 stacks of signalum blend...

I did try reloading both the world and the client, but both didn't help to solve the problem.
Not sure why you are using the cyclic assembler for the signalum blend. Seems that would be easier in a logistics crafting table. As for the others I found it was easier to use a satellite pipe on almost all of the TE machines. Use that pipe to input the items on a blue side. Then configure the output side to jut be a gray in/out side. I also removed the servos from all of my TE machines that didn't need them. That way the LP crafting pipe could pull the item out. Still had to be careful with induction smelter recipes though. I needed to have 3 of them setup to avoid a single one trying to make two items at once. Like enderium and hardened glass.
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Regarding the Invar recipe, is the recipe for Ferrous or Nickel ?

I've found LP doesn't always equivocate the same metals. I had an ImmersEng vs. IC2 iron and lead plate issue I had to resolve with the following lines in my server's modpack/expert/scripts/ImmersiveEngineering.zs

# Match up iron plates
recipes.addShapeless(<IC2:itemPlates:4>, [<ImmersiveEngineering:metal:30>]);
recipes.addShapeless(<ImmersiveEngineering:metal:30>, [<IC2:itemPlates:4>]);

# Match up lead plates
recipes.addShapeless(<IC2:itemPlates:6>, [<ImmersiveEngineering:metal:33>]);
recipes.addShapeless(<ImmersiveEngineering:metal:33>, [<IC2:itemPlates:6>]);

I then created a 3x3 recipe to shapeless convert the plates to IC2 plates and used that in all recipes. Not sure if the same technique could 'fix' your Ferrous (vs. Nickel ?) issue.
Is their a mod, or even a method to do this. Take items from a chest or storage by slot number. Most pipes, empty the first slot, then empty the second slot, then third.... and so on and so on, and only when its hit the last slot, would it start back at slot 1. I've been looking through mods, and I can't simply find a mod or eve a logical method of doing it.
The GregTech Robotic Arm can do this. Unfortunately, GT is more of different game version than a simple mod. One doesn't simply drop GT into a pack and expect things to go smoothly.
Oh, wait. Much better : Computercraft can do this no problem. Stick a turtlecomputer next to the inventory and you can extract from a certain slot. Takes just a little ComputerCraft scripting (coding), though.
Not sure why you are using the cyclic assembler for the signalum blend. Seems that would be easier in a logistics crafting table. As for the others I found it was easier to use a satellite pipe on almost all of the TE machines. Use that pipe to input the items on a blue side. Then configure the output side to jut be a gray in/out side. I also removed the servos from all of my TE machines that didn't need them. That way the LP crafting pipe could pull the item out. Still had to be careful with induction smelter recipes though. I needed to have 3 of them setup to avoid a single one trying to make two items at once. Like enderium and hardened glass.

I'm using a cyclic assembler so that I don't need to use a bucket for the crafting, as the cyclic assembler can use the liquid in it's internal inventory for recipes that require a fluid container.

I'm also using a chest as a buffer for the crafting incase I'm trying to craft something in large amounts, so the items don't keep getting bouned around the pipes.

Regarding the Invar recipe, is the recipe for Ferrous or Nickel ?

I've found LP doesn't always equivocate the same metals. I had an ImmersEng vs. IC2 iron and lead plate issue I had to resolve with the following lines in my server's modpack/expert/scripts/ImmersiveEngineering.zs

# Match up iron plates
recipes.addShapeless(<IC2:itemPlates:4>, [<ImmersiveEngineering:metal:30>]);
recipes.addShapeless(<ImmersiveEngineering:metal:30>, [<IC2:itemPlates:4>]);

# Match up lead plates
recipes.addShapeless(<IC2:itemPlates:6>, [<ImmersiveEngineering:metal:33>]);
recipes.addShapeless(<ImmersiveEngineering:metal:33>, [<IC2:itemPlates:6>]);

I then created a 3x3 recipe to shapeless convert the plates to IC2 plates and used that in all recipes. Not sure if the same technique could 'fix' your Ferrous (vs. Nickel ?) issue.

it's ferrous, but it's not only happning to the invar, it's also happening to the electrum and bronze recipes inside the induction smelter

I'm guessing it may be a bug between thermal expansion and LP, but it's very frustrating
I'll second the CC turtles can do this. I've even used them to scan a chest then only remove certain items from it by item name. In my case the turtle was looking for the items need to make AE crystals. Then once it had at least one of each item it needed. It would pull only the items needed and drop them below into water. I even had the turtle turn on the accelerators then turn them off once the crystals were done.
The way LP should work with TE is that you connect them to an input side and leave another side not connected to anything as output, taken from here. Constantly crafting a single item sounds like it wasn't pulling from the inventory, that's always been the cause for me with that at least.
Hey people, is something known about an update on infinity evolved (2.5.1 or 2.6.0)? I'd like to start fresh with the newest update and would like to wait for it. In the bug section are some posts about this and I could not find any clue how long it's going to take.
Hey people, is something known about an update on infinity evolved (2.5.1 or 2.6.0)? I'd like to start fresh with the newest update and would like to wait for it. In the bug section are some posts about this and I could not find any clue how long it's going to take.
They've now moved on from the pack. New updates will be to fix major bugs.
it seems I found a fix for my LP trouble, I removed all satellite pipes in the setup and instead feed all items into chests, with ducts exporting the items into machines who'll deposit the crafted items back into the chest.
with this I just need to put a single mk5 chassis/crafting pipe onto the chest and no longer need a satellite pipe