Trying to make it so that when the pool is full, the system shuts down and when it's empty, it starts up again.
I didn't know that wood / stone sword cannot be crafted in expert mode. This would be easier with them.
I have some ideas however, you might want to wait a little before you use it.
Breakable swords
Idea #1 - Nether Quartz Swords (AE2)
- alternatively, if you find Bloodwood tree in Nether, you can create Bloodwood sword which has better durability (350) and attack damage (+7)
- you'll have to get obsidian, either mine in somewhere underground (or if you find pool of lava on the ground and have water bucket, use use it to create it) or create Igneous Extruder, select obsidian and fill it with lava and water
- create nether portal and go to nether
- mine some Nether Quartz
- craft some Nether Quartz swords from AE2 (+6 attack damage, 250 durability created by 2 pieces of Nether Quartz and stick)
- create this:
( you will need: 3 chests, 2 transfer nodes (items), filter, Rationing or Hyper Rationing Pipe
for filter: look up how to make it inverted and fuzzy for medatada and nbt and place Nether Quartz sword into it (this way any Nether Quartz Sword will be blacklisted and transfer node will not move it)
1. leave it empty
2. place all Nether Quartz Swords in it
3. mob loot will be transfered here so that
transfer nodes:
1. put Rationing or Hyper Rationing Pipe into one of the 6 upgrade slots
2. place the filter here - does have to be inverted and fuzzy (for metadata and nbt) and contain Nether Quartz sword)
Swords from chest n.2 will go to chest n.1. Hyper / Rationing pipe in transfer node n.1 does allow only 1 stack to be transfered so if there is exactly same sword, it wont transfer any more of them (this way it won't fill chest n.1 with swords). As soon as mob is killed there won't be exactly same sword as in transfer node so it'll put a new sword into chest n.1. Now you'll have 2 swords in it. One is being used while second one is waiting to its turn. As soon as the first one break, the second one will be used. As soon as the second one get used, transfer node n.1 will place another sword into it. This will work until there is no swords in chest n.2. Transfer node n.2 will be moving everything that isn't Nether Quartz sword into chest n.3 so that it can work without getting cluttered with mob drops.
Later when you'll get better sword you can get rid of the chest n.2 and transfer node n.1. Also don't forget do add it into filter in transfer node n.2.
Idea #2 - The Ender (Ender IO)
The Ender
- +6 attack damage, 1561 durability, can be repaired / enchanted / upgraded
- can be crafted with Dark Steel Iron
- can be found in Dungeon, Mineshaft, Blacksmith, Desert Temple
- or you can find Dark Steel in Dungeon, Blacksmith
Unbreakable swords
Idea #3 - Flux-Infused Sword (Redstone Arsenal)
- its durability is replaced with energy charge
- 16000 RF (16kRF) charge
- Normal mode: +8 attack damage +1 Flux damage, 200 RF per use
- Empovered mode: +8 attack damage +4 Flux damage, 800 RF per use
- I don't know whether this is feature, oversight or exploit but it seem to be working even if it's discharged
Idea #4 - Etheric Sword (Extra Utilities)
There are 3 other swords that I know are unbreakable (Kikoku, Awakened / Ichorium Sword) but the are more like end game stuff.- +6 attack damage, infinite durability (shows 1561 thought), can be enchanted
I you get lucky during your exploration, you can find Division sigil (or get it after defeating Wither) . Activate it through ritual. Now it can create "Unstable Ingots" (that will blow up after 10 seconds or after closing crafting GUI, also you need vanilla crafting bench) and with these, you can create Etheric Sword.
If you go with idea #1 / #2 (crafting it) / #3 route, you might need some resources for preparation while ideas #2 (during exploring) and #4 (Division Sigil) are pure luck.
well theres a magical sword that for lack of a better term is unbreakable though u need a sword of the zephyr to create it (remember u need an infusion altar to make a sword of the zephyr)So, great suggestions... I hard built a nether portal (placing lava source blocks and turning them into obsidian) then went "Great! Now to light this puppy!"
Flint and Steel....... Steel... The reason why I need a blast furnace, the reason why I need a sword to use with a peaceful table to get gunpowder.... To make a blast furnace to make steel.....
The other two options, are NOT beginning options. To get that deep into Redstone Arsenal = tech well after steel. Etheric Swords.. How does the Division Sigil even work on peaceful?
Expert mode doesn't seem to want to play nice with peaceful mode does it?
let me guess the matrix still needs an ender pearl doesn't it ?(wait a sec what is you stopping from making a thaumium sword ?)All of these great suggestions, that need mob drops to get to the tech level they require
I wandered around and finally found a village that had a blacksmith with some Dark Iron and made a sword out of that..... So, for anyone wanting to play Expert on peaceful, get lucky or cheat in some mob drops.
Is Bibliocraft in Infinity? If so, try putting a "Redstone: Volume 1" book in a Bibliocraft bookshelf. It'll emit a redstone signal of a strength that depends on the slot you put the book in.Is there anything in Infinity Evolved that can output a particular redstone signal strength?
For that, you'll need an RSNOR latch. You can make them with vanilla redstone in a 2x2x3 space, or with ProjectRed/BluePower/etc. circuits, considerably less. With two comparators and some trickery, you should be able to make it so that one signal comes on when the pool is (almost) empty, and another comes on when it's (almost) full without using more than a dozen or so blocks.Trying to make it so that when the pool is full, the system shuts down and when it's empty, it starts up again.
Is Bibliocraft in Infinity? If so, try putting a "Redstone: Volume 1" book in a Bibliocraft bookshelf. It'll emit a redstone signal of a strength that depends on the slot you put the book in.
For that, you'll need an RSNOR latch. You can make them with vanilla redstone in a 2x2x3 space, or with ProjectRed/BluePower/etc. circuits, considerably less. With two comparators and some trickery, you should be able to make it so that one signal comes on when the pool is (almost) empty, and another comes on when it's (almost) full without using more than a dozen or so blocks.
The only single block I know of that can do the sort of thing you're trying to do is EnderIO's power monitor. It's kind of a complex functionality; there's really no trivial way to do it.
Reactors at some point had the ability (I believe it was a config option) to output steam instead of power, I'm not sure how it works in the current version however.
You don't need flint and steel to light nether portal. You can use lava to light it:I hard built a nether portal (placing lava source blocks and turning them into obsidian) then went "Great! Now to light this puppy!" Flint and Steel....... Steel... The reason why I need a blast furnace, the reason why I need a sword to use with a peaceful table to get gunpowder.... To make a blast furnace to make steel.....
I wrote that badly. Sorry. Yes, Redstone Arsenal Flux-Infused Sword is nowhere near start beginning options and so is The Ender (if you want to craft it) from EnderIO.The other two options, are NOT beginning options. To get that deep into Redstone Arsenal = tech well after steel.
Etheric Swords.. How does the Division Sigil even work on peaceful?
I originally wanted to include in my post but since its gated behind thaumcraft research, I decided to not to. Yes, it can be used to create Bound Blade from Blood Magic which is unbreakable.well theres a magical sword that for lack of a better term is unbreakable though u need a sword of the zephyr to create it (remember u need an infusion altar to make a sword of the zephyr)
It's been modified to be used in crafting only. Like most of the tools it has this in tooltip:what is you stopping from making a thaumium sword ?
I wandered around and finally found a village that had a blacksmith with some Dark Iron and made a sword out of that.....
The steam mechanic has been replaced with a 5x5x5 reactor structure using the pressure vessel blocks to make a reactor that's cooled directly using liquid coolant. The i was there just to tell you that you'd built the structure right but the GUI changes to add tanks at the side anyway.That's a plausible explanation, thanks. Not really worried about it but since Infinity is making us go thru the nuclear reactor progression I figure I might as well as my questions and figure it all out as best we can. I'm happy Expert mode forces us to use the reactors to make plutonium before we can move on to "easy mode" Big Reactors. Finally, I AM learning the IC2 nukes. Yay! Thanks for reply.
Yes, why wouldn't it work? I just activated one in testmap (creative, flat desert, 5x5 dirt, enchanting table in middle with redstone dust around, midnight, no lights around it, spawned chicken right next to "altar", killed it, lighting, dirt became cursed earth, my sigil is activated).I'm aware of the mechanics behind the sigil, but I've never tried to activate one in peaceful. Anyone tried this?