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I'd actually be interested in a Redwood City : D
On a side note, anyone know how to make class file edits in notepad? I'm trying to change some thing from false to true, but I can't seem to find the bits in the file. It's a different mod, but this is what I pull up symbol wise when I use noepad

We've got one of those, here in California just south of San Francisco and North of Silicon Valley.

The trees are too wimpy for my taste, though :D
Ok I got lots of questions I guess..

First is there a way to make the dragon fight more interesting without adding HEE cause I have no idea what I would use the other parts of it for

Second is there a clear block that is unbreakable except for a certain tool?

Third (in guessing no) if there was a lack of sugar cane would using kelp far most if not all of the sugar cane recipes make any sense?

Fourth is there a way to disable the nether until the player does/has something

Fifth how would I make an impossible object (or something else that would make sense that it explodes) look like its powering something

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Lordy fraking Lou. How would I go about the decompile and recompile bits? Those take a while don't they? Witht he hex editor, where would I find one?

The changes I'd be making are minor and the resources are in the mod, I just need to change what is typed. It still owrries me if the actual transition to an editable medium would damage the code like google translating

Wait, there is? I know there are redwood forests, but it impresses me that there are actual communities that live in treehouses.
I would assume it wimpy as human engineering and a redwood city would likely consist of juvenile trees. I wonder how they've planned for the future, when the trees will be a few stories taller.
Ok I got lots of questions I guess..

First is there a way to make the dragon fight more interesting without adding HEE cause I have no idea what I would use the other parts of it for

Second is there a clear block that is unbreakable except for a certain tool?

Third (in guessing no) if there was a lack of sugar cane would using kelp far most if not all of the sugar cane recipes make any sense?

Fourth is there a way to disable the nether until the player does/has something

Fifth how would I make an impossible object (or something else that would make sense that it explodes) look like its powering something

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For #2, maybe TC's warded glass? For #4, you can gate obsidian behind something. I don't know about the others...
For #2, maybe TC's warded glass? For #4, you can gate obsidian behind something. I don't know about the others...

I haven't got that far into thuamcraft since like the 1.4/1.5 era, so unless something has changed, which I am like 99% sure is the case, only the player that placed the warded blocks could remove it

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Last edited:
Fourth is there a way to disable the nether until the player does/has something
GT tries to do it by making the Flint and Steel require actual steel. This way the players have to progress up through bronze age to light the Obsidian frame.

Ofc there are work-arounds. Like placing wooden items near the portal and placing down a bucket of lava next to it etc. causing fire to start on the obsidian. But.. yeah.
Third (in guessing no) if there was a lack of sugar cane would using kelp far most if not all of the sugar cane recipes make any sense?
Not really from a RL perspective.
Sugar I suppose you could argue could be extracted from fruit(though it RL it is not the same kind of sugar). Or possible from potatoes if we imagine they are actually turnips instead :p(well should be possible with potatoes as well but yield is probably low).

Paper you should set up some kind of recipe involving Wood. Maybe Wood + Water Bucket = Planks + Paper EDIT: Thermal Expansion already got this covered with Pulverizing wood into Wood chips.
As I said thought not on the kelp XD

I don't know how I would make seeds and such for farming obtainable underwater though...

As for the portal maybe I can get a new texture for the flint and steel, change the name, and make the recipe harder

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Ok I got lots of questions I guess..

First is there a way to make the dragon fight more interesting without adding HEE cause I have no idea what I would use the other parts of it for
Draconic Evolution evidently lets you re-summon the dragon, but it gets harder each time. Haven't played with it myself, though, so I don't really know what goes into that.

Second is there a clear block that is unbreakable except for a certain tool?
Warded glass is the first thing that comes to mind, as I don't know of anything other than warded blocks and bedrock that actually cannot by be broken by pounding on it long enough with a fist or a pickaxe in survival mode. In Adventure mode, though, you need a tool to break anything other than torches and glass.

Hmm... I wonder if the bedrock slabs that the RotaryCraft bedrock crusher makes are transparent?

Third (in guessing no) if there was a lack of sugar cane would using kelp far most if not all of the sugar cane recipes make any sense?
I know some component of kelp is used in ice cream... but it's probably something to make it not turn rock-hard when frozen, rather than something to make it sweet. So I don't know.
But does it really make sense to make paper out of sugarcane, anyway?

Fourth is there a way to disable the nether until the player does/has something
Ways I know of to create a nether portal:
1. Use diamond tools to collect obsidian, build frame, ignite with flint and steel.
2. Use igneous extruder to create obsidian, build frame, ignite with flint and steel.
3. Use dirt/cobblestone, lava buckets, and water buckets to cast frame in place. Ignite by placing another lava bucket under a wood plank next to where the portal will form, and waiting for it to catch fire.

So the portal is already gated behind lava buckets. You could use MineTweaker to gate those behind something harder to acquire, such as steel.

Fifth how would I make an impossible object (or something else that would make sense that it explodes) look like its powering something
I'm guessing not... Too bad you can't make those out of TNT.
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As for the portal maybe I can get a new texture for the flint and steel, change the name, and make the recipe harder

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You just need to be aware of the fact that you are nerfing the flint and steel for all other purposes then.

Best possible solution would be somehow change the function of the Nether Portal. Maybe add some sort of Portal Interface to it that required something unique to initiate the portal. Like X drops from all the hostile mobs in overworld. Or blood from a villager. But probably a larger project changing the vanilla portal mechanic.
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Draconic Evolution evidently lets you re-summon the dragon, but it gets harder each time. Haven't played with it myself, though, so I don't really know what goes into that.

Warded glass is the first thing that comes to mind, as I don't know of anything other than warded blocks and bedrock that actually cannot by be broken by pounding on it long enough with a fist or a pickaxe in survival mode. In Adventure mode, though, you need a tool to break anything other than torches and glass.

Hmm... I wonder if the bedrock slabs that the RotaryCraft bedrock crusher makes are transparent?

I know some component of kelp is used in ice cream... but it's probably something to make it not turn rock-hard when frozen, rather than something to make it sweet. So I don't know.
But does it really make sense to make paper out of sugarcane, anyway?

Ways I know of to create a nether portal:
1. Use diamond tools to collect obsidian, build frame, ignite with flint and steel.
2. Use igneous extruder to create obsidian, build frame, ignite with flint and steel.
3. Use dirt/cobblestone, lava buckets, and water buckets to cast frame in place. Ignite by placing another lava bucket under a wood plank next to where the portal will form, and waiting for it to catch fire.

So the portal is already gated behind lava buckets. You could use MineTweaker to gate those behind something harder to acquire, such as steel.

I'm guessing not... Too bad you can't make those out of TNT.

Broken image on phone :P

My problem with the portal is its is going to be made already but the player dies not have the knowledge needed to re-open it

Also I think I should specify more onto what I need the unbreakable block for. I am trying to build a pack where you are stranded under water and you have to survive there and I don't want people to go to the surface until later game

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If I kill then spawn in the dragon and keep doing that with DE would it stay in the end when I left?

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But does it really make sense to make paper out of sugarcane, anyway?
Sort of, I would think it is linked to papyrus which is made from the pith of the papyrus plant. And sugar is made from the pith of the sugarcane plant. So...
But I suppose any plant with a lot of cellulose you could mash up and make into "paper".
I haven't got that far into thuamcraft since like the 1.4/1.5 era, so unless something has changed, which I am like 99% sure is the case, only the player that placed the warded blocks could remove it

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From my understanding, Warded Blocks just can't be destroyed. By anything. You can just unward them. the issue with Warded Blocks is that they do change how a block works. Light doesn't pass through glass, glow stone doesn't make light, etc
From my understanding, Warded Blocks just can't be destroyed. By anything. You can just unward them. the issue with Warded Blocks is that they do change how a block works. Light doesn't pass through glass, glow stone doesn't make light, etc
However, "Warded Glass" is an entirely different item... >_>
However, "Warded Glass" is an entirely different item... >_>

How does one destroy warded glass in thuamcraft 4?

Also this just turned into a viable option because I need to be able to place them using world edit or some other way of covering a massive area with them, and warding each individual block would have taken weeks if not months

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Broken image on phone :p
It's an XU Redstone Block Impossible Object (i.e. a block of redstone carved into a sphere- I would've made it out of TNT if those could be microblocked, but no) with an EnderIO redstone conduit connecting it to a pulverizer. You said impossible object...

My problem with the portal is its is going to be made already but the player dies not have the knowledge needed to re-open it
I can't really help you there... unless you're OK with a different sort of portal that can be gated more easily, and somehow disabling the vanilla portal outright.

Also I think I should specify more onto what I need the unbreakable block for. I am trying to build a pack where you are stranded under water and you have to survive there and I don't want people to go to the surface until later game
Your best bet would probably be some way to teleport out. RFTools can do it if you put a matter receiver outside somewhere; there's surely several ways to do it as well.

How does one destroy warded glass in thuamcraft 4?
Right-click it with a wand or staff. Does not seem to consume vis, but presumably only works if you're the one who placed it.

Also this just turned into a viable option because I need to be able to place them using world edit or some other way of covering a massive area with them, and warding each individual block would have taken weeks if not months
You can upgrade a warding focus to be able to ward a much larger area. I think the maximum range is 13x13x13. Do note that the warding focus no longer works on transparent blocks, so you'd need to use the warded glass anyway.

If you use something like WorldEdit to place a whole bunch of warded glass at once, there's a good chance that the blocks will be registered to nobody, so not even you will be able to break them in survival mode. Creative mode, sure. But not survival.
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How does one destroy warded glass in thuamcraft 4?

Also this just turned into a viable option because I need to be able to place them using world edit or some other way of covering a massive area with them, and warding each individual block would have taken weeks if not months
If you use something like WorldEdit to place a whole bunch of warded glass at once, there's a good chance that the blocks will be registered to nobody, so not even you will be able to break them in survival mode. Creative mode, sure. But not survival.
No matter how you place them, wouldn't it always be a problem with pre-placed warded blocks in a modpack? Those warded blocks would not belong to the player and (s)he could never be allowed to remove them(with or without wand).
Ok I guess people can just stay under water... That will be a challenge, I wonder if I should make sponges easier to get

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