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When the ship is compiled in flight mode, it becomes an entity, so no blocks function afaik, unless something has changed in the past few versions.
Alright I think I can use entity detectors instead

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Two more questions

1) Does mariculture work like bees? For example can I get copper, diamonds, stone, so on and so forth, from it?

2) Are there any mods that add more mobs to the ocean that is also able to be used in public packs?

Sent From Something That You Won't Care About Using Tapatalk 2
Two more questions

1) Does mariculture work like bees? For example can I get copper, diamonds, stone, so on and so forth, from it?

2) Are there any mods that add more mobs to the ocean that is also able to be used in public packs?

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From what I understand, just like vanilla forestry bees can only produce a few special products, vanilla Mariculture fish only produce certain things such as ender pearls (and I don't quite remember what else), but not nearly as useful as bees.

The only one that comes to mind is Lycanite's. I don't personally like them at all, but there's piranhas in it if I'm not mistaken, and the mod is very configurable.
Yeah, CPU is THE most important thing. And the game doesn't make much good use out of multicore unfortunately :/

Assuming the question poster is running Windows, do they have 4GB ram total -or- 2GB ram for Windows *plus* 4GB ram allocated to the client? If they only have 4GB total and allocate all of it to MC then how does windows run without constantly swapping to the swapfile? Windows has to be able to run well before you can run anything else, after all.

If their system only has 4GB total ram then no CPU upgrade in the world will help. As far as any 1.7.10 or higher pack goes, a minimum of 6GB ram total is required in my experience, period.
I think @BarbasTheDog has it spot on here - I found I just literally couldn't run DW20 1.7.10; my PC is low end (32bit OS and 3gb of RAM :/ ) however I've had much more success using FTB Lite 2 (thought I'd better stick to 1.6.4) and porting in a few extra mods I really liked.

If you try that or FTB Lite 3 and add in a few mods to give it the feel of DW20 (though you might have to give Botania a miss...!), you may find an enjoyable modpack that doesn't melt down your computer!


- GwnG

The recommended memory config for DW20, and in my experience any 1.7.10 pack:
MIN ram: 2GB
MAX ram: 4GB
Permgen 256MB

32-bit Windows and Java won't cut it in most 1.7.10 packs as you don't have client allocation control, and you'd need a minimal 6GB ram installed so that your OS has about 2GB to run unhampered in after the above configs are applied.
Is there a major bonus to using Natura? It gives a bit of world gen, but I'm not sure if I want it. It says it makes the Nether harder, and the Nitro Creeper is not only a bit difficult, but the trees seem to mostly just have a benefit of aesthetics and stuff
Botania actually seems to get my interest now and then. I am trying to figure out which mod has the (what I call) ugly bulb plants. Slime, Air, and other plants that just show up everywhere.

Natura redwoods are cool... I like to live in them. The largest is 13 blocks diameter and hollowing out a 3 block high "room" yields 4+ stacks of wood. Make a door from the bark blocks and you won't have to worry about mobs pounding on it, as they can't see it as a door. I can hollow out mode levels above, if needed, and dig down for mining and other rooms.
The recommended memory config for DW20, and in my experience any 1.7.10 pack:
MIN ram: 2GB
MAX ram: 4GB
Permgen 256MB
Well smaller packs can handle less memory. I'm playing a fairly small pack and it works fine with 1.5 GB.
I only have 4 GB RAM (even though I have 64bit) so I can't really give more than 2 GB to the game. Direwolf20 works for me with 2 GB.

And by the way, since Java 8 setting the permgen isn't a thing anymore.
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Is there any way to disable snow on blocks above y95 in minecraft 1.7? I don't mind having snow biomes, but I don't like having snow on every small hill. (Currently playing the Infinity pack)
What's the vertical range on the well of suffering?

I'm going to move my entire Tier 5 Blood MAgic setup down several layers as it's doing in the Thumcraft golems on the floor above. :confused:
What's the vertical range on the well of suffering?

I'm going to move my entire Tier 5 Blood MAgic setup down several layers as it's doing in the Thumcraft golems on the floor above. :confused:
I believe 10 above and 10 below is where it will search for an altar.
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Natura redwoods are cool... I like to live in them. The largest is 13 blocks diameter and hollowing out a 3 block high "room" yields 4+ stacks of wood. Make a door from the bark blocks and you won't have to worry about mobs pounding on it, as they can't see it as a door. I can hollow out mode levels above, if needed, and dig down for mining and other rooms.
I love the redwoods. In my Unleashed build I build my base in the tree crown of a tree(the leaves). Was a wonderfully dynamic build trying to keep it all inside the crown and very challenging to pull off with wiring etc. Can highly recommend it.
Eventually I might revisit the concept, maybe in a cluster of trees instead with small bridges between them.
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Love the way that base looks. I may just have Natura in. It's tempting, I mean I want faster worldgen, but I also love the redwoods to an extent. Strange that they only gen so far away from each other. Though the Nitro Creepers, urgh. I could always just breed an army of cats, get a bunch of safari pods, and drop them in the Nether, and make a fence....
Hrm, now that I think of it, it also makes me wish Spiders were breedable. Rotten Flesh could be a great use to breed them, maybe even Melon (Spiders LOVE melon irl), okay now I've gotta type up a suggestion on Minecraft Forums
The blood bit is moderately creepy, but makes sense.

My big worry now is that I have Treecapitator installed, and it'd make a tree base a total pain to work with....
Does anyone know if there is something that causes complete blindness? Like maybe a potion effect or something? IIRC blindness still let's you see but not very far

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Blindness + Night Vision give you complete blindness I believe.
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I love the redwoods. In my Unleashed build I build my base in the tree crown of a tree(the leaves). Was a wonderfully dynamic build trying to keep it all inside the crown and very challenging to pull off with wiring etc. Can highly recommend it.
Eventually I might revisit the concept, maybe in a cluster of trees instead with small bridges between them.

One time I found two 13 block diameter redwoods that spawned too close to each other, on a diagonal. While the internal area wasn't quite doubled, it was at least 70% bigger. IIRC that was a 1.6 version of either DW20 or Unleashed.

I've tried many times since to plant a similar "mutant" in creative but I guess the first one to grow creates too much shade for the other saplings to grow. One of these days I'll experiment to see how close I can grow redwoods together, and keep going until I have 4 of them, all 13 block diameter, forming the corners of a square... Then I'll build a set of platforms between them :D
Well smaller packs can handle less memory. I'm playing a fairly small pack and it works fine with 1.5 GB.
I only have 4 GB RAM (even though I have 64bit) so I can't really give more than 2 GB to the game. Direwolf20 works for me with 2 GB.

And by the way, since Java 8 setting the permgen isn't a thing anymore.

I included the settings since Mojang released their charts showing that about 30% of MC players are still using Java 1.7... I guess they think 1.8 doesn't work. Those are the default settings for Java 1.8. BTW.

Nice to know that all 1.7.10 packs don't require that much ram. I may have played smaller packs but they'd work just as well with those settings and I wouldn't have known the difference. I just know they work with DW20 and the new Infinity.
One time I found two 13 block diameter redwoods that spawned too close to each other, on a diagonal. While the internal area wasn't quite doubled, it was at least 70% bigger. IIRC that was a 1.6 version of either DW20 or Unleashed.
I've tried many times since to plant a similar "mutant" in creative but I guess the first one to grow creates too much shade for the other saplings to grow. One of these days I'll experiment to see how close I can grow redwoods together, and keep going until I have 4 of them, all 13 block diameter, forming the corners of a square... Then I'll build a set of platforms between them :D

I'd actually be interested in a Redwood City : D
On a side note, anyone know how to make class file edits in notepad? I'm trying to change some thing from false to true, but I can't seem to find the bits in the file. It's a different mod, but this is what I pull up symbol wise when I use noepad
you have to decompile edit and recompile, or grab a hex editor and a copy of the class file spec and hope you don't break anything too badly
I will have to try this, thanks

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There's also a bug in ChromatiCraft v3 where your whole screen turns black if you look at a ChC block that has a HUD (crystals, runes, pylons, the glowy blocks in the pylon structures, plants, and ores; most of the blocks you can craft don't) if you've had a Thaumcraft warp event since you started up Minecraft. Probably not what you're looking for, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

Reika's said it's fixed in v4. Which is a good thing, because it sure is annoying.