Quiiick question, running horizons 2.1.0 and i crash when i try to join the server, the only real clue in the crash report is weather
Crash reports are best posted to Support, but what exactly happens?
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Quiiick question, running horizons 2.1.0 and i crash when i try to join the server, the only real clue in the crash report is weather
Crash reports are best posted to Support, but what exactly happens?
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Well, i try to join the server, i join, for the first split second everything is normal (like less than a second) then i fall 33 or so blocks into the ground and crash
That's very odd. Haven't had that happen before. Can you pastebin the crash log then link it?
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Nah man I'm stumped. Did you post to support? Only thing I can think of is clean reinstall, looks like native minecraft code bugging out. Specifically the weather, as you said
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I'm almost certain impulse itemducts are, by a fair bit.Are impulse itemducts or golden transport pipes faster?
One possible answer to #3 is to make a copy of your world, throw on Creative and slowly take the place apart. One of your machines could be bugged, or there could be something going on beneath your feet you didn't even know was there.2: What causes "GameRenderer" lag (its taking up atleast 80% in the shift F3 chart and I am getting 10 fps in my base whereby I normally get a min of 60fps, even near my natura redwood tree filled with cursed earth)
3: if I upload my world will someone take a look at it and see whats up with my base lag?
One possible answer to #3 is to make a copy of your world, throw on Creative and slowly take the place apart. One of your machines could be bugged, or there could be something going on beneath your feet you didn't even know was there.
Worst lag I ever experienced wasn't from any rational source; it was a bugged redstone engine. Nearly broke the world completely.
Thaumcraft, or Thaumic Tinkerer has a device that'll do that, can't recall the name off the top of my head. I'm not certain what the range is either.I uhh, didn't think of that. I feel stupidThanks, will try.
One more tiny question. Is there any block that pulls mobs around it and above it? I'm trying to remove alot of my grinders on a vertical cursed earth mob farm and only have them on the bottom level. I would use water problem is mobs don't spawn on cursed earth when waters on top of it. I would also use fans but I would need so many of them it would probably lag me to death. Its basically an 8x8 + however tall a redwood tree is.
Doesn't Random Things have a mob magnet too?Thaumcraft, or Thaumic Tinkerer has a device that'll do that, can't recall the name off the top of my head. I'm not certain what the range is either.
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I know Mariculture has such a thing, but I have no idea what it's for.Doesn't Random Things have a mob magnet too?
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...Ignoring the fact that you need Extra Cells to hold fluids in a AE network for a moment...what is fastest way to pump water into your AE network. Aqueoues accumualter to slow.