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Playing monster, and I cannot find enough diamond to get going. So far I've tried branch mining, spelunking, mining turtles (didn't work because I'm too stupid to use them) mining in the nether AND going to the twilight forest to find diamond in a hill, and all together I've managed to get maybe 5. I can't even make enough to start a quarry, at which point I can probably set up a diamond making machine from coal to manage.

So, are there any other, easier ways to get diamond that I haven't tried yet? I've considered bees but I haven't touched them in Monster yet so I have no idea how long it would take to get diamond bees, or even how long it would take them to MAKE diamond.
Playing monster, and I cannot find enough diamond to get going. So far I've tried branch mining, spelunking, mining turtles (didn't work because I'm too stupid to use them) mining in the nether AND going to the twilight forest to find diamond in a hill, and all together I've managed to get maybe 5. I can't even make enough to start a quarry, at which point I can probably set up a diamond making machine from coal to manage.

So, are there any other, easier ways to get diamond that I haven't tried yet? I've considered bees but I haven't touched them in Monster yet so I have no idea how long it would take to get diamond bees, or even how long it would take them to MAKE diamond.
It is quite a bit of work to get to diamond producing bees tbh.

If you have plenty of coal and access to obsidian you can indeed make diamonds using the IC2 macerator+compressor route.

For easy mining with turtles you should try AustinKK's mining script.
Or you are welcome to use my pastebin version of it that I believe I modified a bit to fit the Monster etc. bedrock levels etc:
All you have to do is put the turtle down, load the program, tell it the size of the digging area and what the Y-level of its starting position is. Will automatically come back up and drop off loot in a chest behind its starting position and refuel from a chest to the left of its starting position.
It is quite a bit of work to get to diamond producing bees tbh.

If you have plenty of coal and access to obsidian you can indeed make diamonds using the IC2 macerator+compressor route.

For easy mining with turtles you should try AustinKK's mining script.
Or you are welcome to use my pastebin version of it that I believe I modified a bit to fit the Monster etc. bedrock levels etc:
All you have to do is put the turtle down, load the program, tell it the size of the digging area and what the Y-level of its starting position is. Will automatically come back up and drop off loot in a chest behind its starting position and refuel from a chest to the left of its starting position.
Don't use this turtle anywhere that you will be spending a lot of time around, as it will cause loads of rendering lag as every single block in the excavated area is loaded into the renderer.
Don't use this turtle anywhere that you will be spending a lot of time around, as it will cause loads of rendering lag as every single block in the excavated area is loaded into the renderer.
Can you explain that? My base has a 64*64 pit outside it, covered with a layer of dirt. I've noticed everytime I plug a hole in that dirt, there's a 1/2s delay in the placing of it. Additionally, are you saying there's also a lag associated with that covered pit during normal gameplay (area is chunkloaded), or that I would have that lag you mentioned if that pit was uncovered (and/or visible in my client?).
I just installed gregtech on unleashed, and I have an AESU question.

If I set one of these things to 512eu, does it basically just function as a larger storage MFSU, or is there still some difference in the total amount of eu being pushed out? Will machines explode? I guess I'm not entirely clear on the difference between EU per tick and EU per packet and how the AESU fits in with all of that.
It is quite a bit of work to get to diamond producing bees tbh.

If you have plenty of coal and access to obsidian you can indeed make diamonds using the IC2 macerator+compressor route.

For easy mining with turtles you should try AustinKK's mining script.
Or you are welcome to use my pastebin version of it that I believe I modified a bit to fit the Monster etc. bedrock levels etc:
All you have to do is put the turtle down, load the program, tell it the size of the digging area and what the Y-level of its starting position is. Will automatically come back up and drop off loot in a chest behind its starting position and refuel from a chest to the left of its starting position.
I glanced at the computercraft forums at stuff like this, but I couldn't even figure out how to use it. How do I get that into a turtle?
I glanced at the computercraft forums at stuff like this, but I couldn't even figure out how to use it. How do I get that into a turtle?
First thing you do after placing down the turtle is to label(name) the turtle. This is done to make the turtle remember its programs when you pick it up again. Just type:
label set name

the name can be anything. I usually call my miner "MinerBob" :P

To get a program into a turtle from pastebin is super simple. All you have to do is type:
pastebin get pastebincode programname

The pastebin code is the bit after the .com of the adress for the paste:
so the code for this is:

The program name can be anything you want it to be. Just pick something so you know what it is. Call it "Mining" for example.

So to get the mining program from my pastebin all I have to type in is:
pastebin get y3mNLE70 mining
and hit enter.

Now the program is in the main directory and is called Mining.
Yeah, I'll try this later today when I get a chance.

The only problem I see is, assuming it works like the ones it's based on where it discards rock and dirt by placing them in the first few slots, isin't it going to get caught up on all the various geostra blocks?
Don't use this turtle anywhere that you will be spending a lot of time around, as it will cause loads of rendering lag as every single block in the excavated area is loaded into the renderer.
Can you explain that? My base has a 64*64 pit outside it, covered with a layer of dirt. I've noticed everytime I plug a hole in that dirt, there's a 1/2s delay in the placing of it. Additionally, are you saying there's also a lag associated with that covered pit during normal gameplay (area is chunkloaded), or that I would have that lag you mentioned if that pit was uncovered (and/or visible in my client?).

The lag that Phil is warning about is if you use the AustinKK scripts feature of blacklisting blocks to mine. This mean you can tell it to not mine cobble and dirt for example which means it will only clear every 3rd layer out and leave all the rest of the cobble and dirt in place. Now this leaves a lot of open surfaces that suddenly needs to be rendered(as opposed to just a big pit that only has the 4 sides and the bedrock bottom).
But I personally dont use this feature myself. It works by adding blocks in the first inventory slots of the turtle before starting it. I just give it a carrot or something and let it mine everything.

The lag you mention when "plugging" the hole with dirt is probably due to lighting updates. When you cut off the light to the area below your computer has to recalculate all the lighting down below. That can feel like a little lag spike.
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Yeah, I'll try this later today when I get a chance.

The only problem I see is, assuming it works like the ones it's based on where it discards rock and dirt by placing them in the first few slots, isin't it going to get caught up on all the various geostra blocks?
Yeah I wouldn't recommend using the "skip mining" feature. Just let it mine it all out. It does take a bit longer and it does cost more fuel. But it is a lot easier to troubleshoot and as @PhilHibbs mentions it is also better on your fps with just one big pit.

Also remember that turtles are vulnerable to unloading be it of the chunk or of the game. If either happens the program stops and it will not resume once the area/game is reloaded. So make sure to chunkload the area and plan the size out based on the time you plan on playing(if singleplayer).

Oh last thing. The program I posted will complain if the turtle doesn't have a Wireless modem. Its a feature written into the program to allow you to monitor the turtle wireless. I always wanted to sit down and figure out how to remove the dependency, but never got around to it. Just make a Wireless Modem and craft it in a crafting table with the Mining turtle and it will work just fine after that.
Why can I not make the flipping Gather Core golem put the items in an inventory?

I've tried placing the golem by shift+rclick on the chest (doesn't work, just opens the chest - ANY sort of chest, I've tried an ender chest, a diamond chest and a vanilla one-block chest). I've tried rclicking the golem with the bell until I see the circle, then rclicking the chest, which shows a circle on the chest and a line of characters running to the golem. I've tried doing about a billion things with the bell.

The golem, with gather core, strength upgrade and perception upgrade, will pick up the items I throw on the floor (well, one type of item) and will proceed to carry it over to the chest, and then stand there holding the chest, giving me a stupid look. It will not put them in the chest, nor will it pick up any other items.

I'm at my wit's end, I've been at this half an hour now.
Can you explain that?
Any block that has a side exposed to air is loaded into the rendering engine. You know you sometimes see holes in the landscape, and you can see caves and lava and mineshafts through that? That's because the exposed blocks are in the rendering engine. If you carve out every third layer of a chunk all the way down to bedrock, then every block in that chunk is exposed to air, and so every block is loaded into the renderer. This takes up memory and CPU and GPU cycles. I did a lot of "smart" turtle excavating underneath my base in my 1.4.7 world, and I'm sure that that added to the unplayable lag that I ended up having. I tried to fix it with fillers, but they stop when they encounter water, lava, or mobs.

Your 64x64 pit, assuming it's 64 blocks deep, has 24,576 blocks exposed. If you had used a turtle to slice every third layer, and assuming 25% ores were mined from the layers above and below, it would have somewhere in the region of 128,000 blocks exposed to air and therefore loaded into the renderer.
Why can I not make the flipping Gather Core golem put the items in an inventory?

I've tried placing the golem by shift+rclick on the chest (doesn't work, just opens the chest - ANY sort of chest, I've tried an ender chest, a diamond chest and a vanilla one-block chest). I've tried rclicking the golem with the bell until I see the circle, then rclicking the chest, which shows a circle on the chest and a line of characters running to the golem. I've tried doing about a billion things with the bell.

The golem, with gather core, strength upgrade and perception upgrade, will pick up the items I throw on the floor (well, one type of item) and will proceed to carry it over to the chest, and then stand there holding the chest, giving me a stupid look. It will not put them in the chest, nor will it pick up any other items.

I'm at my wit's end, I've been at this half an hour now.

This got me for a bit to. Just use a standard left click with the golem in hand on the chest. (no shifting for right clicks)
I just installed gregtech on unleashed, and I have an AESU question.

If I set one of these things to 512eu, does it basically just function as a larger storage MFSU, or is there still some difference in the total amount of eu being pushed out? Will machines explode? I guess I'm not entirely clear on the difference between EU per tick and EU per packet and how the AESU fits in with all of that.
It should work just like a MFSU in that case, except with more storage like you said.
I have:
Goggles of Revealing
Chest and Leggings
Boots of the Meteor

All runic, what "enchant" combination would work best?