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I've seen that sort of thing a lot, especially when travelling long distances quite quickly, but a re-log always fixed it for me.

With these guys re-logging just ends up causing the mutliplication bug from time to time. before I decided to use mcedit, I had to kill hundreds of chicken with 1 fps
Why is a mod in a modpack if it is disabled? like Xeno's reliquary in the Unleashed Pack. Also, why is xeno disabled?
Well, disabling a minimap or enabling it is only client side, but anyone who wants to play multiplayer will have a problem when a mod like xeno is disabled since it guarantees that no server will enable it but for the smallest private servers. Also, why would they disable xeno? you could also start disabling mods like dartcraft or thaumcraft for the similar reasons, but they didn't.
Xenos reliquary is disabled by default in the Unleashed pack AFAIK due to a somewhat OP set of weapons that would wreck the balance on pvp enabled servers. Therefore its not in by default, but anyone who is not running a pvp enabled server and chooses to use the AWSOME items in the mod is free to enable the mod.

And tbh if I saw a server that just use the modpack straight out of the box with no modifying at all(at least enabling or disabling some mods) I would steer well clear of it.
Xenos reliquary is disabled by default in the Unleashed pack AFAIK due to a somewhat OP set of weapons that would wreck the balance on pvp enabled servers. Therefore its not in by default, but anyone who is not running a pvp enabled server and chooses to use the AWSOME items in the mod is free to enable the mod.

And tbh if I saw a server that just use the modpack straight out of the box with no modifying at all(at least enabling or disabling some mods) I would steer well clear of it.
Well, isn't dartcraft OP as hell too? fortune for just wheat, cocoa and sugarcane! Not to even start on the power drill. I just rather liked the hunter's handgun for mobs and the HHG.

new question-
I have a mass fabricator running off 4 steam turbines, and i need to know which is more efficient in terms of resources and energy, using many recyclers with few overclockers or few recyclers with many overclockers? Also, does anyone know the numbers for how much scrap a mass fabricator needs for how much eu/t? the wiki lists that you need 1 recycler for each 17.86 eu/t, but it would be simpler to have the scrap per eu/t.

Well, isn't dartcraft OP as hell too? fortune for just wheat, cocoa and sugarcane! Not to even start on the power drill. I just rather liked the hunter's handgun for mobs and the HHG.
It may be OP, and that's very much a matter of opinion, but is it unfair on PVP servers? Which in itself is an interesting question, if everyone has access to it then how is it unfair? I guess if there are one-shot weapons that are impossible to defend against then it's no fun in PVP, even if everyone can have them. Also I don't see what's so imba about fortune. So you're getting some extra resources. Big deal. Resources aren't hard to come by. A small bonus that everyone can get easily is the very antithesis of unbalanced.
It may be OP, and that's very much a matter of opinion, but is it unfair on PVP servers? Which in itself is an interesting question, if everyone has access to it then how is it unfair? I guess if there are one-shot weapons that are impossible to defend against then it's no fun in PVP, even if everyone can have them. Also I don't see what's so imba about fortune. So you're getting some extra resources. Big deal. Resources aren't hard to come by. A small bonus that everyone can get easily is the very antithesis of unbalanced.
If everyone can use dartcraft's weapons and armour, how is it OP/unfair to let them use Xeno's weapons too? Personally, I love the power drill for its speed and would still make it even if it took a stack of diamonds to craft.
If everyone can use dartcraft's weapons and armour, how is it OP/unfair to let them use Xeno's weapons too? Personally, I love the power drill for its speed and would still make it even if it took a stack of diamonds to craft.
Becuse Xenos gun bypass every kind of protection as far as I remember. So if as you say server owners just take a pack out of the box, a single player or group of players could go about trolling everyone else on the server and there would be nothing anyone but a OP could do about it. That is why it is off by default: lazy/ignorant server OPs who doesn't modify the packs themselves. If anyone want Xeno's they either have to make sure they do not play on a pvp enabled server or they have to somehow deal with the guns imbalance(maybe remove it completely). This is the best possible way that the FTB team did this. Alternative would have been not to have included Xeno's at all, which would have lead to anyone wanting the pack for their server having to distribute personal modpacks to its users(or get people to manually install Xeno's, but try getting people to do that...).
Becuse Xenos gun bypass every kind of protection as far as I remember. So if as you say server owners just take a pack out of the box, a single player or group of players could go about trolling everyone else on the server and there would be nothing anyone but a OP could do about it. That is why it is off by default: lazy/ignorant server OPs who doesn't modify the packs themselves. If anyone want Xeno's they either have to make sure they do not play on a pvp enabled server or they have to somehow deal with the guns imbalance(maybe remove it completely). This is the best possible way that the FTB team did this. Alternative would have been not to have included Xeno's at all, which would have lead to anyone wanting the pack for their server having to distribute personal modpacks to its users(or get people to manually install Xeno's, but try getting people to do that...).
you can just ban the handgun then. Every modded server has a list of banned items, and there are multiple ways to prevent players from possessing banned items.
Does anyone know how many MFR steam turbines I can use at max efficiency with a 36 HP steam boiler? Or better yet what the rate of consumption is for the steam turbines? I know that they use the TE steam dynamos in their crafting, which consume as much as railcraft's, but I can't seem to find any data on MFR's turbines
Does anyone know how many MFR steam turbines I can use at max efficiency with a 36 HP steam boiler? Or better yet what the rate of consumption is for the steam turbines? I know that they use the TE steam dynamos in their crafting, which consume as much as railcraft's, but I can't seem to find any data on MFR's turbines
1 steam turbine needs 320 steam, and a 36HP boiler provides 720. each industrial steam engine needs 40 steam/t. therefore, you can use 2 turbines and 2 industrial steam engines to get the max eu and mj out of it. or 18 ISEngines for 144 mj/t
The railcraft wiki is a good source of info about the engines and boilers.
1 steam turbine needs 320 steam, and a 36HP boiler provides 720. each industrial steam engine needs 40 steam/t. therefore, you can use 2 turbines and 2 industrial steam engines to get the max eu and mj out of it. or 18 ISEngines for 144 mj/t
The railcraft wiki is a good source of info about the engines and boilers.
The question was about the MFR Steam Turbine, not the Railcraft Steam Turbine. The MFR turbine is identical in input and output to an Industrial Steam Engine or a Steam Dynamo, so a 36HP will run 18 of them.
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you can just ban the handgun then. Every modded server has a list of banned items, and there are multiple ways to prevent players from possessing banned items.
Ehm yes ofc they can with Minetweaker and stuff. But what exactly is preventing them from going into the mods folder then and deleting the .disabled behind the Xeno's reliquary mod then if we are already talking about modifying the modpack? it is not rocket science to enable the mod. It is far easier to enable the mod than it is to disable the gun tbh.
That wouldnt matter since the quarry itself is a chunkloader
Perhaps the entire network isnt chunkloaded? That would harm it
I don't mean that chickenchunks chunkloaders were disabled, I meant the act of chunkloading was globally disabled via forgeChunkLoading.cfg, I should have been clearer.
Will the MFR Laser drill mine through water?
No, absolutely no block can be there.

I have a mass fabricator running off 4 steam turbines, and i need to know which is more efficient in terms of resources and energy, using many recyclers with few overclockers or few recyclers with many overclockers? Also, does anyone know the numbers for how much scrap a mass fabricator needs for how much eu/t? the wiki lists that you need 1 recycler for each 17.86 eu/t, but it would be simpler to have the scrap per eu/t.
can someone please answer this?

yetanotherquestion- if you have a mod enabled which isn't enabled on the server, can you still join it or will forge block you?
No, absolutely no block can be there.

can someone please answer this?

yetanotherquestion- if you have a mod enabled which isn't enabled on the server, can you still join it or will forge block you?
Sucks, was planning on mining down through the sea from above..

Ehm on the recycler business... That is a difficult thing to answer due to all the changed to IC2E. But the general rule is that each overclocker results in a 12% increase(multiplicative) in energy consumption per operation. So more recyclers without overclockers are better than less with overclockers in terms of energy efficiency.
However... Back in pre-experimental there was a rounding "error" that meant that sometimes adding an overclocker to a machine actually made it more efficient. This meant for example that for some machines giving them 16 overclockers instead of 15 was more efficient. This also lead to that a Recycler or Electric Furnace with 1 Overclocker was actually more efficient than without any overclockers.
But If this rounding is still taking place in the same way, I have no clue.
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Sucks, was planning on mining down through the sea from above..

I wanted to do this before as well, so I made a casing for the laser out of glass down through the ocean. Not exactly perfect, but it actually turned out with a pretty neat look. (laser glowing through the glass)
I have been trying to get Biomes O' Plenty to generate a world on my server but if I put BIOMESOP in the level type it still generates a vanilla world. I have also tried creating a singleplayer world and transferring it over and it results in either missing chunks or just crashes. I would love if anyone had any idea on how to install BoP properly.
Is there a way to make a "witch farm to reactant dynamo" set up look clean? I need to connect them with 3 pipes so it tends to look messy IMO. Heres pictures of what I'm working with.

