lava and water i thought? sorry if im noobyYou have no clue what a cobble generator is...
lava and water i thought? sorry if im noobyYou have no clue what a cobble generator is...
Using ExtraUtilities, if you place a transfer node facing a block of cobble between water and lava 1 cobble will be generated every second for each mining upgrade inserted into the node.lava and water i thought? sorry if im nooby
well thats too long haha idk a better wayAn igneous extruder takes 2.5 secs to make 1 cobble. Using 30 of them it would take 41.5 days of playtime to make a single octuple compressed cobblestone.
Its a bug in NEI, you need 4 coal dusts/pulverised applied energistics system cant learn that 3 pulverized coal makes raw carbon fibre any ideas how to fix?
EDIT: gonna try a macerator
no luck with either pulverized coal or macerated
thanks!Its a bug in NEI, you need 4 coal dusts/pulverised coal.
Ignorable are comparable with swarmer bees and will die out eventually. You do not want to use these for breeding. They can be used in "Bee House"(they wont die in the lowest tier bee house, but cant be automated) to produce some basic resources to fuel your Beealyzer etc. But else they are Genepoolfodder.Recently I got into bee breeding again, and I've noticed that some of my princesses are Ignoble stock, and some are Pristine stock. What is the difference between the two?
Recently I got into bee breeding again, and I've noticed that some of my princesses are Ignoble stock, and some are Pristine stock. What is the difference between the two?
if you need to make hugely compressed cobble use igneous extruders. the more the quicker and with about 30 of those you can get all the cobble you need in no time
It sounds like the cables just need a block update to be fixed. I could be wrong as I don't even have IC2 in my world, but I have heard that their cables will sometimes disconnect, requiring a block update to fix.
I'm just going to stick to other methods that also allow me to make things pretty.I plowed through a lot of the Thaumcraft research already so I should have access to the warding focus pretty soon.
I've attempted to do that before but for some reason it was very inconsistent and didn't work all of the time so it resulted in me having to break and replace the cables anyway. I'm not exactly schooled on what specific actions cause block updates, though, so that may explain the inconsistency. What are some of the best, most compact or automated ways of causing block updates?
*edit* I think I might be going crazy. After going to look into it thinking maybe I'd do something with a turtle placing and breaking blocks underneath the cables, the issue doesn't seem to be occurring. This is weird because I was having the problem earlier today and I've made no changes to the pack in any way..
You have to set the sides correctly that the storage bus on, I can't remember what setting it needs to be on but try messing with that. Also, I think you need at least one full stack of the material in the DSU before you can access it.What kind of connection do i need between my AE system and a MFR Deep Storage Unit? I'm currently using a storage bus because it's supposed to allow input and output, but it doesn't seem to work.
Factorization.Had a quick google and to no avail, I come to ask the simple question of Which mod changes Bedrocks ID? having a server mismatch and its besting me....
Had the exact same problemThanks, although I've now discovered it to have been the Kami add on for Thaumcraft that was my problem.
Have you chunkloaded the area? I have been having problems with IC2 recently with(I think) machines getting unloaded and refusing to connect(when reloaded) with other machines including some MFR stuff I had powered by a nuke. I had to break and replace everything involved to get it all sorted and am wondering if a chunkloader might be a fix.