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I want to build a Wither arena where I can duke it out with the Wither and not have him destroy stuff. What are some of the best blocks to use that he cannot destroy? Obsidian being an obvious one and I also have no thaumcraft research done so I do the warding thing to normal blocks.
yeah item ducts can be pulled from directly but you could play a chest underneath and hook up item ducts there[DOUBLEPOST=1394338287][/DOUBLEPOST]
use the filler and land marks or if you dont have power id build some tinkers construct tools

There's No TC or BC on FTB Lite 2 mod pack
I want to build a Wither arena where I can duke it out with the Wither and not have him destroy stuff. What are some of the best blocks to use that he cannot destroy? Obsidian being an obvious one and I also have no thaumcraft research done so I do the warding thing to normal blocks.
There are a couple options depending on your pack mffs by cal could work or a room of septuple or octuple compressed cobblestone
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I want to build a Wither arena where I can duke it out with the Wither and not have him destroy stuff. What are some of the best blocks to use that he cannot destroy? Obsidian being an obvious one and I also have no thaumcraft research done so I do the warding thing to normal blocks.
get the wand focus of an enchanted nether star i forget the name but you can right click a block and make it indestructable. If you need a reference youtube direwolf20 and his lets play (more recent episodes)[DOUBLEPOST=1394341278][/DOUBLEPOST]
There's No TC or BC on FTB Lite 2 mod pack
then idk
There are a couple options depending on your pack mffs by cal could work or a room of septuple or octuple compressed cobblestone

I'm running the DW20 pack so both of those should be decent options. I was hoping for something a bit more nice on the eyes but I can see what I can do with them. I haven't really worked with MFFS before so I'm not sure how nice you can make the force-fields look.

Is there a point where the blast resistance doesn't really matter when it comes to fighting the Wither? I set up a quick obsidian arena because I needed a nether star and towards the end of the fight when he goes all super saiyan, he starts destroying the obsidian as well.

get the wand focus of an enchanted nether star i forget the name but you can right click a block and make it indestructable. If you need a reference youtube direwolf20 and his lets play (more recent episodes)

Like I said, I don't have any thaumcraft research done. I lost all of my progress in Thaumcraft when my world somehow go corrupted and I didn't have a recent enough backup. I haven't had the motivation to try and do it all again.

That's definitely the most appealing of the choices. Maybe later down the road I'll do it. I think I'm going to start trying to get back to where I was in Thaumcraft tomorrow. Just wanted to see if I find anything a bit more accessible for myself at the moment.
I'm running the DW20 pack so both of those should be decent options. I was hoping for something a bit more nice on the eyes but I can see what I can do with them. I haven't really worked with MFFS before so I'm not sure how nice you can make the force-fields look.

Is there a point where the blast resistance doesn't really matter when it comes to fighting the Wither? I set up a quick obsidian arena because I needed a nether star and towards the end of the fight when he goes all super saiyan, he starts destroying the obsidian as well.

Like I said, I don't have any thaumcraft research done. I lost all of my progress in Thaumcraft when my world somehow go corrupted and I didn't have a recent enough backup. I haven't had the motivation to try and do it all again.

That's definitely the most appealing of the choices. Maybe later down the road I'll do it. I think I'm going to start trying to get back to where I was in Thaumcraft tomorrow. Just wanted to see if I find anything a bit more accessible for myself at the moment.

Unfortunately the wither doesn't just blast blocks it removes them via a special process. The warded blocks, 8x compressed cobble and any of the other wither proof stuff is specially coded to prevent the wither from removing it.

If you really don't want to do research again you can always turn on the cheat sheet in the configs and give yourself one in NEI.

Some people in another thread were suggesting a filler with a lot of power and tons of cobble to try and contain the wither, don't know how well that works. I wouldn't recommend doing this near your base untill you test it.

The only other thing I can think of is a vanilla wither trap. Usually this involves flat spans of bedrock in the nether, but if the bedrock is perfectly flat it does not appear to work. Also some mods replace bedrock with their own version which is not wither proof (factorization and Thaumic tinkerer come to mind). You can always try to trap the wither under the portal in the end that the dragon leaves, that usually works well enough for me.
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I want to build a Wither arena where I can duke it out with the Wither and not have him destroy stuff. What are some of the best blocks to use that he cannot destroy? Obsidian being an obvious one and I also have no thaumcraft research done so I do the warding thing to normal blocks.
If you just want your structure to be immune to the wither's normal attacks, cobble is enough (it has the same power as a ghast fireball).

If you want the structure to be immune to the spawning explosion you'll need something with a blast resist of ~140+. Because IC2 reduces the blast resistance of Obsidian to 60, there really isn't a convenient vanilla block that'll stop the explosion. However, a few mod-added blocks have sufficient blast resistance. IMO reinforced stone from IC2 is the simplest to make. Do note that neither IC2's reinforced glass nor TE's hardened glass will be sufficient protection.

If you want the structure to be immune to the blue skulls, you'll need an indestructible block like a forcefield or warded blocks from TC.

EDIT: for bonus points: when the wither is damaged, it destroys all blocks around it regardless of blast resistance (you'll hear a munching sound). Only indestructible blocks remain.
Unfortunately the wither doesn't just blast blocks it removes them via a special process. The warded blocks, 8x compressed cobble and any of the other wither proof stuff is specially coded to prevent the wither from removing it.

If you really don't want to do research again you can always turn on the cheat sheet in the configs and give yourself one in NEI.

Some people in another thread were suggesting a filler with a lot of power and tons of cobble to try and contain the wither, don't know how well that works. I wouldn't recommend doing this near your base untill you test it.

The only other thing I can think of is a vanilla wither trap. Usually this involves flat spans of bedrock in the nether, but if the bedrock is perfectly flat it does not appear to work. Also some mods replace bedrock with their own version which is not wither proof (factorization and Thaumic tinkerer come to mind). You can always try to trap the wither under the portal in the end that the dragon leaves, that usually works well enough for me.

Ah. Understood.

The cheat-sheet was enabled by default I just didn't want to use it since I didn't have all of the research complete at the time. I pretty much have to start from scratch if I want it done legitimately which is why I haven't had the motivation to do it yet. xD Not a fan of doing things that I already just did.

I'm definitely going to look into the 8x compressed cobble and MFFS although the warded blocks are the most desirable since I want it to be good looking. :p I might just end up trying to grind it all later.

Thank you!
Ah. Understood.

The cheat-sheet was enabled by default I just didn't want to use it since I didn't have all of the research complete at the time. I pretty much have to start from scratch if I want it done legitimately which is why I haven't had the motivation to do it yet. xD Not a fan of doing things that I already just did.

I'm definitely going to look into the 8x compressed cobble and MFFS although the warded blocks are the most desirable since I want it to be good looking. :p I might just end up trying to grind it all later.

Thank you!
Be warned: legitimately getting octuple compressed cobble is quite a bit more difficult that it might seem on the surface. Each one is worth more than 43 MILLION (9^8) cobble. To put that in perspective - a 64x64x64 quarry contains only about 262k blocks (assuming no caves). Even if there were nothing but stone in that area, you'd still need 164 quarries to run their course to get enough for a single piece of octuple compressed cobble. Obviously there are other ways to get cobble than quarries, but if you have the resources to make octuple compressed cobble, you probably had the resources for an MFFS system ages ago.
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Ah. Understood.

The cheat-sheet was enabled by default I just didn't want to use it since I didn't have all of the research complete at the time. I pretty much have to start from scratch if I want it done legitimately which is why I haven't had the motivation to do it yet. xD Not a fan of doing things that I already just did.

I'm definitely going to look into the 8x compressed cobble and MFFS although the warded blocks are the most desirable since I want it to be good looking. :p I might just end up trying to grind it all later.

Thank you!

You don't need 8x cobble, 7x compressed works just as well. And MFFS force fields can look like any block, so it can be just as pretty as using the Wand of Warding, and even have special effects (like damaging the Wither in addition to containment).
There are a couple options depending on your pack mffs by cal could work or a room of septuple or octuple compressed cobblestone
a 5x5x5 room of septuple compressed cobblestone... if you make 1 cobble per second it will take you 9 years to generate that much cobble. 1 cobble per tick would be 23 weeks. Has anyone here ever generated a septuple?
Be warned: legitimately getting octuple compressed cobble is quite a bit more difficult that it might seem on the surface. Each one is worth more than 43 MILLION (9^8) cobble. To put that in perspective - a 64x64x64 quarry contains only about 262k blocks (assuming no caves). Even if there were nothing but stone in that area, you'd still need 164 quarries to run their course to get enough for a single piece of octuple compressed cobble. Obviously there are other ways to get cobble than quarries, but if you have the resources to make octuple compressed cobble, you probably had the resources for an MFFS system ages ago.

xD You don't have to tell me. I was doing it in my last world. I think I may have made it look like I have a lot less than I actually do. I tend to worry about having available resources first so I build a bunch of things like generators (cobblestone, obsidian, glass, etc.), ore processing systems, energy production/storage and massive item storage first so I end up having a ridiculous amount of resources before I start venturing out into other mods that I've never really messed with (one of those being MFFS). I'm not quite sure what it is, but I kind of enjoy the grind of getting that ridiculous amount of resources more than anything else. Unfortunately, I never get to anything else because something will always happen to my world during that process and I have to start fresh (which I sometimes look forward to). This time is different, though.. I've been getting myself to do a bunch of stuff that I don't normally do such as build towns and make projects for myself... plus backing up after every session or even multiple times if it's a long session so nothing happens to this world.

Anywho.. got a bit off track there. xD Yeah, I can totally do an MFFS system, I've just never really looked into and tried to learn the mod. However, I think I'm going to grind through Thaumcraft since the ability to ward blocks is ultimately what I'm after since it allows me to be creative with designs.

Again, thank you guys for your help. :p

You don't need 8x cobble, 7x compressed works just as well. And MFFS force fields can look like any block, so it can be just as pretty as using the Wand of Warding, and even have special effects (like damaging the Wither in addition to containment).

The part the makes the warding focus so appealing is giving me the ability to make any block into a warded block so I can go crazy making cool designs with different kinds and colors of bricks. It's really because I want to build a really cool arena. I might think of a way to incorporate MFFS into it as well.
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Anywho.. got a bit off track there. xD Yeah, I can totally do an MFFS system, I've just never really looked into and tried to learn the mod. However, I think I'm going to grind through Thaumcraft since the ability to ward blocks is ultimately what I'm after since it allows me to be creative with designs.
MFFS can mimic any block, I think you can build a structure and get MFFS to project an identical-looking forcefield.
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MFFS can mimic any block, I think you can build a structure and get MFFS to project an identical-looking forcefield.

Ah. I really haven't messed around with MFFS before so I don't know these things. :p Will it actually protect the building that I build making the blocks themselves impossible to be mined/blown up?
Ah. I really haven't messed around with MFFS before so I don't know these things. :p Will it actually protect the building that I build making the blocks themselves impossible to be mined/blown up?
No, MFFS projected blocks can't be functional parts of your base, and neither can Thaumcraft warded blocks. Both methods basically replace the blocks with a special block that can just look like anything. They can't be tile entities (inventories, machines, or anything with state information), they can only be inactive blocks. MFFS can make an illusion that looks like a crafting table or whatever, but it's just a texture.
I made a large circular shaft on a server, 32 blocks in diameter. I placed drawbridges around the edge, so when they are powered, they extend and cover the shaft completely. This worked fine in SP, but when i made it in SMP, there were holes randomly in the cover the drawbridges had placed. I tried to wire the drawbridges to turn on with a delay between each one, but it still didn't stop the holes from occurring. The drawbridges had enough blocks, and it seemed like the holes were completely random, so i think it was due to server lag. I had made a smaller door, a vertical blast door using 20 drawbridges, and that worked perfectly without any errors. This one had 60, but even staggering the firing of each drawbridge did nothing to change the lag. Any suggestions to fix this?
I made a large circular shaft on a server, 32 blocks in diameter. I placed drawbridges around the edge, so when they are powered, they extend and cover the shaft completely. This worked fine in SP, but when i made it in SMP, there were holes randomly in the cover the drawbridges had placed. I tried to wire the drawbridges to turn on with a delay between each one, but it still didn't stop the holes from occurring. The drawbridges had enough blocks, and it seemed like the holes were completely random, so i think it was due to server lag. I had made a smaller door, a vertical blast door using 20 drawbridges, and that worked perfectly without any errors. This one had 60, but even staggering the firing of each drawbridge did nothing to change the lag. Any suggestions to fix this?
As far as I understoof you have 60 drawbridges on 1 side. You could try to put 60 on either side, so every drawbridge only has half of the blocks to put there
No, MFFS projected blocks can't be functional parts of your base, and neither can Thaumcraft warded blocks. Both methods basically replace the blocks with a special block that can just look like anything. They can't be tile entities (inventories, machines, or anything with state information), they can only be inactive blocks. MFFS can make an illusion that looks like a crafting table or whatever, but it's just a texture.

I'm only talking about decorative blocks, not tile entities. This isn't going to be for my base, just an arena that's located away from my base and all I'm doing is trying to do is make it Wither proof.

What I'm thinking the best route for me to go is getting the warding focus. I've already did a bunch of grinding through research and scanning nearly everything I can so it shouldn't take me long to get it.
As far as I understoof you have 60 drawbridges on 1 side. You could try to put 60 on either side, so every drawbridge only has half of the blocks to put there
no, it is a 32 diameter shaft, so 60 won't make any sense. it is split into quadrants, imagine a silo with 4 huge doors sliding inwards, each door being a quarter of a circle. I can't upload any photos, sorry about that.
It worked fine in Single player, it is just multiplayer that gives issues.