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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I spent a good 20 minutes scouring the Internet recently, looking for a reference, but gave up and went back to NEI. NEI is accurate and has the info, you just have to browse around (miss and miss and hit and miss) to find what you need. It's there, it's just not quick.

Start with an NEI look at the Mahoe sapling and at the Plum and Lemon saplings, then go backwards from there through their breeding trees (again, using NEI to assist). You *should* find everything you need to make a high-quality sapling by following their respective breeding trees (no pun intended).

Another way of using NEI is browsing everything that makes fruit juice and biomass in a squeezer. It will show all the sapling/fruit variants and how much fruit juice or biomass each piece of fruit or sapling makes in a squeezer. Lemon is something like 0.400 buckets and I forget what Mahoe is, but it's the most biomass per sapling.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is BiomesOPlenty in Direwolf20 1.6.4, some kind of ''light'' version, because I can't find any ''strange'' biome? I got enabled BOP, because I can find some of them.

Tristam Izumi

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is BiomesOPlenty in Direwolf20 1.6.4, some kind of ''light'' version, because I can't find any ''strange'' biome? I got enabled BOP, because I can find some of them.
What version of DW20 1.6.4 are you using? Different versions of it have had differently tweaked BoP configs. You can check the BoP configs to see which biomes are enabled and disabled as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What is the most efficient way to process ores? A smeltery? Macerators? Factorization devices?

It's times like this that I miss Tekkit, where there was only one way of doing things.

Tristam Izumi

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What is the most efficient way to process ores? A smeltery? Macerators? Factorization devices?

It's times like this that I miss Tekkit, where there was only one way of doing things.
This varies between packs, but I think the order goes (assuming you're doing the complete ore processing routine for each mod):

Mekanism ~= Rotarycraft > Factorization > IC2 ~= TE3 > TiC

I'm not 100% certain on Mekanism and Rotarycraft, and I'm guesstimating with IC2 and TC3, as IC2 makes those tiny piles while TE3 has a chance for bonus dusts or going the cinnabar route (which can only be done on a subset of your total ores).

TE3 is definitely one of the easiest to get into, and if you only care about just doubling, TiC isn't bad either.
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Oct 11, 2013
This varies between packs, but I think the order goes (assuming you're doing the complete ore processing routine for each mod):

Mekanism ~= Rotarycraft > Factorization > IC2 ~= TE3 > TiC

I'm not 100% certain on Mekanism and Rotarycraft, and I'm guesstimating with IC2 and TC3, as IC2 makes those tiny piles while TE3 has a chance for bonus dusts or going the cinnabar route (which can only be done on a subset of your total ores).

TE3 is definitely one of the easiest to get into, and if you only care about just doubling, TiC isn't bad either.
Rc>Mek>factorization>tic(it you have full fortune and auto smelt I believe it is about the same as factorization)>ic2(can it or triple or is it just 2.5?)=?te(with the complicated tripling)

Tristam Izumi

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Rc>Mek>factorization>tic(it you have full fortune and auto smelt I believe it is about the same as factorization)>ic2(can it or triple or is it just 2.5?)=?te(with the complicated tripling)
Yeah, totally not a fan of the fortune/auto smelting. My inventory is cluttered enough as it is to have to worry about that sort of stuff. Even backpacks only help to a point.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks @miguknamj and @John.E for your information.


how do you make the names link in this forum?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That I was missing the last e in MigukNamja and because I pasted John.E that didn't work either. Just discovered the name has to be typed... and I'm very good at overlooking spelling errors...

So saying thanks for answers take two.

Thanks @MigukNamja and @John.E


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are (I think it's open blocks') drums supposed to empty down into the one below it when placeed on top of each other? Thought I read that once. The drums that hold 256 buckets each. I just plopped them on top of each other, but nothing happened. Fluid stayed in top drum.


Oct 11, 2013
Are (I think it's open blocks') drums supposed to empty down into the one below it when placeed on top of each other? Thought I read that once. The drums that hold 256 buckets each. I just plopped them on top of each other, but nothing happened. Fluid stayed in top drum.
Drums are from extra utilities and they don't drain into each other. Open blocks tanks do and so do the thermal expansion tanks
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are there any particular spawning conditions for wisps in Thaumcraft 4?

I have only ever found information on them in reference to Thaumcraft 3 whenever I search
I don't know what the official line is but the only times I have seen them spawn are in the nether and in magical biomes like the magic forest. They also seem to spawn in eerie biomes created by sinister nodes. I have not seen them spawn in the magical forest created by silverwoods but I have not played with them much recently.

If you are hunting wisps your best bet is to hunt down a spawner in the mountains (the obsidian 'ruins' with the chest have a spawner underneath). You could also plant some cursed earth in an eerie biome and hope that they spawn naturally there.