How does enchantments for wand foci work?
Treasure seems to be like looting, and so me getting it on my excavation focus was completely wasteful - it does not seem to be working like fortune.
Unbreaking just seems completely useless, yet you can get it?
Frugal seems to lower the vis costs, but what does this affect? Only the wand focus spell or anything cast while using the wand? For example, my frugal 3 cap shows vis costs as 66% (that is, combined with my clothes) - would that lower the cost of jaring nodes to 46.2, allowing two jarings per fully charged wand? That seems very useful. If not, it seems very crappy.
Potency affects damage, as far as I've understood, as well as working as Efficiency on the excavator. Anything else? Range, area or anything?
Thanks a lot for any aid!![]()
Basically for combat wands you want Frugal and Potency. Frugal will use less vis out of the wand so you don't need to recharge it as often. Potency increases the damage done by the wand. Which has the net effect of using less vis since you don't have to use it as long to kill the mob.
For the other wands you always want frugal to reduce the vis cost. Potency on the excavator and wand of equal trade does act like fortune. My personal favorite is to use the wand of equal trade in the nether to get ardite, cobalt, glowstone, sunstone, etc.