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Now once you got whitelisted this does not mean you will always be so. You can be removed from this list normally called Banning. So check out any specail rules given to you on joining the srever.

To confirm, you can be removed from a server's whitelist without being banned, which would give you the error message saying that you are not on the server's whitelist instead of that you are banned from the server.

Either way does a similar function, but it's good to remember the difference.

But this can be diffrent from server to server so its good to ask what a admin means by greylist when trying to join one of these.

Indeed, always ALWAYS ask "How does your greylist work" because it is a term that means "not a whitelist, but also not a open server", which means it can be any number of different things.
Excuse me if this question was before.
I downloaded the FTB Launcher, made an profile, launch, User Not Premium, Play offline ? Yes, and then nothing happens. I should wait a lot or ?
Excuse me if this question was before.
I downloaded the FTB Launcher, made an profile, launch, User Not Premium, Play offline ? Yes, and then nothing happens. I should wait a lot or ?

I do not believe FTB supports offline play. At least, I don't see any way to do that via the FTB launcher.
Then how do i play ? I am a noob sorry :D

You purchase a MineCraft [premium] account, and then connect as normal. I should have also mentioned that FTB does not support non-premium accounts, as MineCraft only allows them to play through the demo.
I do not believe FTB supports offline play. At least, I don't see any way to do that via the FTB launcher.
You can play offline via the FTB launcher, but I do believe it goes by the same rules as the game itself: you must authenticate with the servers at least once (and thus own a copy of the game). If you try launching the game without a working connection (either on your end or MC auth servers being offline), it will give you an option to play offline.

Reposting my question from 3 pages (aka several hours) ago, man this thread moves fast!

Does anyone have a reference on how much MJ do the various Forestry machines (squeezer, fermenter, centrifuge, ...) use per operation? I could test with redstone cells, but I'm wondering if anyone else already did the work and published the results somewhere.
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i am trying to get a clay golem to feed scrap to my matter fab. I have the white marker under the fab and put him on the chest. Set him to white and give him 16 scrap and he just stands there. It works on my saplings and wood for my boilers.

ok figured out i need marker under the chest and place him on the fab, but same thing. he just stands there with scrap in his hands.

Also can someone explain how to use magma crucible to turn MJ into EU?
You can play offline via the FTB launcher, but I do believe it goes by the same rules as the game itself: you must authenticate with the servers at least once (and thus own a copy of the game). If you try launching the game without a working connection (either on your end or MC auth servers being offline), it will give you an option to play offline.

This is correct. FTB Launcher will need to connect at least once to MC proper before allowing offline play. It does not bypass the need to buy the game.

And you will need to do this for each profile made. So having a freind connect then making a new profile also does not get around this.
Forestry wiki says stills take a max of 6 MJ/t. If I have 2 stills, do I need to set my REC output to 12 MJ/t then or will it feed both with 6 MJ/t from a 6 MJ/t setting? Not sure how the energy packets work with MJ.

Also, can someone tell me how many saplings are needed per minute/hour/whatever to maintain a 36 LP liquid fueled boiler at 500C please. (Saplings > biofuel > boiler). Also roughly how many are needed to get it up to temp from cold? I don't need exact figures but rough figures would be helpful so I can gauge whether I have enough being produced to run it. Thanks.
Forestry wiki says stills take a max of 6 MJ/t. If I have 2 stills, do I need to set my REC output to 12 MJ/t then or will it feed both with 6 MJ/t from a 6 MJ/t setting? Not sure how the energy packets work with MJ.

Also, can someone tell me how many saplings are needed per minute/hour/whatever to maintain a 36 LP liquid fueled boiler at 500C please. (Saplings > biofuel > boiler). Also roughly how many are needed to get it up to temp from cold? I don't need exact figures but rough figures would be helpful so I can gauge whether I have enough being produced to run it. Thanks.

Yes, it will split and feed both now that Senjir has fixed it so that the machines dont guzzle energy.

That you will have to find out yourself with some calculations. Everything that you will need to know is on the wiki.
more of an opinion question, but eh.

Is it worth "cheating" for thaumcraft research? I kinda feel like tossing items into the void for that *Chance* to get something is wasteful. It's easy once you have the mats rolling in, but I don't quite yet.
more of an opinion question, but eh.

Is it worth "cheating" for thaumcraft research? I kinda feel like tossing items into the void for that *Chance* to get something is wasteful. It's easy once you have the mats rolling in, but I don't quite yet.

I'd say try to get some early research without using a walkthrough, and maybe consider it a safety line if you get stuck. I don't like the ThaumCraft resource-hungry research system, but it shouldn't be too bad at mid game.
more of an opinion question, but eh.

Is it worth "cheating" for thaumcraft research? I kinda feel like tossing items into the void for that *Chance* to get something is wasteful. It's easy once you have the mats rolling in, but I don't quite yet.

No I do not suggest cheating the research. It is one of the bigger parts of Thuamcraft that is good.

Just be mindful of what your useing there are many apsects that can be found on renewable items like magic on the cissisled sandstone.

Also relize once you have done all the resreach you will never have to do it again (useless something new is added) so you really are cutting yourself short. The side to this is that many times the resreach teaches you how to find aspects in diffrent ways. Something insanely imporent down the road when your start crafting anything large scale.
I do not believe FTB supports offline play. At least, I don't see any way to do that via the FTB launcher.
if you have already logged in with a valid account previously, it gives you an option to play offline if you are not connected to the web.
Alright, I won't cheat, but....

where do I start? D:

My suggesting look at what is blinking and try to guess what apect whould unlock that.

Most stuff will need 3 aspects but there are many down the line the use more.

check that slider at the buttom of the resreach table. set to the left you have a low chance for finding something but a low chance of eatting your items. to the right high chance of finding but also high chance of eating.

Use the left setting while exploring to uncover aspects then you can use the right setting to power through that aspect.
Yes, it will split and feed both now that Senjir has fixed it so that the machines dont guzzle energy.

That you will have to find out yourself with some calculations. Everything that you will need to know is on the wiki.

Are you saying that 6 MJ/t from the REC output GUI will split across the machines to give 3 MJ/t each in the case of 2 stills, or it will deliver 6 MJ/t to both? I've got 5 stills set up here now and with the REC set to 6 MJ/t they are running slow. There's seems to be a performance boost upping the output to 30 MJ/t but I don't want to be wasting power if they're not using it.

Can anyone else give me some figures for the saplings needed to get a LP 36 up to heat and how many it uses once at max temp please?
Also about aspects its all latin or qusi latain. But the icon usely is enough to suggest it fuction. At this point in Thaumcraft I belive there are a few unused aspects and many that are vary underused. So just take some notes and keep track of what aspects your find on stuff and what aspects are needed when crafting. You will start to see some stuff is actully fairly easy to stock pile or farm.