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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are there any special conditions to making BC conductive piping work?
Or special conditions to making MFR BioFuel Generators work?

I've got two systems which should be equivalent, one works and the other doesn't.

Tesseract -> biofuel generator -> wooden conductive pipe -> Quartz condutive pipe -> machines, that works perfectly

While the problem circuit I have is tesseract -> liquiduct -> biofuel generator -> wooden conductive pipe -> Golden conductive pipe -> Mfr grinder, then further down the line the auto-spawner

I've even tried pulling the magma crucible which works from the first one, putting it on the second one, and it gets no power. I've tried swapping out the golden pipes for quartz, tried making the wooden conductive pipe on the same face of the generator, all the same outcome, no power.

Biofuel is being produced and transported, the biofuel generator is producing power, but not putting it into the pipes.

I am very confused as to my knowledge they should be equivalent.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes. They're supposed to.

I gotta say the more I play with the updated mods the more I'm starting to grump, I never noticed it doing that in 1.4.7 and the fact that it does it now makes me grump even more. I'm noticing quite a few nerfed things in mods that serve no purpose then to annoy. In my worlds I usually rush to build up a supply of materials (as does everyone) so I don't have to stand around and watch X items charge at a 50-1 ratio for input/output of power..

Where does getting killed when landing on a charge pad to charge up and fly off ever get fun?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone know why after every update, NEI goes back into cheat mode (I use recipe mode), and if there's a way to prevent this?
Every time I update, within a few minutes of loading I look up a recipe and unexpectedly end up with a stack of something :p


i have done no research on this but i believe thats what happens when you force update. everything defaults (it also being a very good safety aspect if/and every gets "benoir". i forgot all the time also, there is a net little bin/trash can/rubbish/garbage can in the top left corner (which i sthe only reason i find having the option to "cheat mode" great as the game still for unknown's make a reasonable function and mine-able block disappear. i also consider that "benoir".


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
EU (ExtraUtilities pipes and forestry): anyone got a heads up on getting EU pipes to work properly with forestry machines. i currently have multi farm > into barrels/DSU's (which apparent do not play with modified forest saplings. apple oak being the current problem with my DSU) > out (through EU cables/pipes) squeezer and fermenter... then, fermenter (no tank for apple juive although i'm currently re-think the possibility) > tank and when ready, ...tank > still > tank.

so, besides EU pipes being incredible slow, they have no filter to facilitate what goes where. you kind of have to cross your fingers that the machine or the pipes are smart enough i recognise what accepts what. and then, put them into the correct slots. so, far this has been 50/50. the squeezer decidedly returns mulch into its own inventory. while, on occasions, both machines are slowly waiting for the pipes to recognise there respective inputs (saplings/apples.) so, i tried a sort sort on both machines after manually move mulch/apples/saplings and the exchange seems to move to 25/75. with saplings/mulch no longer being moved at all.

anyone got any thoughts or is EU, all considered, not up to it?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
EU (ExtraUtilities pipes and forestry): anyone got a heads up on getting EU pipes to work properly with forestry machines. i currently have multi farm > into barrels/DSU's (which apparent do not play with modified forest saplings. apple oak being the current problem with my DSU) > out (through EU cables/pipes) squeezer and fermenter... then, fermenter (no tank for apple juive although i'm currently re-think the possibility) > tank and when ready, ...tank > still > tank.

so, besides EU pipes being incredible slow, they have no filter to facilitate what goes where. you kind of have to cross your fingers that the machine or the pipes are smart enough i recognise what accepts what. and then, put them into the correct slots. so, far this has been 50/50. the squeezer decidedly returns mulch into its own inventory. while, on occasions, both machines are slowly waiting for the pipes to recognise there respective inputs (saplings/apples.) so, i tried a sort sort on both machines after manually move mulch/apples/saplings and the exchange seems to move to 25/75. with saplings/mulch no longer being moved at all.

anyone got any thoughts or is EU, all considered, not up to it?

There are filters and speed upgrades, you just haven't looked hard enough at the mod. As for how they work, I can't tell you, but if you look at Direwolf20's ExtraUtilities mod spotlight, you'll find a bunch of info on how they work.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There are filters and speed upgrades, you just haven't looked hard enough at the mod. As for how they work, I can't tell you, but if you look at Direwolf20's ExtraUtilities mod spotlight, you'll find a bunch of info on how they work.


i had overlooked this part of the mod i'm sure it will help massively. cheers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

i had overlook this part of the mod i'm sure it will help massively. cheers.

Once you get into the ExtraUtilities transfer pipes, they pretty much infinitely outclass every other system of power, liquid, or item transfer. You can have liquids, power (in the form of Minecraft Joules), and items arriving at a machine in the same block. And you can have more than one kind of liquid flowing through the same section of pipe at any given moment. They're pretty damn great, but sadly underrated (in my opinion, at least).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Once you get into the ExtraUtilities transfer pipes, they pretty much infinitely outclass every other system of power, liquid, or item transfer. You can have liquids, power (in the form of Minecraft Joules), and items arriving at a machine in the same block. And you can have more than one kind of liquid flowing through the same section of pipe at any given moment. They're pretty damn great, but sadly underrated (in my opinion, at least).


with the loss of RP tubes and machines (and for the most part, i miss greatly) this indeed is a inexpensive means to sorting etc... in lots of ways its an improvement (i think cause its new its being overlooked and underrated but i'm more than willing to find out what it can do) and i'm sure i grow to love it as much as i did PR (eventually). its new and exploring its in outs will take time. which is why i like to come here and bust a few thoughts. progress is made :D

do you have to filter liquids?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

in that case, strange going on's indeed. i have just set up a default tree farm (managed arboretum) and its not using the dirt at all. it use the initial amount to lay of harvesting but is longer using it for anything else. great knowledge on the paintball conversion. i will use it in further (if needs be, as i'm not clear on whether i'm happy that the multi farm isn't doing what it normally does or not.) and kudos, much better than my minium/gravel > dirt solution. which was extremely hard in 1.4 as the minium stone didn't like the 1-1 conversion at all and was extremely temperamental.

edit: so no sooner than i had mentioned this, it seems to have started now (so no qualms about whether i'm happy or not with it working). i shall craft you idea promptly, thanks for that.

From the Forestry 2.2.0.x changelog: "Changed: Changed humus degradation behaviour. Now only degrades over time instead of on-growth of a tree."

Basically, you no longer get a sandblock everytime a tree grows that needs to be replaced with a humus (dirt+fertilizer) block. This was done to reduce the fertilizer consumption of the arboretum. Humus will still decay into sand over time, as it has always done. It's completely independant of whether or not the farm is running, though.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been told that sticking Electric on a TiConst tool that's at low durability preserves its Stonebound/Jagged bonus while still keeping it usable. Is there a trick for wearing down a tool's durability more quickly?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been told that sticking Electric on a TiConst tool that's at low durability preserves its Stonebound/Jagged bonus while still keeping it usable. Is there a trick for wearing down a tool's durability more quickly?

Perhaps try and use it on things it's not meant to be used for?
I've heard that wears down vanilla tools faster, I'd recommend using dirt/sand for anything but shovels.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I have a BioReactor set-up, though currently with only 5 types of organic matter in it, but my problem is that an export bus cannot keep it stocked. Where some of my products need to be crafted, like melon/pumpkin seeds, I have to have the bus set to "move single or craft single". I'm aware I could set a BC gate so the reactor only powers when the inv is full, but I currently don't have an assembly table up and running. Is there any other way to keep the reactor stocked?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
From the Forestry 2.2.0.x changelog: "Changed: Changed humus degradation behaviour. Now only degrades over time instead of on-growth of a tree."

Basically, you no longer get a sandblock everytime a tree grows that needs to be replaced with a humus (dirt+fertilizer) block. This was done to reduce the fertilizer consumption of the arboretum. Humus will still decay into sand over time, as it has always done. It's completely independant of whether or not the farm is running, though.

awesome, this makes much more sense now. thanks for the up and up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I have a BioReactor set-up, though currently with only 5 types of organic matter in it, but my problem is that an export bus cannot keep it stocked. Where some of my products need to be crafted, like melon/pumpkin seeds, I have to have the bus set to "move single or craft single". I'm aware I could set a BC gate so the reactor only powers when the inv is full, but I currently don't have an assembly table up and running. Is there any other way to keep the reactor stocked?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey, is there a way to limit the amout of eu the HV consumer (from power converters)?
Because I have 2 Refineries which take 12 mj/t. But the consumer uses 60 eu to make 24 mj. Anything that I can do to not waste so much eu?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Electrical engines. You can upgrade them via the same things you use to set which plants go into a multi-farm - toying with the possibilities is always fun.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tried making a drop farm for soul shard mobs, as there's no redpower I figured I'd use conveyors+item collector. However it seems the conveyors softened their landing and Withers survived a 40+ block fall. All I can think of is either the conveyors+item collector or a floor of 81 hoppers.

Well maybe a grinder, but I'd somewhat like to avoid that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tried making a drop farm for soul shard mobs, as there's no redpower I figured I'd use conveyors+item collector. However it seems the conveyors softened their landing and Withers survived a 40+ block fall. All I can think of is either the conveyors+item collector or a floor of 81 hoppers.

Well maybe a grinder, but I'd somewhat like to avoid that.
Golems, maybe? They're just THAT effective.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
why are my cows still dropping leather when killed by a grinder?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
why are my cows still dropping leather when killed by a grinder?

It's because of Tinkers Construct. TiConst increases the amount of leather from cows. As I explained in this post, extra drops like that won't be picked up by the Grinder, so you'll need an extra method of picking up the excess leather.