It's in the GT config (GregTech.cfg):
# quantumsuit
quantumsuit {
Why not use a full Ardite pickaxe if we care so much about mining speed?
Oh okay. So if i turn that on. How to activate the lamp?
Because Cobalt is faster.![]()
Why not use a full Ardite pickaxe if we care so much about mining speed?
Because Cobalt is faster.![]()
Is there a way to keep spawners running (not soul shards, normal spawners) even if you are not there? Like a grinder setup using spawners moved with a gravity gun?
You can always add an ardite binding or handle to get Stonebound III, and you could also make the 3rd part paper (or thaumium, I've heard?) to put more redstone on it. The resulting combo of cobalt head plus Stonebound III plus 4 modifiers with plenty of redstone would be way faster than a full ardite pick.
The pick you are describing has 1039 dura (tested)
Cobalt Head: + 11 speed
Ardite Bind: Maximum: + 10.39 speed
Thaumium rod: + 1 rod
Redstone (max 6 mods): +18 speed
Total: 39.39 speed
A full Ardite pick has a theoretical +48 bonus. 56, factoring in Ardite's base speed. Then don't forget, redstone is not included yet.
Unless Ardite has a bonus cap, then I'm wrong.
EDIT: It actually givesa +0.042 per block broken, so +50.4 from stonebound.
The chunk loader suggest will not work for vanilla spawners which require a player to be within 16 blocks.
There really is no way outside of AFKing near a vanilla spawner to keep it running.
Other spawer systems like MFR's and Soulshards's have options to work while the player is not around. Those would only need a chunkloader to keep running.
But there is even a snag on that. with no player within 128 blocks hostel mods auto despawn. There is ways around this too but require the chunk to be loaded and no other players to be in the dimention at the time. Or a system that kills mobs before they can despawn IE within a tick of spawning.
I was just coming back to correct that, having messed around in creative
I originally thought 1 ardite part gave full Stonebound III, which might have just been in an earlier version, and doesn't appear to be the case now. I tested the following pickaxes using Immibis block breakers:
All ardite, 2 redstone and ball of moss, 1200 durability, mining speed 16.
At durability 581: speed 24.25
Cobalt head, paper binding and ardite handle, 3 redstone and ball of moss, 1600 durability and mining speed 24.
At durability 755: speed 26.12
I'm smashing the picks up some more to get some numbers at lower durability.
At these levels the 2 pickaxes are at about the same relative durability. Note that while the ardite pick does catch up to the cobalt pick, the cobalt pick's average speed is probably higher, given that it is still in the lead past half way durability. Of course, apparently using nearly all of the pick then using an EU upgrade on it gives a full Stonebound bonus more or less permanently, so with that upgrade the ardite pick would win easily.
I just broke 1200 blocks of cobble using a full Ardite pick.
Bonus is 10.65, tops (0 durability). Disappointing.
EDIT: I got the ardite pickaxe down to 41 durability and it's at 26.52 speed, meanwhile at 295 durability the cobalt pickaxe is at 26.65 speed, so the extra Stonebound is ultimately not really good enough to counter the additional redstone and cobalt head speed unless the ardite pick gains more from those 40 blocks than the cobalt would gain from 294.
I just added my results to my post as well. I wonder about an ardite pick with a paper/thaumium binding though...
EDIT: Just made a ardite pick with paper binding, it has 1200 durability and with 3 levels of redstone plus moss is up to 20 speed, with a 0.025 bonus per block broken. By the way, I'm hoping my version of TiC (which is a little out of date) has the same mechanics...
Is speed really all that important? After a certain point, it just becomes more of a "Oh shit I just punched a hole in my house for the 1000th time with the vajra" kind of liability than a bonus.![]()
Bingo. That would the fastest pick. Just calculated. The difference between it and cobalt + 2 mods is like 0.25 or something tho.
EDIT: That pick won't surpass the cobalt one. It's gonna be like 25.5 speed.
LOL yeah Super fast mining can be a draw back. I remember on RR I made the most pimp shovel around (just becuase) and with my beacon I would wreck the ground. Want to remove a block a dirt? NOPE huge crater.
None of them- Vanilla started doing that with bonemeal in 1.5.FTB Unhinged, does anyone know which mod makes fertilizer and the like produce green sparkles on plants when used as a right click? I need to go read about the mechanics of how that works...
The chunk loader suggest will not work for vanilla spawners which require a player to be within 16 blocks.
There really is no way outside of AFKing near a vanilla spawner to keep it running.
Other spawer systems like MFR's and Soulshards's have options to work while the player is not around. Those would only need a chunkloader to keep running.
But there is even a snag on that. with no player within 128 blocks hostel mods auto despawn. There is ways around this too but require the chunk to be loaded and no other players to be in the dimention at the time. Or a system that kills mobs before they can despawn IE within a tick of spawning.
There is every chance I am completly wrong (Which is often the case), but I thought that turtles were considered player entities, or somehting like that which allows them to get the rare drops when mob farming with them? Am I barking up the wrong tree? Would you be able to chunk load it and dump a turtle down?