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hmm... so that's probably why I was auto-joined to a server after installing the pack. hmmmmm. thanks Pyure! now I just have to decide... do I look for another server? or another mod pack? or just keep on with what I've got, despite not being able to breed villagers because the server defaults to "mobGriefing" off and won't let me change it...
as far as i remember the villagers breed by having food "around" them , its just more automatic to have the villagers harvest it themselves. So toss the villagers food and they will grab the dropped "food" items at some pt(probably) and use it to breed.

(after thought note: i HATE creeper holes, and changing that gamerule is generally the easiest fix i use for em albeit heavy handed)
okay--yeah, I'm wanting a new server. but the "find a server" forum is... intimidating. is there a way to find a server accepting newbies who want to do solo peaceful stuff that supports the FTB Lite 3 pack?

for that matter, *can* I get on a different server with FTB Lite 3? I can't find anything in the launcher that lets me specify a server unless I select "Multiplayer." I just want to breed villagers dammit!!
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Few more questions as always in Revelations.

Are there any more "futuristic" signs I can use for my machine room?


I've setup a basic mob farm with cursed earth, I want to hook up the chest to my ME network, but is there a way to delete all the useless items (bows, armour) before it reaches the network storage?


Also along the lines of ME networks. I would like to put a crafting terminal upstairs so everyone can use, but I don't want to have to make a ton of wiring. Is there a way of connecting a crafting terminal wirelessly to the network?
As for your second question, I've found it's just as easy to set up an exporter to a trash can and give it stack/speed upgrades and pull out all the "junk" you won't want. Just make sure you set up your whitelist/blacklist before you hook it up to your network.

I've found that I am not concerned about enchanted items, so I've just set it to take out all "bows" "(type)swords" etc. Any mob drops I want I put into Storage Drawers with upgrades to void.

Exporter takes junk out just as fast as it goes in so... profit?
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Few more questions as always in Revelations.

Are there any more "futuristic" signs I can use for my machine room?


I've setup a basic mob farm with cursed earth, I want to hook up the chest to my ME network, but is there a way to delete all the useless items (bows, armour) before it reaches the network storage?


Also along the lines of ME networks. I would like to put a crafting terminal upstairs so everyone can use, but I don't want to have to make a ton of wiring. Is there a way of connecting a crafting terminal wirelessly to the network?

  1. Signs have always been lacking in modded MC imo. To my knowledge there is only 3 ways of creating more futuristic signs in the "core" mods: Information Panels from Nuclear Control, Holographic Signs from Matter Overdrive, and Monitors from Computercraft(Opencomputers too probably).
  2. The best way to do this IMO, is to put one or more Storage Bus' on a void/deletion method. In these Storage Bus' you can specify which items get deleted, using normal ones for normal items and Fuzzy upgrades to handle damaged items. By using Priority you can set it to fill out certain storages before deleting, but delete before adding to other. This method will not remove items already stored elsewhere, it will only destroy items that enter the network. You can simply remove all the existing items and re-add them to get rid of them. This method is much more robust and uses less processing resources. I wrote a small "guide" on how to use Priority in this way a looooong time ago for AE1, but the same principles still apply(I would recommend using Storage Drawers with Storage Bys as the bulk storage today, instead of a ton of formatted drives):
  3. Look up the Quantum Network Bridge. This allows you to wirelessly extend your ME network to distant areas or even other dimensions.
Also try RFTools screens which allow text lines. They can also display machine/power/fluid/item states, have buttons for redstone control plus are re-sizeable (even see through).

ExU2 screens will allow pasting of any image. I've used them for both decoration and information. Having a handy flowchart of bee breeding as well as some pleasing imagery took some of the tedium out of bees.
Can I advance the FTB infinity Evolved Pack with the localized-Weather mod on a server when I´m the derver owner? Because my friends and me want to get a little challenge in our FTB experience.

I downloaded the pack via Twitch-App
hey. Is there a way to delete the texture of the sky? because the sky is making my PC lagging sometimes.
What is the mod and how do I configure the mod that makes info appear when hovering mouse over items, and when pressing shift?

Using Revelations
Just started using Revelations. I opened the book that shows you the different manuals inside of it, searching for Tinkerer's Construct manual but hit the Akshick Tome by accident. Now every time I hit the book the akashick tome opens and I can't access the other manuals. How do I reset it so I can access the other manuals?

thx in advance
Stonebound 2 modpack: the mining dimension is apparently on top of the starting dimension, so I built stairs and when I reached elevation 256 or so, I got the portal sound and suddenly I was teleported to another location entirely (to the mining dimension obviously)... but how do I get back to my base now? I'm stuck in a 1x2 hole at coords (4,4,-166) which is very different from the top coords of my stairs (0,256,-256). What is the procedure for returning to the starting dimension? If I dig down will I be teleported back?
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Yeah elev 256 teleports to elev 4, but then you have to dig down to elev 2 in order to return. It did put me back at the top of my stairs, but i was 2 blocks lower. Its a weird mechanic since there's no portal or any indication whatsoever. And naturally I didn't have any torches on me (I was using one torch and it got left back in the other dimension when I teleported) so I had to figure it all out in the dark. LOL Welcome to new modpack fun! haha
For Stoneblock 2 modpack, is there any reason to stay in the beginning dimension? One of the first things I did was build stairs up to the mining dimension so I could begin to mine ores... but once I got there, I realized there's no reason to return to the starting dimension except to collect all my crap and transport it forward. So in this modpack, the "Overworld" is essentially useless and the mining dimension becomes our overworld.

I guess there's no reason why this should be a big problem, but it means the modpack begins with a rather lengthy and utterly trivial task - to build a stairs about 160 blocks high (because I spawned at elevation 90). One could certainly ask the reasonable question... "Why begin in the starting dimension at all? Why not just plop the player down in the Mining Dimension to begin the game and be done with it?" LOL I guess I'm too logical sometimes.

My opinion is that the beginning of the game, and this whole "dimension-stacking" mechanic, probably could have been a bit better designed somehow. The way it currently exists doesn't really add anything to the game or the modpack, all it really adds is that trivial beginning task of building a stairway (to heaven). :D
Speaking of StoneBlock 2 - how do you get to the Nether? (reading the comment above - is there a dig down to it?)
Speaking of StoneBlock 2 - how do you get to the Nether? (reading the comment above - is there a dig down to it?)

You get an ExtraUtilities2 Biome Marker set to 'Hell' for the 16x Netherrack quest. I think - not 100% on this - you'd use this with a quantum quarry to virtually mine the nether.
Interesting - I created a test creative world and dug up and down to see what happens - and dug up to the mining world (I guess that's what it is) and then the end... not sure I like that aspect of the pack. But oh well, I'll give that a try @SolManX - Thank you!
I just started playing Stoneblock 2 and every time I hit the tilde key, I keep getting a radial menu whenever I try to use ore excavation. I was wondering if there was any way of disabling that and if there is, please let me know