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How does one find or grow a green deviating lily seed. I can't find one and i've been looking for 3 hours straight. i'm giving up...
How does one find or grow a green deviating lily seed. I can't find one and i've been looking for 3 hours straight. i'm giving up...

As far as I know, deviating lilies are just random world-gen. You can't breed them up from other sources. I don't know what's available in your pack, but if there's a quarrying dimension (or some other big and flat open area), the lilies might be easier to spot.
I have only found blue, white, yellow, red, and black. But recently one grew into a light blue? I'm really confused on that but i cant find any other colors than those.
IIRC there is a slight breeding mechanic to the deviating lilies. I can't remember exactly how it works, but if you grow two colors a block apart from each other, having them fully grown, if you place another seed in between, it has a chance of deviating and growing into a new color. Like black and white will produce a grey
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IIRC there is a slight breeding mechanic to the deviating lilies. I can't remember exactly how it works, but if you grow two colors a block apart from each other, having them fully grown, if you place another seed in between, it has a chance of deviating and growing into a new color. Like black and white will produce a grey

Be really nice if NEI/JEI indicated this, the way it does for Agricraft. >_>
Solar array connected to IC2 Glass Fibre cables - do I have to worry about badness if the input goes over 8192 EU/t? I'm at 5200 odd at the moment with 16 Ultimate Hybrid and 48 regular Hybrid Solar panels. (I figure, I have to make them anyways, might as well get some use out of them.)
As far as my understanding goes, only if the packet size of the EU goes over 8192. I believe you can throw as many EU packets across the cable as you like, as long as they aren’t greater than 8192 on each one
As far as my understanding goes, only if the packet size of the EU goes over 8192. I believe you can throw as many EU packets across the cable as you like, as long as they aren’t greater than 8192 on each one

So - as long as no individual solar panel can generate 8192 eu in a tick, nothing's going to melt? I've already put enough transformer upgrades in everything to accommodate the potential influx - and positive feedback loops are a real thing. Got at least a quadratic relationship going from my trendlines.
Basically, yes.

Wait, positive feedback loops? This intrigues me :)

In theory, you could have something generating overall more than 8192 EU/t - If it generates a packet size of 1024 EU/p, and produces 16 packets per tick, that would be 16384 EU/t - but the cables would be able to handle it, because the packets are only 1024 EU each. That’s how it used to work if I recall correctly (hopefully if I’m wrong someone can tell me!) and as far as I know it still does.

Actually scratch that last part - that’s how it USED to work. Don’t go over 8192 :)
positive feedback loops are an eventuality when u have that much power flowing into a mass fab or molecular transformer
Actually scratch that last part - that’s how it USED to work. Don’t go over 8192 :)
how does ic2 wire even work now a days the only times ive remotely recently played with it has been when the bad things from excessive eu were disabled or the wires were mekinism based(no access to main rf storage , only eu producers)
Basically, yes.

Wait, positive feedback loops? This intrigues me :)

In theory, you could have something generating overall more than 8192 EU/t - If it generates a packet size of 1024 EU/p, and produces 16 packets per tick, that would be 16384 EU/t - but the cables would be able to handle it, because the packets are only 1024 EU each. That’s how it used to work if I recall correctly (hopefully if I’m wrong someone can tell me!) and as far as I know it still does.

Actually scratch that last part - that’s how it USED to work. Don’t go over 8192 :)

Well, there's a manual component, since you can't automatically place (or at this point, exchange) solar panels.

Basically, this solar array is used to power the Mass Fab/Replicator combo. This produces UU-Matter which is turned into Iridium Ore. This is turned into the next tier of solar panels, which are then used to upgrade the array. I actually ran the numbers, and - based on production (how many iridium ore spuds I make in a session) - I've got a .99 R^2 value on a quadratic regression line. The only way I know to track the actual EU/t is to throw glowstone into the Molecular Transformer and look at the readout (and I only rarely remember to do that, since I'm making a small ton of Irradiant Glass Panes.)
So I'm using dynamic trees for the first time. Is there a config option to stop the stupid things encroaching on clearings I've made? Before I realised they grow back I started down the road of making solar panels and they keep cutting off my power XD
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So I'm using dynamic trees for the first time. Is there a config option to stop the stupid things encroaching on clearings I've made? Before I realised they grow back I started down the road of making solar panels and they keep cutting off my power XD

The description says that the trees will respond to obstructions 'naturally' - a glass wall comes to mind as a potential way to keep the space above solar collectors clear.

Does anyone know if a Convocation of the Damned would be able to cross a Tinker's Mechworks drawbridge? I apparently need a demon city, and would prefer an easily managed border crossing. (Plus, I've heard there is loot.)
Today i died after i joined my singleplayer world and i actually got killed by random (?) fire in the nether just after i spawned.
Thing is my death location is not marked on the J-Map, so I have no idea how to find the grave with my stuff.
Any ideas how to find out the coordinates? Or is there any other way to get my stuff back `cause i dont want to cheat it all back and i dont know how to cheat tinkers items with skill levels on them back.
Did you check the map after returning to the Nether? I'm not sure if the default is to show grave-beacons in all dimensions or not.
Did you check the map after returning to the Nether? I'm not sure if the default is to show grave-beacons in all dimensions or not.
Problem solved, thanks

after like half an hour and serveral revisits of the nether the deathpoint suddently apeared^^
Messing with RFTools Dimensions in Infinity Evolved, would it be possible to create a dimension made of thaumium blocks? Can't find a recipe anywhere for the correct dimlet