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Are there any golden lasso type items that work on hostile mobs? I want a pet Ghast.

You'll want to use a name-tag on it if you go with the Soul Vial. MFR's Safari Nets have a 'Jailer's Safari Net' that ensures that the critter doesn't despawn, but I don't think the Soul Vial adds that function.
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If you're in 1.10, Extra Utilities adds a Cursed Lasso (upgrade to the Golden Lasso) which captures hostile mobs. They usually do require being low on health before you can put them in however.

No matter which method you use, do be aware that the "pet" will still be hostile towards its owner and any potential guests. I do suddenly want to build a Rancor trap...
No matter which method you use, do be aware that the "pet" will still be hostile towards its owner and any potential guests. I do suddenly want to build a Rancor trap...

I was getting an image of Ghast turrets, myself. Set them up with strategically positioned openings, maybe a retractable shield for when friends are expected (or even keyed to particular user names if you have a mod that does that - I think the Player Detector would work...)
Funny story: that's one of the most popular (overused? :p) mods in existence.
EnderIO = overused? All it has is Item transfer, ore processing, armor, flight (Glider), Item & fluid & energy transfer across dimensions and energy storage. Why would you bother? :rolleyes:
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Omg, ghast turrets...
Another thing worth mentioning - if you have ExtraUtilities2 you will want to get the angel wing first, you need a ghast in a cursed lasso (and a bat in a golden lasso) but it will give you flight and then capturing ghasts is simple.. and you'll have flight
EnderIO = overused? All it has is Item transfer, ore processing, armor, flight (Glider), Item & fluid & energy transfer across dimensions and energy storage. Why would you bother? :rolleyes:

Ok, lets say that all I want is item transfer and storage, and nothing else.

Lets say that the tech mod focus of the pack is going to be rotarycraft. Forestry will be there, with the forestry engines, but other than that, the only significant tech mod is RoC.

Since RoC's only significant weaknesses are item transfer, filter, and storage (group one), and energy transfer (which is why ElectricCraft exists, and would be added if needed), what would make a good mod to fill that weakness without adding more stuff?

I'm asking specifically because I was told that EnderIO was a good addition for the item transfer/filter/storage, but I did not know that it adds all sort of additional stuff as well.
Ok, lets say that all I want is item transfer and storage, and nothing else.

Lets say that the tech mod focus of the pack is going to be rotarycraft. Forestry will be there, with the forestry engines, but other than that, the only significant tech mod is RoC.

Since RoC's only significant weaknesses are item transfer, filter, and storage (group one), and energy transfer (which is why ElectricCraft exists, and would be added if needed), what would make a good mod to fill that weakness without adding more stuff?

I'm asking specifically because I was told that EnderIO was a good addition for the item transfer/filter/storage, but I did not know that it adds all sort of additional stuff as well.
Logistics pipes or AE2 may be a good fit. Both have their pros and cons, most notably only AE2 provides it's own storage, allows itself to be directly powered via rotarycraft, and i think Logistics pipes still requires Buildcraft, but has built in fluid handling, and can be more potent in terms of routing.
I thought that AE2 was another "Everything" mod -- not just storing your world in three blocks on disk drives (for that matter, if it's just files on a disk, why can't you make copies??), but too much other stuff as well.

Logistics Pipes? ... That's probably the right scale; that only does pipes and "chest connections" (is there a better term?), right?

(I know it combines with Storage Drawers.)
Logistics Pipes? ... That's probably the right scale; that only does pipes and "chest connections" (is there a better term?), right?
It also does autocrafting. And allows wireless access to stored items and crafts from any range/dimension.

I thought that AE2 was another "Everything" mod -- not just storing your world in three blocks on disk drives (for that matter, if it's just files on a disk, why can't you make copies??), but too much other stuff as well.
It only really do crafting, storage and item handling. The rest is mostly things that enable you play the mod with or without other mods. Like a standalone power solution purely for AE. And a manual grind stone to allow you to make dusts without another mods machines.

It can be done very simple, specially if you "exploit" certain things. But it also allows for a great level of complexity and control.

And as a bonus: Logistic Pipes and AE makes a very nice combo. AE was originally made as an expansion to LP, and the cross mod compatibilities still exist.
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LP needs buildcraft?!?
It's basically an extremely powerful extension of buildcraft pipes, which are very effective in their own right actually. It's changed a bit, grown less and less dependent on buildcraft over time, not sure if the 1.7.10 version actually has a hard dependency but I think it does.

Neither it nor buildcraft, despite providing a huge amount of potential power in item transport between the various pipes, gates, and logistics pipes offer improved ways of storing items. Just improved sorting, insertion, and extraction systems. For that something like storage drawers would be quite effective as you noted, not sure there's explicit compatibility, but I know Storage Drawers has a few tools to allow you to essentially combine potentially thousands of drawer blocks together, letting them all be accessed and manipulated via a single block.

Buildcraft obviously offers some alternatives to RotaryCraft stuff, it's got a pretty good module system though. All you'd really want out of it is pipes and gates after all, but it has things like a config file to let you disable any block/item. Has a module system too, you'd probably just want silicon, transport, and core, as silicon is required to get full power out of transport, and both are definitely used by Logistics Pipes in recipes. That will give you basically nothing outside of some fancy pipes though, well, LP also includes an autocrafting system and some networking, able to store recipes in a network and ask for them to be crafted and have it have the rudimentary intelligence to do that.

Each layer is just an extra layer of power and convenience really, although LP -> AE doesn't offer much improvement in what you can do. Buildcraft pipes offer a fair bit on their own, gates take it much further, and logistics pipes takes it further again.
Ahh. When I think of build craft, I think of fully automated everything, massive hole in the ground quarries, and generally "The tech is the thing, the game has gone away".
Having an issue with pressing AE2 silicon. Project Ozone 2 (still 2.2.2)

For some reason, it's not accepting EnderIO silicon any more. Yet I have at least 36 printed silicon already and many more than that in circuits that I've already made previously. Likewise, current silicon is the same as what I would have used previously: all silicon that I have was made from grinding sand in the EnderIO SAG mill.

I had taken apart my inscriber that I was using, because I was going to upgrade to a more automated setup than the mostly-manual one I was using. But when I placed down the inscriber and went to test things, it doesn't let me put silicon in the middle/ingot slot. I can put the silicon in the top or bottom slot, but not in the middle one. I can't put the silicon in the inscriber at all if the silicon press is in the top slot. Other presses seem to work okay, although the calculator press also doesn't accept the certus quartz block like NEI says it would (i.e. printing 8 at a time instead of 1:1 by pure certus quartz crystal).

Any ideas? I'm not 100% sure if all my old printed silicon would've been made in 2.2.0 before I updated to 2.2.2, but I think they were made in 2.2.2. Can't check the curse project since the issue tracker was removed entirely with 2.2.3, can't even see if this was a known problem that was fixed.
Long story short, I got Vazbees. These are producing pasture seeds and infestation spores for me.

Time to think of some shenanigans to do with them. I can farm mushrooms on mycelium, right?
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EnderIO = overused? All it has is Item transfer, ore processing, armor, flight (Glider), Item & fluid & energy transfer across dimensions and energy storage. Why would you bother? :rolleyes:
To be honest, I feel like enderIO can be improved... it can be a bit resource intensive from what I have seen from streams and in single player. Optimization of how it uses resources or at least processing and memory might help a lot with the lag it creates especially in large complex logistic circuits. Broadly, I have watched in the background a very long time, rarely speaking especially after that double post mistake >~<; however, I have felt like mod authors and mudpack authors have in past 6 months lost focus. I feel like if I don't speak out about trying to always gear mod to improve performance, then another 6 months from now the community will diminish.

In fact, I have asked before if enderIO can be improved.

If, for some fundamental reason, it cannot be improved, then honestly why should it not be replaced? Heck the you do realize that vanilla use of slime block, rail, piston, or filter to transport items and ice to transport mobs is way more scalable than most logistic system simply because it puts less of a "load" on the server. Some of those methods are really janky and server crash heavy, but only after you scaled to insane propertions.

What is the point of a graphics or texture mod if its not usable by a large part of computer configurations? Its like making a replica of Donetello, Da Vinci, Manet, Picasso, Warhole, Pollock, Guche, Armitage, Predock, Fisher, TheoJansen for a blind audience with no audio cues. Similarly, what is the point of quarry or logistics mod if, when scaled, its complexity creates too much lag?
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Long story short, I got Vazbees. These are producing pasture seeds and infestation spores for me.

Time to think of some shenanigans to do with them. I can farm mushrooms on mycelium, right?
Yes, but I believe that lighting has to be something like 6 for mushrooms to spread until the mycelium has spread to all the dirt blows you want to grow. Mycelium acts like the recessive version of grass, so grass growth will always dominate over mycelium growth on dirt. However, you can farm not on just mycelium... technically for a long time you have been able to farm them on any swamp biome block and in low light places with redstone torches. Heck you could farm them in the neither if you know what your doing.

Here are a few simple questions. I have italicized the ones I have asked before:
1) Also based on what you devs and mods have said, XMX and the other loading commands don't seem to really affect memory allocation anymore. Then do you have any tips on how to set up Minecraft or java to better allocate and utilize memory for these newer versions? Are there more ways to knock down the initial 6 GB commited memory drain through java itself?
1) A) Broadly speaking as of 1.10 and 1.11, what can one do to improve the performance of modded FTB minecraft on clients side? What cannot one improve?
1) B) Broadly speaking as of 1.10 and 1.11, what can one do to improve the performance of modden FTB minecraft for servers? What cannot one improve?​
2) Has anyone made a mod for the Windows 10 or Pokket edition that brings it more inline with how redstone and minecraft mechanics work in regular Windows/Mac/Linux version of minecraft?

3) (History) Did anyone ever actually make a true modding api? Don't get me wrong FTB and Forge are great, and we will probably all still use them for years. However, I was curious from a broad perspective why it was so hard to create an official modding api.... that it was kind of dead in development.

4) (History) Did anyone ever make a syntax or coding style guide for minecraft? When I see mods on GitHub even the most simple mods have such different ways of writing the source code. I felts like I have seen style guides before; however, I was not sure if any of them have become more popular.
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If, for some fundamental reason, it cannot be improved, then honestly why should it not be replaced? Heck the you do realize that vanilla use of slime block, rail, piston, or filter to transport items and ice to transport mobs is way more scalable than most logistic system simply because it puts less of a "load" on the server. Some of those methods are really janky and server crash heavy, but only after you scaled to insane propertions.

If you really want to see "scaled vanilla item transport", see what Etho did, somewhere around episode 400. Basically, a two-layer, something like 8 back-and-forth runs per layer, set of water flowing over hoppers and ice using pairs of ender chests at each turn to line objects up, all to do sorting.

It's ... *huge*. Any good mod transport system should be simpler, smaller, less server intensive (lots and lots of items in a stream, lots of hoppers), and at the least, not any more expensive/harder to make (... two ender chests per turn, lots and lots of iron, huge amount of ice/silk touch to place the water and flow over it, lots of redstone, and lots of backups in case on error let water ruin the wiring).

Are you saying that ender IO is actually more resource intensive on the server than that? (I'm asking because 1, I really don't know, and 2, I'm looking for an item transport system for a modpack that will use RoC as the primary tech mod, with forestry for bees (and trees/farming systems as a side effect).
Are you saying that ender IO is actually more resource intensive on the server than that? (I'm asking because 1, I really don't know, and 2, I'm looking for an item transport system for a modpack that will use RoC as the primary tech mod, with forestry for bees (and trees/farming systems as a side effect).
For 1 it shouldn't be, for 2 the question is how much do you want the system to be able to do? And how easily? Something like buildcraft transport + silicon is pretty powerful for non-networked item management, but it's also going to be a lot more complicated then something like Ender IO for what Ender IO can do and uses power for extracting items.

Actually I'm not even sure I'd call Ender IO non-networked, the conduits could do things like round robin across several distant filtered outputs iirc, which requires knowledge of the entire network of connected conduits. Which gets to what I'd count as a non networked item system, each piece is only aware of itself and what is adjacent to it.

To distribute across multiple outputs via buildcraft requires more planning, pipe wire and gates help, giving you the ability to send Boolean signals along up to four channels via putting wires on the pipes. Gates are attachments that can detect and perform a wide range of things involving the pipe, including interaction with wires. Something like detecting if an inventory is full, using wires to send a signal somewhere else, and having that block off a pipe to force items to redirect is something you'd do for a distant overflow.

A lot of the issue with recommending item transport systems is most you can't get individually, they come as part of a much larger mod. Short of higher level networked inventory systems anyway which are the mod, such as logistics pipes and applied Energistics. That's actually one of the advantages of buildcraft, one of the few mods with a module system so you can just take the relevant part. Project Red does it too, but I can barely remember that item transport system so can't provide info as well.