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Yeah, I'm def not worried about power with 8 Quantum Solars running now. :) It's not that I'm worried about the space required either. Space is infinite. :) What I'm worried about is server lag, and the effect that 300 Recyclers with 20 Overclockers in each one will have on other players. With 20 Overclockers, they basically run at a blur, and I'm pulling so much Cobblestone and pushing so much Scrap around, it MUST have a negative effect and cause lag on the server, no?

That's what I'm worried about. The trend in modded Minecraft was to try and eliminate these situations where we are forced to build massive, laggy creations just to get a job done. Unfortunately, IC2 was never "trendy" and never will be. LOL Don't get me wrong, I love the mod... but being forced to spam a gazillion recyclers and overclockers isn't good.

But I guess there's just no other way, eh?
Ah, I see. I don't know for sure, but I'd assume that a smaller number of overclocked machines would be better than a larger number of slower machines. You're still going to be shuffling around the same amount of cobble and scrap either way; the difference is in how many tile entities you have. And how IC2e handles the energy net, for that matter, but that's well beyond my area of expertise.
I'm interested in realistic technology mods. Which FTB modpack is the best for me?
Will changing my minecraft avatar name (in site) will affect my savegames? Particularly interested in answer for regrowth modpack.
Thaumcraft was the only progress I lost but I went into the world folder and changed the name of the thaumcraft file to my new name and it worked.
I'm interested in realistic technology mods. Which FTB modpack is the best for me?

GregTech is BY FAR the most realistic mod you will be able to play. Why?

First of all, there are hundreds of ores to mine. Not just the six ores (iron, gold, copper, tin, lead, silver) that almost every other modpack makes you work with. Would you rather play with hundreds of ores, or six? The ores are also deposited in the world realistically. They are actual DEPOSITS!!! Not just randomly scattered throughout the world. That's a plus, and a minus - when you find a certain ore deposit, you will have TONS of it... but it may also take you many months to find such an ore deposit.

Second of all, each of the hundreds of ores in GT has multiple ways to be processed, and each different way you process them results in different raw materials... for instance, let's say an ore has the chemical formula Fe2O3 - which mean, 2 atoms of Fe (iron) and 3 atoms of O (oxygen) in each molecule. In terms of GregTech, this means you can process the ore (a) in a regular furnace, essentially burning off the oxygen, leaving you 2 iron ingots, or (b) in a different machine which will allow you to capture those 3 atoms of oxygen. The processing will take longer and use more energy up, but you will now have 3 buckets of oxygen in addition to 2 iron dusts/ingots. You can then use the oxygen combined with the iron ingots in a GT Blast Furnace multiblock to create steel ingots, or annealed copper ingots, etc.

That's just a small picture of what GregTech brings, but if you love technology mods there is NO comparison - GregTech is the best mod, period. IMO of course, I know other people disagree with my take, but that's fine. I really don't think those folks are into technological mods, that's all.

GregTech is currently in a very few FTB modpacks - Infitech 2 is the one I play, its at the bottom of the Third Party modpack list.
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Development was slowed down due to school and work. Will be trying to work on it more during my break. Expert mode is up to the FTB team.
I like how this mod started out as a parody of other endgame mods but quickly became one of the most highly anticipated endgame mods next to DE. Btw, I love the endgame support for bloodmagic with the Blood Orb of Armok and would love to see something like that for ProjectE that gives infinite EMC.
I like how this mod started out as a parody of other endgame mods but quickly became one of the most highly anticipated endgame mods next to DE. Btw, I love the endgame support for bloodmagic with the Blood Orb of Armok and would love to see something like that for ProjectE that gives infinite EMC.
SAG Mill/Macerator/Pulverizer/Crusher (Factory) + blaze rods + pipes + energy condensers = Infinite EMC
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SAG Mill/Macerator/Pulverizer/Crusher (Factory) + blaze rods + pipes + energy condensers = Infinite EMC
That trick is older then the crust on my underwear but adding an item with a ridiculous recipe that gives EMC serves two purposes: 1. It is a nice nod to ProjectE and 2. It parodys the mod that makes all other mods easy mode.
That trick is older then the crust on my underwear but adding an item with a ridiculous recipe that gives EMC serves two purposes: 1. It is a nice nod to ProjectE and 2. It parodys the mod that makes all other mods easy mode.
That trick is as old as EE2, LOL :p. Anyway I agree with you.
Edit: maybe a Klein Star that is crafted using 81 filled Klein Stars Omega?
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That trick is as old as EE2, LOL :p. Anyway I agree with you.
Edit: maybe a Klein Star that is crafted using 81 filled Klein Stars Omega?
I was thinking more like the Blood Orb of Armok using 4 filled Klein Star Omega's, a circle of neutronium nuggets, and fill the rest of the inside with Infinity ingots that holds infinite emc.
Also make an extreme crafting recipe for the Alchemical Tome that unlocks all research within it.
I was thinking more like the Blood Orb of Armok using 4 filled Klein Star Omega's, a circle of neutronium nuggets, and fill the rest of the inside with Infinity ingots that holds infinite emc.
Also make an extreme crafting recipe for the Alchemical Tome that unlocks all research within it.
You can't have items with infinite EMC because the table has a limit. So a Klein Star crafted with a circle of Neutronium Ingots surrounding filled Klein Stars Omega and a condenser that's very expensive but it's very fast and has a slot for a klein star where you could put the klein star.
I'm beginning to think that making a Creative Energy Cell in Infinity Evolved is a terrible use (i.e. a big waste) of resources... altho that might just be an excuse so I don't have to accumulate all the Awakened Draconium ingots required, which I am really dreading. The rest of the recipe wasn't so bad, but respawning the dragon a hundred times, with it getting stronger each time... ugh.

And not only that - do you realize how much free power the 9 Quantum solars is? And I have to give that up? Yes (duh), of course I know the Creative cell is infinite... but now instead of a one-block solution for pretty much any EU/t need with a Quantum Solar, I'll have to jury-rig a conversion mechanism to get the Cell to give me equivalent EU/t, which is not nearly as convenient.

Okay, so it's a nice problem to have, I suppose... 9 Quantum Solars or 1 Creative Energy Cell? But still not sure I should even bother.
@asb3pe if you decide to go for the creative cell, then you can use a signalum crossbow with enderium bolts to kill the dragon. That combination will kill the dragon in a few shots. It can get over 90 hearts of damage in one shot.
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@asb3pe if you decide to go for the creative cell, then you can use a signalum crossbow with enderium bolts to kill the dragon. That combination will kill the dragon in a few shots. It can get over 90 hearts of damage in one shot.

Cool, thanks. I read the description of respawning the Dragon and it made it sound like it was gonna be really difficult to do... but I do indeed have a Signalum Crossbow with Enderium bolts, along with my trusty Cleaver that does 44 hearts of damage or something totally ridiculous.... perhaps I shouldn't have been so worried? :)

Unfortunately I play on a server where we all must agree that we're ready to take on the dragon and do it together... and I'm way ahead of the rest of the players' progress... so it will be a while before I can even get my hands on ONE awakened ingot. Such is life in server-land, I take the good (people to talk to) with the bad (players who seem eternally stuck in early-game lol).
Cool, thanks. I read the description of respawning the Dragon and it made it sound like it was gonna be really difficult to do... but I do indeed have a Signalum Crossbow with Enderium bolts, along with my trusty Cleaver that does 44 hearts of damage or something totally ridiculous.... perhaps I shouldn't have been so worried? :)

Unfortunately I play on a server where we all must agree that we're ready to take on the dragon and do it together... and I'm way ahead of the rest of the players' progress... so it will be a while before I can even get my hands on ONE awakened ingot. Such is life in server-land, I take the good (people to talk to) with the bad (players who seem eternally stuck in early-game lol).

If you want awakened, start at where you spawn in the end, pick a direction N S E W, and head off in that direction 10,000 blocks. If you are suitably suited up, you can defeat the Chaos Guardian(good luck) and then you will get 2 dragon hearts.
I just saw the new Chunckloading feauture in the newest FTBUitilitie version. Is there any info about beeing compatible with Infinity Evolved 2.2.2?
I rather upgrade the server to 3.3.3 when its stil beta but I can not understand the sence of Chuckloaders beeing deactivated in Expert mode so the Chunckloading feauture would be a nice way to get around that problem and not having to have PC on all night being afk in my world :)
I just saw the new Chunckloading feauture in the newest FTBUitilitie version. Is there any info about beeing compatible with Infinity Evolved 2.2.2?
I rather upgrade the server to 3.3.3 when its stil beta but I can not understand the sence of Chuckloaders beeing deactivated in Expert mode so the Chunckloading feauture would be a nice way to get around that problem and not having to have PC on all night being afk in my world :)

The chunk loading is in FTB Utilities version 0.13, so I supposed you could go grab that off Curse and install it into Modpack v2.2.2 (which contains version 0.12 of FTB Utils by default). Worth a try, right?

I'll forewarn you tho - I tested the FTB Utils chunk loading feature overnight while I was logged off, and my MFR Auto-Spawner/Cursed Earth mob farm did not operate at all. However, my IC2 Recyclers and TE Cyclic Assembler made 2000 stacks of Scrap Boxes during the overnight... so chunk loading seems to work for some machines, but not for other ones. Basically, it's still buggy and needs work.

I was very excited for this feature, but became disappointed with it after trying it out. I've actually gone right back to the Railcraft World Anchor as my chunk loader, because I KNOW that the Auto-Spawner works with it thru the night while I'm offline.

If we cannot load chunks, there is ZERO reason to play on a server. That's the main reason I play SMP and not SSP.... because all my machines work thru the night while I'm sleeping. I know I could play SSP and just leave my computer running unattended all night long for the same effect, but this is why we have servers, so we don't have to do that.