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Me again. Anyone have any idea why this frame won't move forward?
I can move it back (left on the first picture), and move forward to where it is now. BUT it needs to move forward one more block... and I can't for the life of me see any reason why it can't move forward, even though nothing changed from being 1 block back
After sending it all the way to the back, it moved to the front :@
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Hey, I have a few questions about ore processing in the Monster Pack 1.1.2

I started with Thermal Expansion but there are no upgrades in this pack for the machines. IC2 has upgrades but I'm a little scarred about finding the right powersource. solarpanels are great but expensive as ****
and the only time I tried to build a nuclear reactor it failed horribly :/
Is there another good way of ore processing besides thermal and ic2?
I know that rotarycraft has some ore processing too but from what I know its way more expensive and slower right?

I hope you can give me some advice :)

Greets Ch4oz
i seem to rember ender io being in that pack , the sag mill is ender io ore doubler it can accept upgrades in the form of capacitors which buff its processing speed the 2 speed upgrades are double layered capacitors and octaditc capacitor octadic being made from 2 of the double layered ones and some other material it is the top speed upgrade for the sag mill , much more simple then rotary crafts method
of course rotary craft has the fastest and most efficient ore processing (the extractor ) but getting up there needs serious shaft power and a toggle to switch the feed in rate around to the other state the machine would prefer each (differnt stages differnt power requirements) to get the power right u are probably gonna have dive in head first into power system
Me again. Anyone have any idea why this frame won't move forward?
I can move it back (left on the first picture), and move forward to where it is now. BUT it needs to move forward one more block... and I can't for the life of me see any reason why it can't move forward, even though nothing changed from being 1 block back
If you're holding an iWrench when the frames try to move, it'll show you where it's getting stuck. Sounds like you've got it figured out this time; but for future reference.
I play Infinity and I'm wondering what I can use to color the beam from a beacon. Is that possible in this pack?

Also, what machine can in use to mine Blasted Bedrock?
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I play Infinity and I'm wondering what I can use to color the beam from a beacon. Is that possible in this pack?

Also, what machine can in use to mine Blasted Bedrock?
I don't know on the latter, but vanilla coloured glass should do the trick if placed in the beacon's beam's path.
If you're holding an iWrench when the frames try to move, it'll show you where it's getting stuck. Sounds like you've got it figured out this time; but for future reference.
I was trying to use that, but a known bug with the iWrench is that if you have it with EnderIO installed, is that the client crashes
I've never attempted to use JABBA barrels to sort items for an early game quarry before (I usually have an AE system set up by this point). Anyone have any recommendations on how many barrels should be used?
I've never attempted to use JABBA barrels to sort items for an early game quarry before (I usually have an AE system set up by this point). Anyone have any recommendations on how many barrels should be used?
In my experience that is a gradual expansion depending on the modpack and which items you gather/farm/keep. In the beginning you are better off keeping most items in chests, but if you do not upgrade to another sorting system(like ME) then at some point those items will need a barrel too. Best you can do IMO is make the barrel wall extendible so you can upgrade as you go.
Is there a way to add a non-forge mod in .zip format to Infinity?
I thought there used to be a way to do that in the FTB launcher, but it looks like they removed that option. If you have MultiMC, though, you can turn on the option in the settings to show your FTB packs; then, select Infinity, click Edit Instance, and go to Add Jar Mod at the bottom right.

Or, if you don't have MMC and don't want to install it, you can go into your FTB install directory, find the Infinity folder, locate minecraft.jar, and install your mod the manual way.
Searched for it and found nothing. I don't think it exists and it may be something else.
Huh. Looking in the launcher's install folder didn't show me any minecraft.jars in any of the instance folders; furthermore, scanning my entire home directory (the *NIX equivalent of My Documents) showed no files with that name other than those backed up from my last computer, which are totally irrelevant now; and letting it scan my entire hard drive until I have up after an hour or so returned no more files with that name either.

So I dunno what to do. Try MultiMC; it does have an option to install jar mods in FTB instances as I noted earlier.
Hook up Insulated Redstone Conduits to the machines as well, as long as they can be turned on and off with a redstone signal.
Yeah, I could do that, but it's a lot more config to do, each bank has 8 machines and I was hoping to shut them all down with one switch. I wouldn't mind that they would carry on running on their internal buffers for a short while as the buffer isn't too big (Industrial Apiary from Gendustry).

*Edit* Hm, seems like the Industrial Apiary can't be controlled with redstone.
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