Found an oddity and wonder if anyone can explain (running Horizons: Daybreaker mod pack)
I have an aura cascade spawner spitting out bad guys who drop down onto diamond spikes. I then have an openblocks hopper grabbing the xp into a bedrockium drum and the rest of the drops being deposited into a chest.
Off of the chest I am using extra utilities advanced filters to trash all of the broken armor that drops (anything with a visible durability bar). When the chest has room everything runs great.
I have logged back in to the chest being full and the flood of various drops floating around on the diamond spikes. When I start cleaning up the extra drops I find that I am getting a ton of fully repaired armor (gold, chain and leather primarily).
How does this happen? I never get any fully repaired armor drop when there is space in the chest but if I let the drops accumulate before picking them up I get a ton of them (good source of gold ingots melting down the armor drops in the alloy furnace).
Do drops with durability loss combine together to self repair when others are floating around in the area? I can't think of any other reason why I get none when there is space, but get a ton when the loot starts piling up? Is there a mod that does this or is it happening because there is so many items that its trying to combine or "stack" them which repairs?
Thanks for any insight.