Don't trust Waila for tesseract settings; it tends to be off, especially if you're playing on a server. That said, I can assure you have the concept of tesseract settings mostly understood.

SO: go ahead and set the tesseract in the nether to "Send Fluids; Receive Energy" and the one in the overworld to "Send Energy; Receive Fluids". Next, you'll need to connect the overworld tesseract to some sort of power line (correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't see any in that last pic). And finally, if I recall correctly, you can simply place the tesseract on top of the ender-thermic pump and it will transfer any fluid and energy as fast as it is able. It seems to be the case in your second picture that you're using an unfilled redstone energy fluxduct? These are only a crafting item, as they need to be filled with redstone before they can transfer energy (see NEI, "Thermal Dynamics"). Finally if you're going to keep the tesseract's position away from the pump you will need to add in a hardened fluiduct line to actually transfer the lava.