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Question, quantum link chamber, I can't see any storage bus items on the remote side. I also can't craft things that need items from those storages. Is this a bug, intentional?
I'm trying to figure out a way to use my blaze spawner to get treasures from Thaumcraft and then automatically open the bags. My question is: Do draconic evolution stabilized spawners spawn the special mobs from Thaumcraft? Also, what is a good setup for a blaze spawner?
I'm trying to figure out a way to use my blaze spawner to get treasures from Thaumcraft and then automatically open the bags. My question is: Do draconic evolution stabilized spawners spawn the special mobs from Thaumcraft? Also, what is a good setup for a blaze spawner?
Dont know about the former, but regarding the latter, set up the spawners about 10 ish (depending on scale) blocks from the gound, which should be fully water. A few vacuum hoppers or chests here and there and your good. Also depending on the mods, theresany ways to improve this as well.
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What is that forum where you sign up for the mod developer tag below your name, the one with all the guidelines? (Link, appreciated)
Don't be shy about telling Jaded how awesome she is, though. :)

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2
Do you just want all 36 slots in one row, or just the 9 hotbar slots?
If former, there's a config option in the dual hotbar mod. If latter, remove the dual hotbar mod.
I want only 9 slots :)
When i remove this mod, is there anything what i don't want to remove? :)
What is the name of this mod?
Hey folks, question about Thaumcraft4.
I try to put Repair2 on my Sword of Zephyr and it wont work.
I did succesfully enchanted it with Repair1, but Repair2? Nope.
I have all the stuff - exp, essentia, anvil/mundus.
Maybe Sword is restricted to Repair1 only? I couldnt find that info.

o i changed sword to Axe - still no.
Changed recipe - yes, items are echanted.
Looks like my altar cant see Farbrico essentia. Any thoughts?

Update 2:
Looks like i lost all my aspects. Sad.

Update 3:
No, its not loosing aspects. Restored my backup save, still no Repair2.

Update 4:
Out of ideas.
Funny thing is, when i first enchant sword, altar drains Fabrico essentia NOT from provided jar, but rather from empty space. I get succesfull enchant, but after that - nothing.
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playing FTB infinity
i have a real problem finding ferrous ore.

mining with quarries and after doing a quarry 30x30 big from lvl 72
i got 28 ferrous ore
playing FTB infinity
i have a real problem finding ferrous ore.

mining with quarries and after doing a quarry 30x30 big from lvl 72
i got 28 ferrous ore
Sounds reasonable enough doesn't it?.

Statistics will always mean you can with smaller quarries get very lucky or unlucky. Larger sample sizes(larger quarries) should even it out and converge it to the average ofc.
playing FTB infinity
i have a real problem finding ferrous ore.

mining with quarries and after doing a quarry 30x30 big from lvl 72
i got 28 ferrous ore

I found this thread...
except it doesn't list ferrous ore (seemingly the only one they forgot). There's a tip in that thread, about using NEI to find ore distribution elevations, but it doesn't seem to work in my Infinity modpack.

Ferrous Ore is usually found very close to bedrock, and yes, it seems to be rather rare compared to the more common ores. Probably similar to gold, which is always found in lesser quantities than iron-tin-copper.