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How can I make a logistics requester pipe be able to request from an ae into an ender chest so I can request stuff anywhere I used to know but haven't done it in ages was hoping someone else would know thanks :p

I just checked this in the infinity pack so I know it still works. You will need a request pipe mk2, provider pipe mk2, remote request pipe, the remote, some basic pipes and a power junction. Connect the request and provider pipes to a ME interface (use the block). Use basic pipes to connect to the remote request pipe attached to the ender chest. Place the power junction someplace so that it connects to power and the pipe.
So what can I do with crystallised praecantatio essence?

I'm breaking down netherwort to run my lamps of growth and I thought an essentia crystalliser was a bit shinier than a void jar for the excess praecantatio.

But I have literally no idea what to do with the output :p
Are the biomes in Ridiculous World by @SpitefulFox compatible with Realistic World Generation by @ted80? Like, will they spawn if I use the RWG world type?

No idea. Would have to test that. >.>

So what can I do with crystallised praecantatio essence?

I'm breaking down netherwort to run my lamps of growth and I thought an essentia crystalliser was a bit shinier than a void jar for the excess praecantatio.

But I have literally no idea what to do with the output :p

Mass produce tons of thaumium? xD
Super dumb question: in TE 4, is it more efficient to connect your dynamo directly to your machines, or to connect the dynamo to an energy cell and connect that to your machines?
Personally I would connect it to some type of energy cell or capacitor bank. Then use some type of control system that only turns on the dynamos when the energy in the cell gets below a certain level (50%). Then shuts the dynamos back off once the energy stored is back above 90 or 95%.
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is there some kind of collection written for smart tools and tips and trix for infinity on ftb

so many mods that i feel i miss things all the time.
I'm only using a least one energy cell, so I don't have that functionality.
In terms of efficiency, there's no loss either way. On the other hand, energy cells give you a nice buffer, which is nice. I always use an energy cell; there's effectively no downside.
The only exception to that are Big Reactors in combination with Mining Lasers. Thanks to Cryo-Fluxducts, energy cells actually become the limiting factor. :P
Has anyone else had problems with their Vis Relays becoming disconnected? I have worked around the problem by mounting them all inside Drawbridges and setting up a lever so I can retract and re-deploy them all, and then they re-connect correctly.
I'm having a weird glitch with my Draconic Evolution Tablet. When I open it up it takes up the whole screen and once I select one page, I'm stuck on it and can't go back to the index. After a while it fixes itself but I would prefer if I could quickly flip through pages normally. Is this happening to anyone else?
Has anyone else had problems with their Vis Relays becoming disconnected? I have worked around the problem by mounting them all inside Drawbridges and setting up a lever so I can retract and re-deploy them all, and then they re-connect correctly.

Are they really disconnected? I know in the Infinity 1.5.1 server I play on visually they look like they don't look like they are connected. However, everything is working.
So what can I do with crystallised praecantatio essence?

I'm breaking down netherwort to run my lamps of growth and I thought an essentia crystalliser was a bit shinier than a void jar for the excess praecantatio.

But I have literally no idea what to do with the output :p
Store them in you AE and use them in the crucible when a recipe requires praecantatio, from memory a lot of recipes do. I just use saplings to run my lamp of growth and void the arbor. Theory being why grow something to use when you can use a waste product of the tree farm? Saplings also have 2 herba so theoretically less half the fuel to get the herba
I am using and enjoying bee breeding this play through because of the GenDustry mod, I may even try to be a completest (I have about 100 varieties so far). While I am not sure that they are a reasonable way to get resources. I worked out that I would need about 200 yellorium queens to provide my power, 800 queens = 16 combs (2%) = 4 grains (25%) = 1 yellorium per bee tick.

The only thing that I would like to make the process better would be a way to sort the gene samples (that come out of the genetic sampler). There are 2 parts to this, sorting by the trait type sampled (species, speed, effect, etc) and by specific trait (speed: slow, effect: aggressive, etc). Using the white list option does not seem to work. Any ideas on how to do this?
I just use the manual method to get genetic samples. Once I have the highest production, long life, etc. The only sample I really care about after that is the species. My usual process for production bees is to start with a pair of rockies and inject the species template then a production template on to them.

BTW: How much power are you actually going to use? I have 5 Yellorium hives setup and it keeps up with my needs just fine. But, my reactor auto cycles on/off to fill a huge capacitor bank (on at 50% and off at 90%). The hives are also automated to produce only when my yellorium store drops below 5000 ingots.
I just use the manual method to get genetic samples. Once I have the highest production, long life, etc. The only sample I really care about after that is the species. My usual process for production bees is to start with a pair of rockies and inject the species template then a production template on to them.

As I said I am possibly trying to be a completest as I am enjoying the process this time, so I am using templates to put the species on the rocky princess and then using natural drone to mutate to the next species, but I am also being a bit anal and collecting all the traits as samples. I am down to just a few 'flowers' to get and possibly half way through 'effect'

BTW: How much power are you actually going to use? I have 5 Yellorium hives setup and it keeps up with my needs just fine. But, my reactor auto cycles on/off to fill a huge capacitor bank (on at 50% and off at 90%). The hives are also automated to produce only when my yellorium store drops below 5000 ingots.

Not entirely sure how much I need now as I have just resolved a problem that was causing inefficiencies, I am now actually staying at full power (all 285,000,000) via my solar panel & generator setup. And after building my big reactor turbine a month ago I am just about to put it on-line. And my yellorium hives will be better now as I have just found the fastest speed trait, was using fast, I actually did not think you could get faster or fastest without thaumcraft research for Aura bees but I found it on Aer
They really are, they don't charge the wand in the table until I re-deploy them. The same happens in 1.4.1 and 1.6.1.
When you said you use drawbridges - I am asking as it may be something I need to implement, you just put a relay in the drawbridge and power it on and it places it like it does a block and they work, when you find they are not working you power off then redeploy them and they work?
While I am not sure that they are a reasonable way to get resources. I worked out that I would need about 200 yellorium queens to provide my power, 800 queens = 16 combs (2%) = 4 grains (25%) = 1 yellorium per bee tick.
800 queens lol? What exactly are you housing your bees in lol?

With normal Forestry/ExB mechanics you generally make sure your important production bees always produce a comb every bee tick. This is easily done with the use of Alvearies and Frames.

Bees production chance is calculated using this formula:
P = (bee speed) * (production modifier) * (item probability) * 2^(number of frames)

The value of the "bee speed" depends on the speed trait:
Speed trait    Bee speed
Slowest        0.3
Slower         0.6
Slow           0.8
Normal         1.0
Fast           1.2
Faster         1.4
Fastest        1.7

Production modifier depends on the housing. Apiary is 0.1 and Alveary is 1.0.

Item probability is the bees chance to produce the item in question. You can find this value on wikies or in NEI. Add it in decimal value, so 15% is 0.15.

The number of frames added in the formula is the number of "Untreated", "Impregnated" or "Proven" frames used.

If you want to make sure your bee produces the item every bee tick(27.5sec) then just add in all the values you know and then keep adding frames until the value exceeds 100%(1.0).

A Fast bee with a 2% chance in an Alveary:
P = 1.2 * 1.0 * 0.02 * 2^5 = 0.768
P = 1.2 * 1.0 * 0.02 * 2^6 = 1.536

6 frames in the Alveary will therefore ensure a 100% chance of production, and you should be able to manage with many less queens.
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OK so the bee tick is something that I have learned from that - never knew that it was 27.5 sec.

Now that I have fastest speed with my four alveary's and 6 proven frames in each I should be getting

P = 1.7 * 1.0 * 0.02 * 2^6 = 2.176 combs per queen per 27.5 seconds, approximately 9 combs from the 4 alveary's, approximately 2.25 grains every 27.5 seconds so about 1 yellorium ingot every 55 seconds.

It does not seem to be a lot of reward for the work, but as I said I am enjoying breeding with GenDustry, I can't imagine anyone enjoying doing it without (or with Genetics).

One quick question - am I right that the longest lifespan is best for production, shortest is only handy to acquire drones