Ars Magica 2 community spellbook

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Never found much use for disarm, honestly. You're a wizard. End your fight from 64 blocks away! :p
I suspect you don't do much adventuring through twisty, spawner-filled dungeon corridors ;)

It goes nicely in a "panic button" Contingency -> AOE spell, for situations where you're being swarmed: Skeletons drop their bows, Zombies drop their swords---both of which can be extremely threatening even to high-level mages if you're running mods that add powerful weapon enchantments or tweak the mobs themselves (when mobbed by a half-dozen Gatling Skeletons, you'll be verrrry happy to see them drop their Power V, Wrath V, Pain, Scourge bows). After all, it takes only one of your 13 effects.
We run both the Rogue-like dungeons and some other dungeon mod that I forget the name of in addition to the Infernal Mobs mod. So, yes, I do like to tangle but at the same time, getting swarmed by a dozen elite mobs that can slam dunk you for 20 points of damage per shot or whatever means more reliance on AOE-killy spells rather than disarmament utility spells. Flight helps a lot in those situations too, mind you! :p
We run both the Rogue-like dungeons and some other dungeon mod that I forget the name of in addition to the Infernal Mobs mod. So, yes, I do like to tangle but at the same time, getting swarmed by a dozen elite mobs that can slam dunk you for 20 points of damage per shot or whatever means more reliance on AOE-killy spells rather than disarmament utility spells. Flight helps a lot in those situations too, mind you! :p
You may be right, I can't claim to be an expert: I'm an ender mage who just bamfs as needed. Contingency: Health --> Self --> Mark --> Divine intervention is probably the greatest spell ever. The number of times it's saved my ass when I go boss-fighting without remembering to change out of the Vis-discounting Thaumcraft Robes I use while crafting... is, err, once, one time... but it was really awesome.
I might throw in an AOE+Knockback+Disarm+Slow+3x Buff Power, if you can afford it (don't use Entangle---Entangle stops mobs from being knocked back, whereas Slow + 3x Buff Power is virtually identical to Entangle, but works with Knockback).

As for "better", I don't know if this counts, but I use my Contingency slot to prevent me from dying, rather than defensive utility:
Contingency: Health, Self
--> Mark, Divine Intervention​
(Basically, I auto-bamf outta there when my health gets low, but I leave a Mark so I can Recall right back as soon as I heal and buff up)

While I'm here, I have two questions re: Contingencies:
  1. Contingency: Damage --- Does it proc whenever you're hit, or only if you actually suffer health damage? I have a lot of armor and protective enchants, so even when I'm being hit a lot, I'm not taking damage. I'd rather save my Contingency until I actually take damage.
  2. Contingency: Death --- Is there a use for this beyond revenge? (My reading of it is it triggers at your death, rather than as a method to save you from dying.) I suppose Mark could be used to enable you to TP back to your death point, but I think Contingency: Health is the best place for that strategy since it helps you not die.
Lastly, I've seen some examples of offensive contingencies in this thread---for example, using Ignition to set mobs on fire, and giving them a Contingency: Fire effect that procs with some additional deadly effect. I've never tried this myself, and I have no idea if it works (I didn't think you could apply Contingencies to entities other than yourself), but if it does, then it's the only way I know of to divide a spell up into sequential steps (rather than have everything trigger at once).

This might be a little late, but contingency damage procs when hit, even if you don't take damage.
also if your chestplate has the "life saving" imbument, the contingency death spell should still proc(on your death/not death or... whatever). So maybe you could make a contingency death/self /fury shield/buffs etc. as a "time to get serious" spell
This is a fun spell. I call it shadowstep. It involves invisibility so no armor. {Self}blink|invis|haste|shield|mana shield. They'll think you just did a normal blink spell, but now they're looking for your character not realizing that you're invis. The haste is for stealth and quick movement. Shield and mana shield make up for the fact that you don't have any armor.
A question, how does the chrono anchor work? I tried self:chrono anchor once and it simply crashed my game, is it bugged or am I dumb?
hey i used few of the spells but when i tried them they didnt even worked. for example the quarry spell only dig 1 block and not a 7x7 area or which there was written.
also the lighting massacre spell. i dont even know how to make it in the inscription table and have 2 version or the spell: 1 which only needs about 100 mana/s and the other one 800+ mana per sec while holding it.
and about the picture. its so damn a lie! i dont even see the a lil bit of these lightnings ....
hey i used few of the spells but when i tried them they didnt even worked. for example the quarry spell only dig 1 block and not a 7x7 area or which there was written.
also the lighting massacre spell. i dont even know how to make it in the inscription table and have 2 version or the spell: 1 which only needs about 100 mana/s and the other one 800+ mana per sec while holding it.
and about the picture. its so damn a lie! i dont even see the a lil bit of these lightnings ....
If you made those old spells pre AM2 1.2, your spells can still be made, you just have to switch the components around a little. What I mean is any modifier that goes in the shape group(the brown square) will affect everything in the spell, but modifiers in the spell grammar(the gray rectangle) will only modify what is in the spell grammar, not the shape group.

You probably put zone in the shape group of the quarry spell, so MAKE SURE you put the gravity modifier and the duration modifiers in the shape group as well. If you put everything in the spell grammar, just put the modifiers wherever you want.
If you made those old spells pre AM2 1.2, your spells can still be made, you just have to switch the components around a little. What I mean is any modifier that goes in the shape group(the brown square) will affect everything in the spell, but modifiers in the spell grammar(the gray rectangle) will only modify what is in the spell grammar, not the shape group.

You probably put zone in the shape group of the quarry spell, so MAKE SURE you put the gravity modifier and the duration modifiers in the shape group as well. If you put everything in the spell grammar, just put the modifiers wherever you want.

it was projectile | aoe | dig . but yet i still dont understand the things with the brown squares

and the thing about the lightning massacre was this combo: Beam, Range 3x, Zone, AoE, Lightning Damage

from their info it "should" channell a stream of lightining which massacre all in my mid range if i shot it in the sky

there are many other but i havent tried them yet. all of the other spells are from an other forum and i dont like to advertisite or how it calls
How do I make a bound sword? This may have been brought up before and this is a pretty old thread, but can someone help me
A question, how does the chrono anchor work? I tried self:chrono anchor once and it simply crashed my game, is it bugged or am I dumb?
It does work. If your game crashed when using it maybe you used it wrong (like a targeting modifier that doesn't work) or your computer/server can't handle it.
How it works is it gives you an effect which will return you to where you were when you activated it after it expires. (It kid of resets of so you will come back with the inventory experience and hunger you had when you started)
Okay, so i have a few questions. Recently I've been messing around with the zone shape, but i cant quite get it to work. What i'm trying to do is make a spell that entangles enemy's, then use zone to make the star-fall shape hit all enemies in a area. am i supposed to use radius with it to increase how far it goes, or use chain to make the stars target multiple enemy's. What i don't realize is how zone works. I understand it's not like area of affect where it targets one large area, but is it like channel but for targets rather than yourself? This is for a pvp server by the way.
there are
Okay, so i have a few questions. Recently I've been messing around with the zone shape, but i cant quite get it to work. What i'm trying to do is make a spell that entangles enemy's, then use zone to make the star-fall shape hit all enemies in a area. am i supposed to use radius with it to increase how far it goes, or use chain to make the stars target multiple enemy's. What i don't realize is how zone works. I understand it's not like area of affect where it targets one large area, but is it like channel but for targets rather than yourself? This is for a pvp server by the way.
Zone is a principum shape, so you have to explain how you want your zone to work by adding another shape after it.

for example, If you want the effects to apply to anything/anyone inside the zone, put Zone|touch|whatever your effect is(or replace touch with chain so the zone's range to stretch out a little further.

If you want the effects to keep triggering even if nothing is there, do Zone|AoE|effect.

If you want to force anyone in the zone to cast a spell at the cost of their mana, Zone|projectile|effect is the way to go.

And why not combine the entangle and the starstrike. You probably want to make your spell (projectile|Zone|Aoe|entangle|Starstrike) add modifiers if you want.
Hello I came here for some help. I play on a PVP server custom modpack but with the major mods, ars magica, blood magic tinkers and the other well knowns. We have draconic evolution and I have been trying to make a spell that can hurt draconic armor. I have given up on dealing damage, the armor ignores rapier damage. I was thinking I could take the armor off somehow? I know disarm takes the item out of their hand but does dismembering take the armor? I tested this with pigmen but maybe it would be different with players. Thanks in advance any thing is helpful.
Draconic evolution really doesn't really fit in pvp servers, but one thing you can do is teleport him into the air, (above 150Y) trap him there with entangle and astral distortion, spawn an air guardian. some of the guardians attacks will take off Armor, before he notices, use your strongest attack. one thing you could try is a non tinkers weapon, the fury spell, and strength 2. this combo makes a diamond sword do 100+ dmg. Tell me if you need more help with damage, there are a lot more powerful things with ars magica.
Draconic evolution really doesn't really fit in pvp servers, but one thing you can do is teleport him into the air, (above 150Y) trap him there with entangle and astral distortion, spawn an air guardian. some of the guardians attacks will take off Armor, before he notices, use your strongest attack. one thing you could try is a non tinkers weapon, the fury spell, and strength 2. this combo makes a diamond sword do 100+ dmg. Tell me if you need more help with damage, there are a lot more powerful things with ars magica.
So I like the idea but 2 problems, entangle does not work with flying. You can just double space bar and get out of it and 2. My ars magica version is bugged and I cannot spawn bosses. But I will try the fury and strength 2 combo.
Hey, people!

I'm playing a custom modpack with AM2 and I made the following spell:

Projectile / Zone / AoE / Lightning Damage / Entangle (mana: 520 approx.)

How I can make this spell stronger with low mana cost?
Hey, people!

I'm playing a custom modpack with AM2 and I made the following spell:

Projectile / Zone / AoE / Lightning Damage / Entangle (mana: 520 approx.)

How I can make this spell stronger with low mana cost?
well I'm not sure about mana cost (just use potions, they're cheap as balls), but the solar/lunar modifiers, preferably lunar, give spells insane boosts. When I tried buff spells with x3 lunars near midnight, The buff timer, was xx:xx. I'm not sure whether this means infinite or just very long, but it lasted over 2 hours. Solar/Lunar will modify dmg,radius,range,healing and duration.

Just go in a creative world, test Solar/Lunar spells out and go insane.
well I'm not sure about mana cost (just use potions, they're cheap as balls), but the solar/lunar modifiers, preferably lunar, give spells insane boosts. When I tried buff spells with x3 lunars near midnight, The buff timer, was xx:xx. I'm not sure whether this means infinite or just very long, but it lasted over 2 hours. Solar/Lunar will modify dmg,radius,range,healing and duration.

Just go in a creative world, test Solar/Lunar spells out and go insane.
It made zones last for hours too, I actually had to get rid of it manually with water it lasted so long